ALLEGED PROGENY OF Sel Ch. Nike-Clayfield Andretti ROM (11-87) Whelped 12-14-85

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Controversy surrounds this particular dog and his progeny, as some alleged progeny of his came under suspicion and their DNA tests confirmed that they WERE NOT out of Andretti. As the story unfolded, it seems the dog became sterile and the owner was substituting other males for him when bitches came to him for stud service. AKC permanently suspended all the owner's privileges, and every progeny of Andretti's that has been bred from is being mandatorily DNA tested by AKC. As of 3-99, the results of these tests have not appeared in the AKC studbooks yet. Where the sire of the progeny can be determined, the registrations will be corrected according to AKC. If the sire cannot be determined, then that progeny and any of its descendants would have their registrations cancelled. Depending on the DNA test results, many hundreds of dogs could be affected by this nightmare.

I do not understand what the motive of Andretti's owner was. He was a longtime show breeder, well known and successful without needing to resort to unethical practices. And who knows how many people and their dogs will pay the price for the damage he did, when all is said and done and AKC's findings are made public?

Such practices are unethical, but not uncommon. Until DNA testing was perfected, though, there was no absolute way to prove parentage of dogs of the same breed and genetic possibilities. In other words, two dogs of a breed that were of the same genetic color and pattern might be both fathers of a litter, or one substituted for the other, and substitution was very difficult to prove. Probably, such practices have been conducted since the beginning of registering of purebred dogs. Another recent case of the same kind of practice involves the Bedwin kennel in the UK.
With the tool of DNA testing, the parentage of a dog can be accurately determined, assuring that the dog is really out of who he is supposed to be out of.
Back to the Andretti case, the likelihood is that pups born out of later litters out of him may be sired by another dog. His early progeny probably are really his. However, because there is a question, AKC took the only sensible action by mandating testing of all of his progeny that had been bred from.

Following is a list of Andretti's progeny that have been used for breeding, their names, their birthdates, and their studbook dates.

If you know of any other progeny of Andretti that were used for breeding who are not on this list, please let me know.

Progeny are listed in order by whelping dates.

Progeny of Andretti 1987
Progeny of Andretti Born 1988
Progeny of Andretti Born 1989
Progeny of Andretti Born 1990
Progeny of Andretti Born 1991
Progeny of Andretti Born 1992
American German Shepherd Pedigrees
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