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Guestbook Index#1


I like what I put on my web site. Hanson does not rule. I hate that sound that they make. And I don't remember saying anything about Jewel on my page. HANSON DOES NOT RULE!

i dont think u should judge hanson because you r no better than them and i happen to like them i dont understand why people hate them i mean they are just a teenage group doing somthing spicial with there life and i really look up to them for how far they got

You are saying that I am no better than Hanson. Well, Hanson is no better than me. I don't care if you look up to Hanson because I don't.

Screw you !

Screw you too!

hi.i bet none of you will believe that this is me. Why do u hate hanson so much what did we do? it really upsets me that u treat us like that! if u dont like us dont listen 2 us but please respect us. just because some of u dont like the type of music we play please dont ruin it 4 us! thanx! and thank you to all of the fans out there. taylor hanson

I really don't care who you are. Even if you really are Taylor Hanson, that really doesn't make a difference to me. I don't want to respect you because I don't like that sound you make. This is also why I have this page. And I don't plan on taking it down because I've worked on it for a long time already!

Why do you want to hurt these young kids? They aren't hurting anyone and this is really hurting you thinking thinking this way. I hope you realize what you are doing. They are only kids!!!

Obviously you haven't read My Thoughts. Who said anything about hurting them? I hate their sound that they make is what I said.

HEY, I'M A HANSON FAN, I LOVE HANSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR PAGE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND YOU'RE JUST A MOTHER FUCKED, BIE=)

First I don't know how the heck I'm actually getting some visits lately but it's a good feeling. Hey you Hanson fan, you have to be nice on my page. I'm sure you haven't seen any cuss words written by me on this page. Either you lack the intelligence to express yourself more articulately, or you just do it purely for shock value to sound "cool." Either way I dislike it so don't do it again. One more thing. You only think this page sucks because it's anti-Hanson. You probably would have thought it was a great page if it was a fan page of Hanson.

Listen I don't want to disrespect you or insult or whatever.I just would like to know why do you make a page about something you hate,why don't you save your time and make a page of something you like.And this way you wouldn't have people writing to you that threatening your life.Well gotta go,peace.

It's a bit late to be saying stuff like that. Besides, I enjoy working on web pages. And I DO have web pages about stuff I like.

Hey, I really doubt that you can put any stop to Hanson's "noise". I haven't really been listening to their music, all I want to say is this webpage isn't showing the mature side of you. If you have a mature side. Face it, there is NO way you can get rid of these people. I'm pretty sure they make a hell of alot more money than you. Thank you!

So maybe I don't have a mature side. At least I know that Hanson sucks!

i personaly think that this page sux!!!!!!!!!!! If you think they suck then you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you shouldnt say that they suck because i wuold like to see you try and sing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HANSON AND MANSON RULE SO SHUV IT UP YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!^&^%$#$^&*(&^*(%$%#$%@&*$&@@*&

I'm sorry to say that there isn't any help for you out there.

PLEASE READ EVERYBODY WHO HATES HANSON!!!! what do you think you guys are proving? that you guys are pathedic annoying losers who clog up the internet? you succeded. congratulations. you really must have no life. I mean, I hate alot of bands such as the spice girls and n sinc and backstreetboys. but you don't see me flashing it in everyones face! it's my opinion so i keep it to myself! take the hint! no one want to listen to you diss hanson! hanson can dress, act, wear there hair and sing however they frigin' want to!!!!! it's there lives so leave them alone. I can see making an anti-page of marilyn manson 'cause he just sucks. actually there is no word bad enough to explain him. the point i'm getting at: if you don't like hanson, keep it to yoourself because nobody wants to hear it.

If you don't want to hear it don't come here in the first place. If people are allowed to make anti-Manson pages, then people are allowed to make an anti-Hanson page.

Hi. I just wanted to say that just because they have a major record deal, many #1 hits, GREAT voices, GOOD looks, THOUSANDS of girls their age screaming out their names, some of them dying to go out with one of them, talented musicians, more money than any of you will every have, and the popularity kinda shows me that these guys don't suck!!! Just because your not into their music doesn't mean you have to tell people you dont like them. Why are you even wasting your time doing this "Anti-Hanson" website?!? I mean don't you have better things to do with your life? Guess not if this is what you are doing.

