Laidy Ludwigshafen
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Laidy Ludwigshafen

Ch Llano Estacado's LeyendoCh Royal Rogue of Long Worth CDCh Cito vom Haus TippersruhAsko vom Grossen Remtor
Steffi vom Wiegerfelsen
Ch Nyx of Long WorthCh Garry of Benlore ROM
Elga v Saliba
Ch Llano Estacado's TinaGVCh Jory of Edgetowne CD ROMCh Vol of Long Worth ROM
Ch Orpha of Edgetowne ROM
Ch Llano Estacado's ArroganteCh Conde del Llano Estacado
Ch Cita v Da-Rie-Mar-Hill CD
Tracy's Guardian LiliCh Valmark KrisCh Valiant of Draham CDCh Nocturne of Grettamarc
Adelia of Draham
Ch Valmark BurmaCh Nocturne of Grettamarc
Duchen of Fleetwood
Stormy of EdgetowneSchatz of EdgetowneCh Onyx of Edgetowne
Pamela of Edgetowne
Lady KipSequoia Mike
Hunky Dory Dixie

White & Golden GSD Whelped 8-22-58

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