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Dark Truths...
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The Doom That Came To Sarnath

H.P. Lovecraft

Thus of the very ancient city of Ib was nothing spared save the sea-green idol chiseled in the likeness of Bokrug, the water lizard. This the young warrior took back with them as a symbol of conquest over the old gods and beings of Ib, and as a sign of leadership in Mnar. But on the night after it was set up in the temple, a terrible thing must have happened, for weird lights were seen over the lake, and in the morning the people found the idol gone and the high-priest Taran-Ish lying dead, as from some fear unspeakable. And before he died, taran-Ish had scrawled upon the altar of chrysolite with coarse shaky strokes the sign of DOOM.


The boy went back to his room. He was reading his book aloud - well he had to because it was a Saturday and the father was at home... and the father went to school when very few in his village did and the father always stood first in his class and the father always read his lessons aloud.. .because till he reached his college he believed that it was the only way to read... and when he first saw somebody reading without moving his lips... he was amazed... maybe black magic... he thought... but not for my kid. And of course for all this, his father had to walk ten miles to his school, his father had to walk ten miles to his school, barefoot.
Black Cage Talking

Brian W. Cooke

I barely had the time to question how I'd come to be inside the barn, when those beasts manifested all over again --just as I knew they would! And of course, that's when I saw their wicked silhouettes, contrasted by the moon shone through that barred windowpane. Their harrowing cries ascended from the same pitch nothingness of lightness corners, and echoed against the walls to rape my deepest senses all over again; driving me mad!!

Stavro Yianni

Chopsticks to the left, breadsticks to the right. I needed none of these, as I already possessed my tools. I gazed at the wax as it melted down the candle and formed a shapeless mass in the cup of its silver holder. The glow of the flame added a bit of warmth to the place, especially as it was pouring down outside.
Going Home to Mother

Rich Logsdon

"Think I'm outta gas, boys," she said, still grinning. "Want to fill me up, huh?" Gripping the barrel with her left hand, she brought forth the weapon and, as she put the barrel against the window, gently put her finger around the trigger. Squeeze, Dara, squeeze, a voice in side of her said. It took the face at the window a while to respond.
Miles From Home

Rich Logsdon

It was a wonderful idea. Gun leveled at the man's chest, she knew she could get away with it. Ready to squeeze the trigger, she suddenly remembered a painting that she had seen years ago: Hieronymus Bosch's The Temptation of St. Anthony. Even at the time, tormented by destructive impulses, Sandra had been moved by the depiction of the praying saint, surrounded by grotesque figures representing demons with a medieval town burning in the distance.

Barb Hacker

"I wore this shirt when I carried both you and your brother home from the hospital," the old woman said. "Your brother and your father both hugged me when I was wearing this shirt, as did you, when your hands were grubby with mud pies. I wore it when I buried your brother and I put it on the night your father died. I intend to keep wearing it."

R.H. Prestridge

I looked over at the vampyre, who raised his glass of steamed blood and toasted me. "Salut," he said in a voice as dry, harsh and cold as a root cellar on a late November's morning. Mac set down a mug of chilled beer in front of me. I handed him a bill, and he went off to make change.
How I Became A Narcissist

Sam Vaknin

I forced myself to remember, threatened by the immanent presence of the Grim Reaper. I fluctuated between shattering flashbacks and despair. I wrote cathartic short fiction. I published it. I remember holding myself, white knuckles clasping an aluminum sink, about to throw up as I am flooded with images of violence between my parents, images that I repressed to oblivion. I cried a lot, uncontrollably, convulsively, gazing through tearful veils at the monochrome screen.
Sloshing Blood On The Floor And Wiping It Up With The Heads Of the Innocent

Philip Overby

Billie returned Oliver's kissing for a minute then pushed his tongue up to the roof of her mouth and bit down through his lip, through the skin and sending her teeth out through the other side, sending blood streaming down Oliver's chin and all over his neck and chest.

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