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Red Army Order

, 1 July 1943

Stavka coordinators—Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov (to 12 July for Western, Briansk, and Central Fronts; after 12 July for Voronezh and Steppe Fronts) and Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky (to 12 July for Voronezh Front; after 12 July for Southwestern Front)

The Orel Axis

western front—Commander, Colonel General V. D. Sokolovsky;

Commissar, Lieutenant General N. A. Bulganin; Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General A. P. Pokrovsky

50th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General I. V. Boldin; Commissar, Major General L. M. Chumakov; Chief of Staff, Major General N. G. Brilev 38th Rifle Corps—Major General A. D. Tereshkov

17th Rifle Division—Major General I. L. Radulia

326th Rifle Division—Major General V. G. Terent'ev (to 30 July), Colonel la. V. Karpov (1 to 20 August), Colonel V. A. Gusev (from 21 August)

413th Rifle Division—Colonel I. S. Khokhlov 49th Rifle Division—Colonel A. V. Chuzhov 64th Rifle Division—Colonel 1.1. laremenko 212th Rifle Division—Colonel A. P. Mal'tsev 324th Rifle Division—Colonel E. Zh. Sedulin 196th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel E. E. Dukhovny 1536th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 21st Separate Armored Train Battalion 43d Separate Armored Train Battalion 447th Gun Artillery Regiment 523d Gun Artillery Regiment 1091st Gun Artillery Regiment 600th Antitank Artillery Regiment 541st Mortar Regiment 542d Mortar Regiment 54th Guards Mortar Regiment 1275th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1482d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Note: Denotes on-hand tank and self-propelled gun strengths. Operational (serviceable) strengths were somewhat less. See Appendix D for specific operational variations.



1483d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 307th Separate Engineer Battalion 309th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 54,062 men, 236 guns (over 76mm), 241 antitank guns, 50 antiaircraft guns, 594 mortars (82mm, 120mm), and 87 tanks and self-propelled guns.)

llth Guards Army—Commander, Lieutenant General I. Kh. Bagramian;

Commissar, Major General P. N. Kulikov; Chief of Staff, Major General N. P. Ivanov

8th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General P. F. Malyshev

llth Guards Rifle Division—Major General I. F. Fediun'kin (to 22 July),

Major General A. I. Maksimov (from 23 July) 26th Guards Rifle Division—Major General N. N. Korzhenevsky 83d Guards Rifle Division—Major General la. S. Vorob'ev 16th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General A. V. Lapshov (KIA on 13 July), Major General I. F. Fediun'kin (from 22 July) 1st Guards Rifle Division—Major General N. A. Kropotin 16th Guards Rifle Division—Major General P. G. Shafranov 31st Guards Rifle Division—Colonel I. K. Shcherbin 169th Rifle Division—Major General la. F. Eremenko 36th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General A. S. Ksenefontov 5th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel N. L. Soldatov 18th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel M. N. Zavodovsky 84th Guards Rifle Division—Major General G. B. Peters 108th Rifle Division—Colonel P. A. Teremov 217th Rifle Division—Colonel E. V. Ryzhikov 10th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel A. R. Burlyga 29th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel S. I. Tokerov (to 29 July), Colonel G. L.

ludin (from 30 July) 43d Guards Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel (Colonel on 11 July) M. P.


213th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Gaev 2d Guards Separate Heavy Tank Regiment—Colonel M. F. Kutuzov 4th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 1453d Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 8th Artillery Penetration Corps—Lieutenant General N. F. Salichko

3d Artillery Penetration Division—Colonel I. F. San'ko: 15th Light Artillery Brigade, 5th Gun Artillery Brigade, 1st Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 117th High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 7th Mortar Brigade 6th Artillery Penetration Division—Major General A. S. Bitiutsky: 21st Light Artillery Brigade, 10th Gun Artillery Brigade, 18th Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 119th High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 3d Mortar Brigade 14th Artillery Division—Colonel L. I. Kozhukhov 54th Light Artillery Brigade 48th Gun Artillery Brigade

292 Appendixes

43d Howitzer Artillery Brigade 9th Mortar Brigade 56th Guards Corps Artillery Regiment 1st Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 17th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 74th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 75th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 39th Gun Artillery Regiment 403d Gun Artillery Regiment 537th Gun Artillery Regiment 761st Gun Artillery Regiment 995th Gun Artillery Regiment 1093d Gun Artillery Regiment 1165th Gun Artillery Regiment 15th Guards Howitzer Artillery Regiment 16th Guards Howitzer Artillery Regiment 128th Howitzer Artillery Regiment 360th Howitzer Artillery Regiment 364th Howitzer Artillery Regiment 5th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment 545th Mortar Regiment 546th Mortar Regiment 24th Guards Mortar Brigade 25th Guards Mortar Brigade 40th Guards Mortar Regiment

