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~A Witch's Pharmacopoeia~

Now, one of the usual misconceptions that the "non-witches" have had of the craft, is that we boil up all sorts of evil ingredients in our cauldrons! How did this warped belief come about? Well, it could be one or more things.

An herb, perhaps because of it's suggestive appearance, would aquire a picturesque name. The name would stick and, before long, be taken at it's face value.

Another concept could be, in the burning times, witches needed to not only hide their books of spells but they needed a way to keep their formulas secret. Therefore the common name was replaced with an alternitive name, hence keeping it all a secret.

Some of these herbs and plants have more than one alternitive name. This is because of the type of spell it was used in. Use your discretion when choosing them in spells. Try to keep the name in the category you are working on.


Adders Tongue…..Dogstooth Violet

Alehoof…..Ground Ivy


All Heal…..Mistle Toe, Valerian

Amber…..St. Johns Wort


Ass’s Ear…..Comfrey

Ass’s Foot…..Coltsfoot

Bad Mans Plaything…..Yarrow

Bat Wings…..Holly

Bat Tree…..Elder

Bear’s Foot…..Lady’s Mantle, StinkingHellbore

Beaver Poison…..Hemlock

Beehive…..Snail Plant

Beggars Buttons…..Burdock

Beggars Tick…..Cockhold

Birds Eye…Faulse Hellebore, Pansy

Birds Foot…..Fenugreek

Birds Nest…..Carrott

Birds Tongue…..Euro Ash, Black Boy Resin


Blood…..Dragons Blood

Bloody Fingers…..Foxglove

Blue Buttons…..Periwinkle

Blue Eyes…..Potato

Bulls Blood…..Horehound

Bulls Eye…..Marsh Marigold

Bulls Foot…..Colts Foot

Calfs Snout…..Toadflax, Snapdragon

Cat Gut….Hoary Pea

Cats Eye…..Star Scabious

Cats Foot…..Canadian Snake Root, Ground Ivy

Cats Foot/Paw…..Ground Ivy

Cats Milk…..Wartwort

Cats Wort…..Catnip

Chickin Toe…..Crawley Root

Cocks Comb…..Yellow Rattle

Cows Tail…..Canadian Fleabane

Crows foot…..Cranesbill


Deadly Nightshade…..Belladonna

Deadmens Bells…..foxglove

Devils Eye…..Henbane, Periwinkle

Devils Flower…..Bachelors Buttons

Devils Guts…..Dodder

Devils Milk….Celdine, Wartwort

Devils Nettle…..Yarrow

Devils Oatmeal…..Parsly

Dogs Tongue…..Vanilla leaf

Donkeys Eyes…..Cowage Plant

Doves Foot…..Cranesbill

Ducks Foot…..American Mandrake, May Apple

Elf Leaf…..Lavender, Rosemary

Enchanters Plant….Vervain

Engliskmans Foot…..Plantain

Fairies Horses…..Ragwort

Fairy Fingers/Gloves…..Foxglove

Flesh and Blood…..Tormentil

Fox Tail…..Club MossFoals Foot…..Coltsfoot

Frogs Foot…..Bulbous Buttercup

Goats Beard…..Vegetable Oyster

Goats Foot…..Ash Weed

Green Spine…..Spearmint

Hares Foot…..Clover

Helping Hand…..Lucky Hand Rt.

Horse Tail…..Scouring Rush

Hounds Tongue…..Vanilla Leaf

Jacobs Ladder….Lilly of the Valley

Jews Ear…..Fungus on Elder or Elm

Lambs Tongue…..Ribwort Plantain

Lions Foot…..Ladys Mantle

Lions Mouth…..Foxglove

Lions Tooth…..Dandelion


Lizard Tail…..Breast Weed

Mad Weed…..Scullcap

Mothers Heart…..Sheperds Purse

Mouse Ear…..Mouse Blood Wort

Mouse Tail…..Common Stonecrop

Old Lady…..Elder

Old Man…..Mugwort

Old Mans Beard…..Fring Tree

Old Woman…..Wormwood

Organ Broth…..Pennyroyal

Ox Tongue…..Bugloss


Rabbits Foot…..Field Clover

Serpents Tongue…..Adders Tongue

Sheperds Heart…..Sheperds Purse

Snake Head…..Balmony

Snake Milk…..Blooming Spurge

Snakes Tongue…..Adders Tongue Fern

Sparrows Tongue…..Knotweed

Squirrel Ear…..White Plantain

Stag Horn…..Club Moss

Stinking Goose Foot/Swine Snout…..Dandelion

Swine Snout…..Dandelion

Tree of Death…..Cypress

Tree of Doom…..Elder

Tree of Enchantment…..Willow

Tree of Evil…..Walnut

Tree of Love…..Apple


Unicorn Horn…..False Unicorn

Wiccan Tree…..Rowen

Witchs’ Hair…..Dodder

Witchs’ Herb…..Basil

Witchs’ Berry…..Belladonna

Wolfs Claw…..Lycopodium, Club Moss

Wolfs Foot…..Bugle Weed

Wolfs Hair…..Wolf Bane

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