Rules and Regulations
Okay I know rules are boring but we have to have em for this RPG to work! Trust me, I've been on one or two that have had no rules, got silly and dropped to bits!
So please read this page, it tells you the game rules as well as the information you need to create your character.
*Scarlet Fox, The Irritating Rules Mistress!*
- *~Rules for Character Creation~*
- All characters are in their first year at the school. This is so we can all role play together in the same class, if we're all in different years and classes it gets confusing!
- We don't mind if you character isn't human as long as they're basically human shaped. i.e.
No dragons or other animals. Thats what pets are for!
No aliens or monsters, this is a fantasy game not a sci-fi!
- Pets are allowed but they are not compulsary.
- In the beginning at least you can only have ONE character. Maybe later people can have more than one but its less confoosing if we start it off this way!
- *~General Game Rules~*
- Playing other people characters in your post IS allowed, but ONLY as long as the post is mainly about your own character and you don't make the other persons character do anything silly or that their character wouldn't normally do (for example we do NOT make Danya cry cos she generally won't. It might get her tail all wet!)
- You can't kill or mortally injure anyone without their out of charcter permission. That just wouldn't be fair now WOULD it Thea? *glares*
- There will probably be more rules coming soon, so watch this space I'm not done yet (bwaaaaaahahahahahaha! <----evil laughter!)
- Now that you have read all the rules (and you better have read them!!!) follow the link to the newbie page to join!
Newbie page!
Banquetting Hall (to see the house banners + sorting)