Bengey Lee Clark
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Bengey Lee Clark

Rex's El Sabre of Charay JrCh Ro-San's El Sabre of Charay CDCCh Elwillo's RandCh Llano Estacado's Gengis ROM
Inge vd Siegfried
Ro-San's BridgetteYoncalla's Dub Me King Charles
Cadet's Reba
Sondor's LottieCh Wyndean's IvanoCh Eko Lan's Paladen ROM
Wyndean's Elke
Sondor's JackieACGVCh Lance of Fran-Jo ROM
Sondor's Cleo-Patricia
Candy vom NaerCanterbury's Bishop CD TDCh Storm Haven's Dolf ROMCh Bernd vom Kallengarten SchH2 ROM
Venus of Stormhaven
Imp of Fama PinesCh Beaumann's Stefan
Kleda of Fama Pines
Ray O'Bee's Quick Sand CDCh Philberyn's IphisCh Gallant of Arbywood
Philberyn's Damarra
Ch Ray O'Bee's AngeliqueCh Ray O' Bee's Starke
Ray O'Bee's Evening in Gold

White GSD Akc Studbook Date 5-80

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