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Katey's Happy Little Home
A place to learn about...well...ME!!


This page is under construction...and as of June 2013 it is getting more work.
YAY!! Yippie!! YAHOOOO!!

Hey there! My name is Katey
I am 36 years old (aged in June)
I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

My Favorite People and Things

Poetry (link later on page)
Helping Others
Photography (link later on page)
Making New Friends
My Family (Mom, Dad, Deanna, Roy, Diana, Aunt Martie)

I love to write poetry, "collage poems", and short stories.
In response to a guestbook message...stories are not here because they are not very well written at all.
May try to find a good one..but it will still be depressing.
Or maybe I will try to write a happy one. The closest to stories I have now are testimonies under my Christian page down there

I write about depressing topics though but many people can relate.
Also...I am thinking...Poetry page may get a face lift. No more ED, abuse, self harm. Leave the rest and add different styles. That is my assignment for the next few weeks.
Click on the danger sign to go to my poems. Enter at your own risk

Dedicated to Haley Ariel - my birth daughter -
Click flower for her page

Haley turned 15 at the end of June!!!!
Growing so fast!
I love you Haley!!!!

I am a Christian.
I have been practically all my life but have been serious about it since about 1994.
Click on the cross to read my testimony (or testimonies).
I also have links to my favorite bible verses there.

Click on the refrigerator to read about my battle with eating disorders
featuring artwork!!!

I am really into photography.
Click on the camera to go to my picture page.
I will be getting more new stuff soon!!!

Just some random abstract art...check it out!
New one just added!

If you have ever been suicidal or are now
please click the brick wall
(just don't bang your head against it)

My favorite quotes

My Online Journal
Updated September 24th, 2008

My Favorite Links

My awesome church - Eastbrook Church
Mercy Ministries of America
Love Letter from God
JigZone - On-line Puzzles
Poetry Exchange
My Friend Robbi's Website
Deanna's (my sister) Website
she has lots of cool links there

Free Guestbook
My Guestbook
