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About the Proposed 345,000 Volt Arrowhead-Weston Transmission Line

Is it true that Wisconsin will not have enough generation to meet it's future needs? No. 
See why at

Wisconsin's  Generation Constrution

Project Study Area Map

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Mission Statement

S.O.U.L. is a grassroots organization whose mission is to promote efficient and orderly management of power, based on the needs of Wisconsin, while protecting the natural, social and economic environments and citizens of Wisconsin.

A giant 345,000 volt "bulk transfer" electric/fiber-optics line is proposed by two private for profit utilities, to slice a 250 mile permanent scar across the face of beautiful northern Wisconsin. 

This huge "Extension Cord", planned to cross the Ceded Territory of the Chippewa, would transfer massive electric sales to points south and east and on through Chicago.

The great negative impacts of health risks, property devaluation and ruination of the "north woods" would be carried on the backs of the 850 private property owners and the tribes, when the companies use eminent domain to 'take' private lands. 

The electricity sold on the line would come from two devastating sources. North Dakota coal plants, which not only adding to the global warming problem, but, also depositing mercury into northern lakes, making fish contaminated for consumption by women and children. Additionally, Manitoba Hydro, which has already caused inhuman suffering of traditional Cree communities from "mega dams" in Manitoba, that have flooded an area the size of the state of Minnesota, would be the other energy source.

In short: there is "blood on the lines" as it comes from ruined Cree land, crosses the Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa Reservation, 850 farmers and neighbors.

The "bottom line", as stated by those opposed to this destructive transmission line with it's 13 story tall metal towers, is that this particular line is not needed "to keep the lights on" in Wisconsin.

The grassroots movement headed by SOUL Inc. (Save Our Unique Lands) says that "cheaper, better and safer" alternatives to the line exist and should be used, and question the need for transmission construction in with the generation additions  Wisconsin is making, with the transmission upgrades already made within our state. Coupled with the proposed "low voltage upgrade" that was proposed by Public Service Commission Staff,  solving any transmission problems in state, we see no reason for this transmission line other than the bulk transfer of energy. 

This project is expensive for all Wisconsinites!  The ATC has stated all rates will be raised by a minimum of 1%.  Since there is currently no construction of this sort in the northwoods, real estate agents have testified that land value, in the vicinity of this project will plummet, devaluing land within a certain project scope area, and raising taxes on other properties to meet state evaluated rates set on towns.  Since approval, the project has already more than doubled in price; this all without any construction beginning within the state. 

Add your voice to the call for a halt to this abuse of power.

Support SOUL's effort to stop this "Extension Cord for Chicago" and bring about environmental justice and stop the human rights abuse. Help bring about a brighter, cleaner healthier future for our children and their children's children. Support alternative renewable energy and conservation now. Start in your own backyard, in your own community, because that's where the next line might be!!!

A message to all the business leaders and politicians in Northern Wisconsin who have been lied to! This power is not for you! It just goes through us!

"As you know, tapping the 345 KV line could degrade certain of the reliability benefits that this line offers." --Dave Valine, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation           
