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Top Affiliation

  • 350 hits a day
  • Very GOOD Layout
  • Lots of Content
  • Friendly web-master
  • I must like the site A Lot
  • Your button will be placed under affiliates and mine will also on your site or a link(text) if all of your other affiliates are the same way also...
    If you think you meet the requirements for Top AffiliationE-mail Me
    Note:Exceptions can be made

    Regular/Other Affiliates

    • 175 hits a day
    • Nice layout
    • Good content
    • Friendly web-master
    • I must like the site
    • Your Link will be place in the other affiliates bar..
    • You have to put my button on every page of your site
      If you think you meet the requirements E-mail Me
      Note:Exceptions can be made