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Halfling's CC2 Page

Old Notes

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27 September 2000:

Added: Chris Conboy's Palm Varicolor Tree Symbol Catalog, as well as my own D&D Varicolor Modifiers Symbol Catalog, to my Symbols & Templates page.

Note given to me by Paul Mulcahy:
For whatever reason, the downloads on this web site are not compatible with Real Download. People who use Real Download should right click on the icon in their systray, choose “Disable Browser Integration”, then download using the supplied Windows tools. Remember to right-click on the icon again and choose “Enable Browser Integration” after completing downloads from your site.

11 September 2000:

With the mapping of the Shrine of the Kuo-Toa, I've been waiting for an 11 x 17 map that Faustwer was kind enough to photocopy, and mail to me. He's been a big help with this particular map (proofing some of my early attempts at this particular map).

In the interim, I've taken the Greyhawk map done by Linda Kekumu and Lonny Eckert have originally done (and posted on ProFantasy's website- download here) and have been cutting it down to size, in order to show the various locations that these adventures take part in- so, I'm getting two maps done at once, and should have both available next week (hopefully), or before the end of the month.

For those of you looking for Frongoid's Spell Template- I've opened up my Symbols & Templates page- you can see a screenshot, as well as download a copy from there.

1 September 2000:

Currently working on the Shrine of the Kuo-Toa. (If someone could send me scans of areas 14, 21, and 2/3, I would really appreciate it! I'm working out of the GDQ1-7 map book, and these areas are too small to really differenciate objects).

Although I've not done much as far as this mapping project (my "Giants" group broke up, without even entering the Hill Giant fortress), I've been relatively busy over the last few weeks- not only working GenCon for ProFantasy, but also getting some 3E material keyed in for my own group use.

If you would like to grab my own Excel Character Spreadsheet, or a PDF File of some 3E creatures, please, feel free to.

07 August 2000:

My email address has changed; please send all further correspondence to

For those of you who come to my page to get my maps- notice that I've opened up a new map page - that of the Maps- Drow Kingdom. It will contain all of the underground maps from here on out, up until I finally get to Lolth's mothership.

Chris Heismann has been busy again; much busier than I have been. His new "US Road Map" symbols are now available - and, you can download it from my Symbols & Templates page.

29 July 2000:

Although I've not managed to do much in the last month (...other than working the Origins booth, setting up for GenCon, and the typical imitation of a chicken with his head cut off), I'm almost completed with Map 08: Map 08: Caverns and Warrens Of The Troglodytes. You can see a GIF screenshot of it here. All I have left to do is to place the room numbers, edit the map box, place a map legend, and place the various Troglodyte, Drow, Bugbear, and Fungi guards.

In addition, Chris Heismann has given me his symbol catalog, which allows you to place "scrolls" in 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 point type, in either Arial, Flat Brush (not shown), or Times New Roman. If you click on the screenshot below, you'll be able to download it for your own use. I'll be also using this in order to place the room numbers in the Troglodyte map, and in all future maps- and, making comments and suggestions to Chris along the way. Hopefully, I'll always have the latest version of the symbol catalog on my site; that's for Chris to decide. You can download it from my Symbols & Templates page.

I'll be taking a small break from the Giants, in order to create a symbol catalog of my own. I recently received a copy of the Dungeon Builder's Guidebook, which gives 'geomorphs' for use of quick dungeon construction. What better thing to do than to put that into Campaign Cartographer 2? (With luck, I'll be finished with that by GenCon; between Chris's symbol catalog, as well as the geomorphs, that would be an excellent demonstration tool!)

29 June 2000:

After finishing up with beta-testing Character Artist for ProFantasy, I'll have to admit- I took it extremely easy for a while. Unfortunately, there wasn't much mapping that I've managed to do this week. I'll be starting to scan additional maps tonight, in order to get these ready for import into CC2.

One of the things I did manage to do, though, was to take a look at the maps I did complete. I've gone through and edited the symbol catalogs; I've cleaned out a lot of the extras; and, I've even went into the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, Upper Level- and discovered a leaking multipoly, which I've since cleaned up.

The old map sizes came out to roughly 1.28mb; the new, improved map sizes now weigh in at a svelt 783kb. They're all on the website (as of this note), ready to be downloaded. (No, I'm not sending you to the website in order to increase any counters- nor have you visit any advertisers- nor to bog down your computer with cookies- nor to have annoying popup windows come up whenever you sneeze- which is one of the reasons I'm using the Angelfire websites, as opposed to, say, GeoCities, or Tripod. Sorry- pet peeve showing!)