If you want it to be that way that's fine with me.

I truly don't understand why you make a big deal about hating Hanson by creating a web site. If you hate them so much, then why bother wasting your time making a whole site about it? I hate the Spice Girls, but I don't go to SG sites to get information on them and then make an anti-SG site. It's dumb. You must have some interest in Hanson if you know so much about them. You even know their baby sister's name! Get a life and take this stupid waste of time and space off the internet.

You're the one wasting your time. You don't like it, don't say nothing!

Hanson are not girls. They are males. I think you may have a problem with that, since you feel the need to refer to them as the "Hanson sisters". Of course, there are three Hanson sisters: Jessica, Avery, and Zoe. But they don't sing. Which brings me to another point. Hanson's music is, in fact, music. More so than, hmm, say, Prodigy, Manson, NiN, ect. And, although incomprehensible to your miniscule mind capacity, MMMBop does mean something. The word is used as a frame in time. Like a fraction of a second. Hence the lines "in an MMMBop they're gone, in an MMMBop they're not there". The song it's self is about relationships. It talks about how you have to be able to realize who your real friends are before the fake ones are gone. I suggest you take down this piece of crap and leave it for someone who has something important to say.

I'm very much impressed with your work Ryan. You get an A for your work.

This site is nothing but a box full of junk!

That's right so don't come back!


No, thank you for helping me expand my web page!

Hi. I would just like to comment on the sign posted that states "Vote for my site." Ok. And what contest would that be? Lamest way to vent jealousy? Site whose manager has the lowest IQ? I mean, sure, I'll vote, but where??? Oh, and do you think that adults who specialize in musical reviews and professionals with degrees know less than you do about music?? Because if you say Hanson is only noise, and they nominate Hanson for three Grammys... hmm, who should I trust more? A zit faced teenager with too much extra time or a college graduate? um...

This is called discrimination! Do you worship Hanson? Is that why you say such things. You really need therapy.

okay i wanna know what are you proving??? and if you think this hurts or is gonna stop Hanson they don't care if you make hate pages they think they are funny because of how false and retarded they are. and i don't care if you hate them but it makes no sense to hate someone you NEVER ever met or do you just hate them because you don't like their music cuz you can't not like them since you have met them personally!! see i don't like the backstreet boys and i'm not going out of my way wasting space on the internet an dmaking a page about something I hate and i don't think people should do that!! and even though Manson is weird he's not that bad really he don't prove nothing in his music but he just does things his way!!! okay?? well all i have to say is you immature!!

It sounds like you personally know Hanson. Or is this just Zac or Taylor or Isaac? I do not care if Hanson does not care. I do not care if they just laugh at my page. I think that most people do get a kick out of it. Stop repeating what the previous Hanson fans had to say. I heard enough!

okay in your warning you say "If you can't say anything nice then you should not be here" okay your not saying anything nice so you shouldn't be here sooo....... and by the way your not proving yourself to be one bit mature i know MANY people who ABSOULUTELY hate hanson and they don't go around crying about it they just be mature and turn off the f---ing radio or are you to dumb to know how to??...

Hey thanks for censoring. I'm not going to be harsh on you since you're probably just another 3 year old just like Hanson. You must be proud of yourself for proving me immature. No, just wait... your not the first. Sorry you do not win the award. I make sure I turn the radio off when Hanson is on so are you happy now?

i agree with taylor!if you guys have a problem about them then keep it to yourselves!not everyone in the damn earth have to listen to the same kind of crap!!now,i like hanson!and i like lots of other music too!and if you have a problem then f---!you can f---in shove it up your ass cause hanson is here forever dammit!! tanya

Yeah why don't you come shove it up my butt right now. You'd be so scared you'd wet your pants before shoving anything up me. Hanson is a virus that needs to die before it spreads anymore.

Man you all have a F>>>>>>ing problem. If you don't like them then fine. How would you like it if someone wanted you dead and let the whole world know. You all are waste of time. Spend your days doing something else. basically, your like a HANSON fan if you go to this much trouble.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Who in the world said they wanted Hanson dead? All I said is that I want their music to die! And I really doubt any of us have a problem with you know what.

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