59th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel G. T. Frich 60th Guards Mortar Regiment 74th Guards Mortar Regiment

325th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. N. Kovalevich 14th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel (Major General on 9 July) A. I. Vasiuta

525th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

715th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

718th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

721st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 17th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel A. M. Shumikhin

500th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1267th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1276th Antiaircaft Artillery Regiment

1279th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 48th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel P. M. Barsky

231st Guards Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

50th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1277th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1278th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment


716th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 739th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1280th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1484th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 4th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion 614th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion 6th Guards Separate Engineer Battalion 84th Separate Engineer Battalion 226th Separate Engineer Battalion 243d Separate Engineer Battalion 367th Separate Engineer Battalion 61st Pontoon-Bridge Battalion

army strength: 135,000 men, 280 tanks and self-propelled guns, 2,652 guns and mortars, 468 antitank guns, 255 antiaircraft guns, 89 multiple rocket launchers (BM-8, BM-13), and 55 multiple rocket launchers (M-30, M-31)

1st Air Army—Commander, Lieutenant General M. M. Gromov; Commissar, Major General I. G. Livinenko; Chief of Staff, Major General A. S. Pronin 2d Assault Aviation Corps—Major General V. V. Stepichev

231st Assault Aviation Division—Colonel L. A. Chizikov

232d Assault Aviation Division—Colonel A. G. Val'kov 2d Fighter Aviation Corps—Lieutenant General A. S. Blagoveshchensky

7th Guards Fighter Aviation Division—Major General V. M. Zabaluev 8th Fighter Aviation Corps—Major General F. F. Zherebchenko

215th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel N. M. lakushin

323d Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel P. P. Rubakov 204th Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel S. P. Andreev 224th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel M. V. Kotel'nikov 233d Assault Aviation Division—Colonel V. V. Smimov (to 27 July), Colonel

V. V. Vasil'ev (from 28 July)

311th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel V. V. Vasil'ev 303d Fighter Aviation Division—Major General G. N. Zakhorov 309th Fighter Aviation Division: Colonel 1.1. Gribo (to 15 July), Lieutenant

Colonel V. N. Buss (from 16 July)

213th Fighter Bomber Aviation Division—Major General V. S. Molokov 10th Reconnnaissance Aviation Regiment 1st Medical Aviation Regiment 713th Transport Aviation Regiment 65th Corrective Aviation Squadron Front subordination

371st Rifle Division—Colonel V. L. Alekseenko

36th Rifle Brigade

1st Tank Corps—Major General V. V. Butkov

89th Tank Brigade—Colonel K. N. Bannikov

117th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel A. S. Voronkov

294 Appendixes

159th Tank Brigade—Colonel S. P. Khaidukov

44th Motorized Rifle Brigade

1437th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm)

Strength: 184 tanks and self-propelled guns 5th Tank Corps—Major General M. S. Sakhno

24th Tank Brigade—Colonel V. S. Sytnik (KIA on 17 July), Colonel V. K. Borodovsky (from 18 July)

41st Tank Brigade—Colonel S. I. Alaev (to 6 August), Lieutenant Colonel V. M. Tarakanov (from 7 August)

70th Tank Brigade—Colonel S. V. Kuznetsov (KIA on 15 July), Lieutenant Colonel V. E. Noda (16 July to 15 August), Lieutenant Colonel S. I. Nikitin (from 16 August)

5th Motorized Rifle Brigade

1435th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm)

731st Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

277th Mortar Regiment

Strength: 184 tanks and self-propelled guns 2d Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel N. A. Obdalenko 94th Tank Brigade—Colonel E. A. Novikov 120th Tank Brigade—Colonel n. I. Bukov 187th Tank Brigade—Major General M. V. Kolosov (converted to the 187th

