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Our Color Genetic Research Dogs, Litters, and Available Puppies

This page provides information on our white and white factored dogs. The white dogs we selected to incorporate into our lines were chosen because of their superior ability to produce soundness, correctness of structure, and correct balanced breed temperament. The bloodlines of the best white shepherd breeders seem to be CONSISTENTLY producing a much higher percentage of sound hips than many German Shepherd bloodlines worldwide, something the whole German Shepherd Dog world could benefit from (except that the ability to see past a dog's coat color and openmindedly look at the total dog seems to be a feat many are unable to accomplish.)
It is quite impressive to sit down and see normal hip and elbow xrays on numerous dogs through the generations in a breeding program, which is exactly what we observed that day. These particular breeders should also be credited for their courage in being honest and open enough to bring out all of their hip and elbow films and allow us to examine them. Such openness about faults and virtues that their dogs and lines produce that is seen in many dedicated AWSA White Shepherd Breeders is a trait that all other breeders would do well to emulate.

Our Dogs

Raebark Shepherds 317-460-0073 continues to produce top quality white and white-factored German Shepherd Dogs as well as colored German Shepherd Dogs, while my focus is mainly on studying and researching the breed, particularly color/pattern genetics.

Pedigrees below, are of dogs that carry the white gene or are of white dogs. One major finding has been that the white gene itself does NOT cause dilution of pigment in colored dogs carrying the white gene. Also the white gene does NOT cause white spotting. The white spotting genes in the German Shepherd dog, of which there are at least two, one being a common recessive and the second being a much more uncommon dominant white spotting gene, is NOT caused by the white recessive gene that is responsible for the White Shepherd/White German Shepherd Dog breeds.

Matilda is a rich RED/black sable (agouti) that proves that the white factor does not wash out pigment. Her sire is the well known "Romeo", her dam is an agouti out of American show lines, with some German lines and American obedience working lines represented as well. It is interesting that she is a deep red/black sable and her brother Lewin is equally as clearly a rich silver/black sable. Both have dark faces with black muzzles and dark eyes.

Raebark's Super Groovy Lewin "Lewin"
Lewin is a silver/black agouti (sable) litter brother to Matilda (described above). He has a dark face and black muzzle and produces dark faces and black muzzles in his colored progeny. His dam is out of excellent American show lines combined with working and German lines.


Regalwise Grand Vizier
Grandi is a large black and red-tan male out of a Dutch-German bloodline sire and a white dam. He combines the white recessive with contemporary German bloodlines. Grandi is standing at stud at Tumbledown Kennels 1-219-843-1053. Grandi produces rich black and reds, further proving that the white recessive gene doesn't cause color dilution in colored dogs that carry the white gene.
Pictures of Grandi coming soon!

Raebark's Enigmatic Mystery
"Mystery" is an extremely dark black with silver shadings in his legs (at this time we are not sure if he genetically is a solid black with shadings, or a real dark bicolor genetically.) He carries the white gene from his sire. Click on Mystery's name to see his pedigree.

Pikachu is a structurally very correct female whom we hope to show and breed. She is medium in height with excellent conformation and pigment.

Raichi is the daughter of Pikachi and Waldo, a dark richly pigmented agouti (sable).

Regalwise Isis Arcoiris Sahiela "Isis"
Isis is a large, very elegant sable out of a combination of the best white bloodlines and German bloodlines as well. Her pedigree is a very strong hip producing pedigree.

Cleffa is out of Birko and an elegant American show dam. She has very strong black and tan pigment, much better than her mothers. The breeding she came from was done partially to test the theory that white washes out colors...her dam is a washed out saddle black and tan. The litter all had much stronger pigment and intensity of coloration than their dam, including black and reds! Like other white to colored combinations I have been able to document, it seems that the white gene has no bearing on the intensity of coloration or pigment in colored progeny.

Oreo is a very large black female out of top white lines and 1/4 German bloodlines. She presently has herself a "lease on the good life of being spoiled rotten" at Tumbledown Kennels, where she presently is in residence and producing very nice quality litters.

Tumbledown Raebark Penny Ante "Penny"> who is pictured at the top of this page, a beautiful daughter of the well known "Romeo". Her pedigree will be posted here soon.

Tumbledown Raebark Furrenzy "Furrenzy"
She was absolutely breathtaking as a young puppy and as she matures (albeit slowly) she is coming out of her teenage ganglies and looking better all the time. Her pedigree will be posted here very soon.

Raebark's Busy Hunting Trouble "Busy"
Busy is a striking silver sable sister to Mystery.

Raebark's Goldilocks
Goldilocks is a very strikingly beautiful young golden sable lady, who shows great promise.

You can contact SAHIELA at color.genetics@gmail$com (insert a dot in place of $)

You can contact RAEBARK at 1-317-460-0073.

More information and photographs will be coming soon. Owners of pups from these dogs of ours are encouraged to submit photographs as their dogs grow up, to continue the color research documentation.

Anyone else who wishes to contribute photo and pedigree data for this color research documentation can send it to: SAHIELA Color Genetic Research Project 1006 Independence Dr. E Elwood, IN. 46036

There has been little said about the white parentage of these dogs because the whites in these pedigrees are famous dogs in the upper echelon of the White Shepherd world. Many of these dogs can be found in the picture and pedigree sections at the AWSA Website. The link to that site is given below.
AWSA White Shepherd Site

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