Lots o' Links

I've included here some links to my favorite BtVS fanfiction pages, Roswell fanfiction pages,just BtVS or Roswell pages, cast sites, and some pages of my buddies. Enjoy, they've gotta be better than mine!

BtVS Sites

The Slayer's Fanfic Archive
The Buffer
A Very Suave, Very Not Pathetic Slayerette Site
The Avatar Chronicles
The Official Buffy Site
The Thundering Looney Bin

Roswell Sites

Roxy's Site
Eden's Roswell Fic
Ender's UC Fic Archive

Finding the Fish

Fanforum - Roswell 1
Buffy.com Threaded Posting Board
High School Quotes
After High School Quotes

My Buddies' Pages

Wolves' Den
The Parthenon
Stumble On In
The Temple of Procrastos

Email Me!

Main Page