Separate Tank Regiment on 15 July) 56th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 161st Separate Tank Regiment 233d Separate Tank Regiment 248th Separate Tank Regiment 7th Separate Aero-sleigh Battalion 37th Separate Aero-sleigh Battalion 38th Separate Aero-sleigh Battalion 40th Aero-sleigh Battalion 758th Antitank Artillery Regiment 307th Guards Mortar Regiment

llth Guards Mortar Battalion (59th Guards Mortar Regiment) 1272d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment (49th Antiaircraft Artillery Division) 1281st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 324th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion llth Engineer Miner Brigade 12th Engineer Miner Brigade 33d Special Designation Engineer Brigade llth Guards Battalion of Miners 6th Separate Engineer Battalion 113th Separate Engineer Battalion 122d Separate Engineer Battalion 129th Separate Engineer Battalion 133d Separate Engineer Battalion 229th Separate Engineer Battalion


230th Separate Engineer Battalion 537th Separate Mine Sapper Battalion 738th Separate Mine Sapper Battalion 9th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 51st Pontoon Bridge Battalion 62d Pontoon Bridge Battalion 87th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 88th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 89th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 90th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 91st Pontoon Bridge Battalion 99th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

front strength: 211,458 men, 4,285 guns and mortars, 144 multiple rocket launchers, 745 tanks and self-propelled guns, and 1,300 aircraft

briansk front—Commander, Colonel General M. M. Popov; Commissar, Lieutenant General L. Z. Mekhlis; Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General L. M. Sandalov

3d Army—Commander, Lieutenant General A. V. Gorbatov; Commissar, Major General I. P. Konnov; Chief of Staff, Major General M. V. Ivashechldn 41st Rifle Corps (headquarters only by 22 July)—Major General V. K.


235th Rifle Division—Colonel F. N. Romashin (KIA on 13 July), Colonel A. F. Kubasov (14 to 28 July 7), Colonel L. G. Basenets (from 29 July)

308th Rifle Division—Major General L. N. Gurt'ev (KIA on 3 August), Colonel N. K. Maslennikov (from 4 August)

380th Rifle Division—Colonel A. F. Kustov 269th Rifle Division—Major General P. S. Merzhakov (to 28 July), Colonel

A. F. Kubasov (from 29 July) 283d Rifle Division—Colonel V. A. Konovalov (to 21 July), Lieutenant Colonel

S. F. Bazanov (22 to 30 July), Colonel S. K. Reznichenko (31 July to 5

August), Colonel V. I. Kuvshinnikov (from 5 August) 342d Rifle Division—Major General L. D. Chervony 82d Separate Tank Regiment 114th Separate Tank Regiment 1538th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 10th Separate Armored Train Battalion 55th Separate Armored Train Battalion 20th Artillery Penetration Division—Colonel N. V. Bogdanov

34th Light Artillery Brigade

53d Gun Artillery Brigade

60th Howitzer Artillery Brigade

93d Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade

102d High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade

20th Mortar Brigade

296 Appendixes

420th Gun Artillery Regiment

584th Antitank Artillery Regiment

475th Mortar Regiment

24th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel I. G. Liarsky

1045th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1337th Antiaicraft Artillery Regiment

1343d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1349th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1284th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 348th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 60,000 men and 100 tanks and self-propelled guns

61st Army—Commander, Lieutenant General P. A. Belov; Commissar, Major General D. G. Dubrovsky; Chief of Staff, Colonel M. N. Salnikov 9th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General A. A. Boreiko

12th Guards Rifle Division—Major General K. M. Erastov (to 9 July), Colonel D. K. Mal'kov (from 10 July)

76th Guards Rifle Division—Major General A. V. Kirsanov

77th Guards Rifle Division—Major General V. S. Askalepov 97th Rifle Division—Major General P. M. Davydov 110th Rifle Division—Colonel S. K. Artem'ev 336th Rifle Division—Major General V. S. Kuznetsov (to 1 July), Colonel M. A.

Ignachev (2 July to 4 August), Colonel 1.1. Petykov (5 to 22 August), Colonel

L. V. GrinvaI'd-Mukho (from 23 August) 356th Rifle Division—Colonel M. G. Makarov 415th Rifle Division—Colonel N. K. Maslennikov (to 30 July), Colonel P. I.

