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Welcome to UWW Men's Rugby! Rugby is one of the fastest growing amateur sports worldwide.

Our club was founded in the Spring of 1989 by Kent Lowe, a native of South Africa. 2002 marks the thirteen year of our teams existence. The Men's Rugby Club participates in the Wisconsin Rugby Union as a division 2 collegiate team. We have two seasons in a year. One in the fall semester and one in the spring semester. Our conference season is played in the fall, of which the top two teams in our conference qualify for N.C.A.A. Midwest Tournament, which is the launching pad to qualify for the national tournament. Also, during the year, including summer we participate in tournaments around the state and the Midwest.

As a club sport (as opposed to a Varsity sport such as football) the school provides only limited funding for specific items. to meet our financial needs the club relies on dues from the players each semester, fund raisers, programs and sponsorships. In the past we have been able to make ends meet, but with the continuing rise of costs we are finding it more difficult each year to sustain a balance. If you are interested in sponsoring our club or have any ideas on fund raisers please mail us letter at:

U.W.-Whitewater Men's Rugby
142 Williams Center
Whitewater, WI 53190
