Honey of Millgar <br> Tan Fawn W:11-21-46
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Honey of Millgar Tan Fawn W:11-21-46

Sire Ch Garry of Benlore ROM* BTFalko of BenloreCh Odin v Busecker Schloss PH ROM*Sgr Dachs v Bern
Gerda v Busecker Schloss SchH HGH
Ch Erna of Benlore CDCh Burt of Garastanna
Barda of Benlore
Ardis v Mergenhaus BGyEburt of BenloreCh Burt of Garastanna
Barda of Benlore
Quip of GarastannaLasso Nibelung
Asta of Garastanna
Dam Bianca vd Hochstrasse* FawnGrayAce of the Hochstrasse GrIto Willigslust GrArno v Stift-Hervede
Dora Willigslust
Lotus of LaSalle BGrChlodulf vd Hechtsburg
Otty v Haigergau
Schone of the Hochstrasse* BFnArmin of LaSalleBaron Superior
Asta v LaSalle
Blanche of LaSalle* WhtGldnTanCh Lump v Piastendamm*
Ruth of LaSalle*

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