Moshchalkov (from 1 August) 12th Separate Destroyer Brigade 68th Tank Brigade—Colonel P. F. lurchenko (to 13 August), Lieutenant

Colonel G. A. Timchenko (from 14 August) 36th Separate Tank Regiment 1539th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm) 31st Separate Armored Train Battalion 45th Separate Armored Train Battalion 60th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 67th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 554th Gun Artillery Regiment 533d Antitank Artillery Regiment 547th Mortar Regiment 13th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel V. M. Kochubei

1065th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1173d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1175th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1218th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1282d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment


310th Separate Engineer Battalion 344th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 80,000 men and 110 tanks and self-propelled guns

63d Army—Commander, Lieutenant General V. la. Kolpakchi; Commissar, Major General K. K. Abramov; Chief of Staff, Colonel N. V. Eriomin

35th Rifle Corps (headquarters only)—Major General V. G. Zholudev

40th Rifle Corps (headquarters only)—Major General V. S. Kuznetsov

5th Rifle Division—Lieutenant Colonel F. la. Volkovitsky (to 9 July), Colonel

P. T. Mikhalitsyn (from 10 July) 41st Rifle Division—Colonel A. I. Surchenko 129th Rifle Division—Colonel I. V. Panchuk 250th Rifle Division—Colonel V. M. Muzitsky (to 5 July), Colonel I. V. Mokhin

(from 6 July)

287th Rifle Division—Major General I. N. Pankratov 348th Rifle Division—Colonel I. F. Grigor'evsky 397th Rifle Division—Colonel N. F. Andron'ev 231st Separate Tank Regiment 1452d Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm) 1071st Antitank Artillery Regiment 1311st Antitank Artillery Regiment 286th Mortar Regiment 28th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel G. E. Drabkov

1355th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1359th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1365th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1371st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 356th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 70,000 men and 60 tanks and self-propelled guns

15th Air Army—Commander, Lieutenant General N. F. Naumenko; Commissar, Colonel M. N. Sukhachev; Chief of Staff, Colonel A. A. Sakovnin

1st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps—Lieutenant General E. M. Beletsky: 3d

Guards Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel V. P. Ukhov, 4th Guards Fighter

Aviation Division—Colonel V. A. Kitaev 3d Assault Aviation Corps—Major General Gorlachenko

307th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel A. V. Kozhemiakm

308th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel G. P. Turykin 113th Bomber Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel F. G. Michugin 225th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel A. F. Obukhov 284th Night Bomber Aviation Division—Major G. P. Pokoevoi (to 22 July),

Lieutenant Colonel I. A. Trushkin (from 23 July) 234th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel E. Z. Tatanashvili 315th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel V. la. Litvinov 99th Guards Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment

298 Appendixes

Front subordination

25th Rifle Corps—Major General P. V. Pererva

186th Rifle Division—Colonel N. P. latskevich (to 26 July), Colonel G. V.

Revunenkov (from 27 July)

283d Rifle Division—Colonel I. D. Krasnoshtanov 362d Rifle Division—Major General D. M. Dalmatov 1st Guards Tank Corps—Major General M. F. Pankov

15th Guards Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Belousov (to 18 July),

Colonel K. G. Kozhanov (from 19 July) 16th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel M. N. Filippenko 17th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel B. V. Shul'gin 1st Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade 34th Guards Tank Regiment 65th Motorcycle Battalion 1001st Antitank Artillery Regiment 732d Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 455th Mortar Regiment 80th Guards Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Strength: 207 tanks and self-propelled guns llth Guards Separate Tank Regiment 12th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 13th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 26th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 253d Separate Tank Regiment 1444th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 1445th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 1535th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 55th Separate Motorcycle Battalion 54th Separate Armored Train Battalion

2d Artillery Penetration Corps (to the 63d Army): Lieutenant General M. M. Barsukov

13th Artillery Penetration Division—Colonel D, M. Krasnokutsky: 42d Light Artillery Brigade, 47th Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 88th Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 91st Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 101st High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 17th Mortar Brigade 15th Artillery Penetration Division—Colonel A. A. Korochkin: 69th Light Artillery Brigade, 35th Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 85th Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 87th Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 106th High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 18th Mortar Brigade 3d Heavy Guards Mortar Division—Colonel P. V. Kolesnikov: 15th Guards

Mortar Brigade, 18th Guards Mortar Brigade, 19th Guards Mortar Brigade 7th Artillery Penetration Corps (the 61st Army)—Major General P. M. Korol'kov

16th Artillery Penetration Division—Colonel P. S. Ivanov (to 29 August), Colonel F. V. Fedoseev (from 30 August): 49th Light Artillery Brigade, 61st Gun Artillery Brigade, 52d Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 90th Heavy


Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 109th High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 14th Mortar Brigade

17th Artillery Penetration Division—Major General S. S. Volkenshtein: 37th Light Artillery Brigade, 39th Gun Artillery Brigade, 50th Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 92d Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 108th High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 22d Mortar Brigade 2d Heavy Guards Mortar Division—Major General A. F. Tveretsky: 3d Guards Mortar Brigade, 17th Guards Mortar Brigade, 26th Guards Mortar Brigade

