.North, East, South, West, within, without, up, down, a complete lack of direction and dimensionAnimals Mythical creatures, white buffalo, white raven / some say none (yet all)
Astrologic infinite space
Basic nature .Unknowable
Chakra .Crown, third eye
Color Purple, black
Emotion ..Selflessness, mercy
Energy .Projective/Receptive
Gift ..Unity, wholeness
Herbs ..None
Keywords Transform, transcend, self-awareness, internalize, expression, balance
Magick ruled Religious
Magickal themes Unity, harmony, enlightenment, peace (the soul)
Moon .Blue
Musical expression .Orchestra or chorus/ some say none
Metal ..Meteoritic
Physical expression Brain waves
Places .Outer space, vacuum, the void
Plants .Ephedra, mistletoe, the world tree
Point in life ...Pre-conception, soul-ness
Rituals Religious in nature
Ritual forms ...None
Rune ..Wyrd
Season The wheel in motion
Sense ..Spiritual senses (hearing the inner voice)
Shape ..DNA, dodecahedron (solid figure with twelve plane faces)
Sounds Silence
Spirits ..God/dess
Stones .Fossils, petrified wood/some say none
Tarot ...None
Time ...Out of space out of time, eternal starlight
Tool Self, cauldron/ some say none