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GVCh Alert of Mi-Noah's ROMCan GV ,Ch San Miguel's Baron of Afbor UDCh San Miguel's Ilo of Rocky Reach UD ROMCj Arno of San Miguel CD ROM
Ch Franza of Rocky Reach CD ROM
Afra of PangamoorCh Colonel v Haus Hodes CDX
Ch Christal v Scholarskamp
Mi-Noah'sOphelia of Long Worth ROMAlert of Long WorthInt Ch Odin v Busecker Schloss PH ROM
Long Worths Orla v Liebestraum
Ch (LongWorth's )Ophelia of Greenfair ROM*Sgr, ACGVCh Pfeffer v Bern ROM
CGV,ACCh Lucie v Drei-Kronen
Ellex von MarksgrafinGVCh Alert of Mi-Noah's ROMCan GV, Ch San Miguel's Baron of Afbor UDCh San Miguel's Ilo of Rocky Reach UD ROM
Afra of Pangamoor
Mi-Noah's Ophelia of Long Worth ROMAlert of Long Worth
(Long Worth's) Ophelia of Greenfair ROM*
Xina von MarkgrafinReif vom BischofstahlArgus vom Treiser Rennthof
Amsel vom Alten Schurgraben
Penelope Queen LeeAppollo of Monroe
Linda Lee v Schwartz

Buff GSD Whelped 3-15-60 *this bitch sometimes has the LongWorth at the beginning of her name and sometimes not, but in her own studbook entry, the Long Worth is not listed. Elena is out of a father-daughter breeding.

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