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Terrifying Helmets

When the Celts rode into battle, their nobles would often be wearing helmets with large peaks and cones. These were worn in order to put a sense of dread into opposing armies. Some helmets stood almost eighteen inches high. Some were shaped into horns. Most were made of bronze, or another alloy.

The larger helmets were associated with the early La Tene style. By the time of the last La Tene era, the headwear had shrunk considerably. Part of the reason that the helmets had lost their large peaks was the change in warfare.

The early La Tene nobles rode into battle in their war chariots. It was easier to balance such heavy headgear while on the base of a chariot. By the close of the last La Tene period, the Celts had foregone the use of their chariots for full cavalry charges. The larger helmets would have presented an unbalanced rider, rather than a frightening apparition.

When Gaul ceased being the main part of the Celtic empire, and became a province of Rome, the helmets were smaller, closer to the head, and more functional in battle.

Burial Rites| Who Were the Celts?| La Tene|Halstaat
Celtic Tribes| TORCS| Hillforts and Oppida
Boudicca and the Romans| Druids||Social Classes
Terrifying Helmets|Arms And Weaponry|Gods and Goddesses
Were the Celts Illiterate?|European Celtic Place Names
