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1960s White Shepherd/GSD Pedigrees

This is a collection of white shepherd pedigrees of dogs from the 1960s. Most of these dogs are out of very well known colored GSD individuals and bloodlines.

Agingerschnap v Lustighaus
Alladin's Boy
Apache Chief Son of Squawfoot
Ardjudes Starmist
Arroyo Seco's Judy
Carmel of Day Place
Countess Snow Staudervon
Donalei's Honda
Duchess Pat II
Duchess Sandria Reynolds
Elique of Troy
Elizabeth's Tammy
Ewalt's Tiger
Fabian von Buff
Fawn Beauty
Foremost Hazel
Freska v Duchess
Ginger Regnig
Hickory Hills White Pento
Iso Freyr
Jordan's Frosty, Ross Korblitzen, Valiant of the Artic CD
Master Sarge of Pratts Branch
Miss Sno O Ko
Miss Tomasina
Mister Clean of King Cole
Nero von Ray
Oser of Charles
Prince of Bingo
Sabrina Sue
Sevey's Prince
Silverado King
White Lady of Tung
Wyndham's Prince
On to 1970s White Pedigrees
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