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Welcome to Razor and Ruudboy's TV Room Welcome to Razor and Ruudboy's TV Room Welcome to Razor and Ruudboy's TV Room

Welcome to Razor and Ruudboy's TV Room (as stated above). This page is designed to be a quiet place, where you can take a break from surfing the web and relax for a few minutes by watching some television -- just like we used to do in the old days. As you can plainly see, Razor and Ruudboy take great pride in the fact that we only stock our TV Room with the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art equipment we can find. Most of the television sets below, for example, were either rescued from garbage dumpsters or painstakingly hauled out of Ruudboy's basement, then thoroughly cleaned with oily rags and stress-tested to ensure optimal performance.

Welcome to Razor and Ruudboy's TV Room

Hmm ... upon closer inspection, it appears as though our TV sets aren't exactly functioning at the high level of quality that we normally expect and demand, and for this we are truly sorry. However, maybe if you come back in a few days they'll be working correctly once more. Just remember, we said maybe. As in, "Maybe. I don't know, we'll see." That sort of maybe. Yep.

So anyways, so uhh ... well, y'all come back soon then, now, ya hear?!


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Contents Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions/The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Razor and Ruudboy's Cool-Looking Navigation System:

Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions/The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2038 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Contents Copyright 1998-2028 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Contents Copyright 1998-2038 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2098 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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Razor and Ruudboy's Cool-Looking Navigation System:

Copyright 1998-2098 Razor and Ruudboy Productions/The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2038 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Contents Copyright 1998-2028 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

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Contents Copyright 1998-2038 Razor and Ruudboy Productions unless otherwise expressly stated. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Contents of this website are © 1998-2098 Loserville City Limits (LCL) and The AGCS Network unless otherwise expressly stated. This webpage and related pages are in no way affiliated with any other organization. All names, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.
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