Your opinion- would you like to see some screenshots of what is possible with Character Actor? I could put up some JPG and GIF screenshots (sorry- no CC2 files!) so that people are aware of what's possible with that. I'll await the incoming emails, before starting on that; if there isn't enough positive interest, I won't do it.

29 June 2000:

I've gotten quite a few people interested in some Character Artist screenshots- so step right this way...

18 May 2000:

Unfortunately, I've been wrapped up in another project, which has prevented me from completing the last of the Giants' series maps. I've finally completed the last map of the series- The Hall of The Fire Giant King- which I'm now offering for download.

I will be informing my subscribers (which you can get on the list, by the way, by mailing me at Halfling@NetAddict.Net) when my availability is such that I'll be able to continue creating maps for your viewing, and playing, enjoyment.

13 May 2000:

I found a way to keep the map sizes much smaller. Over 100k of the map file size is symbol definitions from Dungeon Designer 2 - so, I'm deleting the symbol files that I am not using in the maps, in order to make the maps smaller in size, and quicker for me to upload to the FTP site and emailing you.

I am showing a marked improvement in sizes- Map 4 is 237kb (it still has all those definitions); Map 5 is now 49kb; and Map 6 is now 55.9kb! (Map 7, which I am still working on, is over 300 kb in size, for comparison.)

9 May 2000:

So it doesn't come as any big surprise- I'll be moving the "Hill Giant" maps to another page (graphics are starting to bog the page down). In addition, once I finish the Fire Giants, I'll be taking a week off of sending maps out ~ three maps a week is a bit much for me to handle right now (I'm beta-testing something for Origins/GenCon, I'm running two games, and I'm also playing in two others)- I'd like to be able to get a little bit further ahead than I currently am. (The web page shows a graphic box for Map 7, but all I've done since Friday is scan in the graphic. Tomorrow is going to be a full mapping day.)

8 May 2000:

Ah, the pleasures of resting a weekend. ;)

Now, I seem to remember that I had offered those interested some of my Temple of Elemental Evil maps. You simply follow this link in order to get there. Hope this saves you some work; I know that they're not exactly the best (as this was my first dalliances within CC2), though they are still somewhat usable.

5 May 2000:

Andrew and I have gotten things straightened out; he'll be working backward (from the Q1 maps), while I continue to work forward. Also note that I'll be giving "snapshots" of my "work in progress" as I update the website.

4 May 2000:

There is a gentleman by the name of Andrew also on this list; he is currently running his players through the same GDQ module I'm creating the maps from. As such, I'm going to be shifting my focus from the Giants series to the Drow Series. Andrew will also be creating a few of the maps; we've yet to work out the salient details, though I'll let you know when we do complete them. This may mean that maps 5-7, or 5-9, will be delayed while Andrew and I combine efforts to get the "ending" completed; these will be addressed.

In any case- comments, suggestions, etc. al. are always welcomed.

3 May 2000:

For those of you who have opened up those maps and taken a gander, if you have any constructive criticism, I would love to hear about it. Believe it or not- two months ago, I didn't know how to use CC2. The "Steading of the Hill Giants, Upper Level" is the 9th map I've made (7 "dungeon", 1 "city", 1 "wilderness")- and, I can always use the comments and suggestions to further improve.

1 May 2000:

Ladies and Gentlemen- I have you all on my "list" to send the various "Giants" maps to. Got all the emails in a text file that I can simply BCC: to; if you want to be removed, simply drop me a line.

I've just completed map #3 (Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, Upper Level); as these CC2 files are over 200k in size (and, MIME encoding them may bring the total up to nearly 800k!), I'll be sending them, one every other day, for as long as I've got maps to send. (And, considering that I've got the Queen of the Spiders (GDQ1-7), I have 24 maps to put in!)

Some ISPs may "choke" on size of the email; if so, there are two things you can do. #1)- call your ISP and ask them to delete the offending mail. #2)- Pick up an email remover utility (which will allow you to 'screen' your incoming emails, and delete the spam, or the oversized, emails in your box. The one I use (with a review of sorts) is available through through here or from it's host page as FreeWare.)