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November 13, 2009

The End

This is it.
Its the post that I've been dreading for sometime but knew it would eventually come down to. For sometime now Dark Truths has been slipping from the ranks of internet stories forums. Whether its due to a changing society or my time being more devoted to family and a small business, is not the reason, though they do play a key role. I am just not that same dark hearted horror fanatic that I was over 12 years ago when, in a college website building class in Pennsylvania, I began Dark Truths.
Things change.
People change.
Ideals change.
Everything changes.
What have I learned from all of this?
I found that I can be content with life as an artist. I've learned I love to create from scratch. I've learned that raising kids can be an exciting and even more scary than the most horrific movie. (Let anyone who thinks different try their hand at their child with a 103 degree fever racing to a hospital at 3 in the morning.)
I guess in hosting the Dark Truth Ezine for 12 years, I've discovered the Light Truth as well.
In the end you can have everything you want. It just takes a lot of work, sweat, tears, sometimes blood and persistence. But you can make it.
Just never give up.
Never let failure bar your way, its just a temporary setback.
Always keep moving forward.
The web domain name Dark Truths will be allowed to perish. But the archive at will remain active as a library of work from those who have contributed over the years. Thank you for the stories and poetry and commentary over the years.
If I have to leave you with any words of wisdom besides those I've left already, it would be to love eachother. Don't let petty bickering of mundane ideals or material possessions cause hatred to grow in your hearts. Leave no place for hatred to take root. Stamp it out. No peace is worth loss of liberty. Fight for it with your last dying breath.
Good night and God Bless You All.

Posted by Rafael at 1:35 PM on November13, 2009

July 11, 2008

Site Wide Modifications...

Dark Truths will be undergoing some INTENSE modifications over the next few weeks. So please bare with me while I try to modernize some areas that have been neglected for a while.

Posted by Rafael at 6:26 PM on July 11, 2008

July 04, 2008

New Stories Update...

Just a small update this month. I have been thrust into the world of Python programming and care of baby number 2, so there has been little time for any updates lately. Rick McQuiston is back with another duo of spine tingling horror.An Old Neglected Cemetery and Andy's Lamp. Check them out and leave comments, scary stories or incidents on the BLOG in the Commentary section.

Posted by Rafaelat 12:27 PM on July 04, 2008

Something To Say?

If so, don't just be a reader. Post Something! Submit either on the Blog or send an email. Nothing will be ignored!
Stories of every type will be accepted. Romance, Commentary, Western, Mystery, SciFi, Drama, and, of course, Horror, will be accepted.
So bring on the stories, poetry, commentary, etc. We are even accepting photos, artwork and the like. Will you play a part? Or just sit in the sidelines?
Send material .