Sam (played by John Flynn) is the very model of a modern Satanist, he believes in doctrine and lifestyle rather than mythology and gods. He views the bible as a brilliant work of fiction. He is therefore the antithesis of May's faith.
He is not the sinister path, dog burning devil worshipper May believes him to be. He is in fact the most 'normal' of all the characters, the film's everyman. He found himself kidnapped, tortured and murdered because of his beliefs. And as he died Kade saw it and told him to stay put. And so he stayed in his own rotting corpse for days on the advice of a woman he'd never met, not understanding how he had contacted her. In his world there was no magic, no ghosts, no demons, and exorcisms where things cavemen did by borning holes into each others skulls. Of the four character he finds the situation most difficult to deal with. |
He understands that he is dead but is somehow still conscious, he has no idea what Kade is planning, and he is unable to communicate beyond repeating the word 'Water'. He is unsure what exactly is going on. But he knows that Kade is the only other person who saw his killers.
He also comes to see that Slater is on his side, as it becomes obvious that the older priest is totally unaware of how he died. |