44th Gun Artillery Brigade

12th Antitank Artillery Brigade

13th Mortar Brigade

8th Guards Mortar Brigade—Colonel A. 0. Sheinin

85th Guards Mortar Regiment

93d Guards Mortar Regiment

310th Guards Mortar Regiment

311th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel G. Zhuravlev

312th Guards Mortar Regiment

313th Guards Mortar Regiment

10th Separate Guards Mortar Battalion

1477th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

386th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

8th Special Designation Engineer Brigade

57th Engineer Sapper Brigade

3d Guards Battalion of Miners

131st Separate Sapper Battalion

231st Separate Engineer Battalion

740th Separate Engineer Battalion

48th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

53d Pontoon Bridge Battalion

131st Pontoon Bridge Battalion

136th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

front strength: 433,616 men, 7,642 guns and mortars, 160 multiple rocket launchers, 794 tanks and self-propelled guns (1.578 on 15 July), and 1,000 aircraft

The Orel-Kursk Axis

central front—Commander, Army General K. K. Rokossovsky;

Commissar, Major General K. F. Telegin; Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General M. S. Malinin

13th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General N. P. Pukhov; Commissar, Major General M. A. Kozlov; Chief of Staff, Major General A. V. Petrushevsky 17th Guards Rifle Corps—Lieutenant General A. L. Bondarev 6th Guards Rifle Division—Major General D. P. Onuprienko

300 Appendixes

70th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel I. A. Gusev 75th Guards Rifle Division—Major General V. A. Goroshny 18th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General I. M. Afonin 2d Guards Airborne Division—Major General I. F. Dudarev 3d Guards Airborne Division—Colonel I. N. Konev 4th Guards Airborne Division—Major General A. D. Rumiantsev 15th Rifle Corps—Major General 1.1. Liudnikov 8th Rifle Division—Colonel P. M. Gudz' 74th Rifle Division—Major General A. A. Kazarian 148th Rifle Division—Major General A. A. Mishchenko 29th Rifle Corps—Major General A. N. Slyshldn

15th Rifle Division—Colonel V. N. Dzhandzhgava (KIA on 14 July), Colonel V. I. Bulakov (15 July to 7 August), Colonel K. E. Grebonnik (from 8 August)

81st Rifle Division—Major General A. B. Barinov 307th Rifle Division—Major General M. A. Enshin 129th Tank Brigade—Colonel N. V. Petrushin 27th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 30th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 43d Separate Tank Regiment

58th Separate Tank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel I. P. Priakhin 237th Separate Tank Regiment 1442d Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 49th Separate Armored Train 4th Artillery Penetration Corps—Major General N. V. Ignatov

5th Artillery Penetration Division—Colonel A. I. Snegirov: 16th Light Artillery Brigade, 24th Gun Artillery Brigade, 9th Howitzer Artillery Brigade—Colonel T. N. Vishnevsky, 86th Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 100th High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 1st Mortar Brigade 12th Artillery Penetration Division—Colonel M. N. Kurkovsky: 46th Light Artillery Brigade, 41st Gun Artillery Brigade, 32d Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 89th Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade, 104th High-power Howitzer Artillery Brigade, llth Mortar Brigade

5th Guards Mortar Division—Colonel E. A. Firsov (to 15 July), Colonel G. M. Fantalov (from 16 August): 16th Guards Mortar Brigade—Colonel P. I. Val'chenko, 22d Guards Mortar Brigade—Colonel V. V. Rusanov, 23d Guards Mortar Brigade—Colonel N. N. Koryt'ko 19th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 874th Antitank Artillery Regiment 476th Mortar Regiment—Major V. G. Gladky 477th Mortar Regiment

6th Guards Mortar Regiment—Major N. I. Murzaev 37th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel K. N. Osteiko 65th Guards Mortar Regiment—Major N. V. Soklakov 86th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel P. A. Zazimy 324th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel B. I. Orlov

Red Anny Order of Battle 301

1st Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Major General R. A. Dzivin

1042d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. S. Peshakov (ill on 3 July), Major N. P. Khusid (from 3 July)

1068th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. I. Zhukov

1085th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment—Major V. E. Kalitsky

1090th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel 1.1. Lozitsky 25th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel K. M. Andreev

1067th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1356th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1362d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1368th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1287th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 275th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 114,000 men, 2,934 guns and mortars, 105 multiple rocket launchers, and 270 tanks and self-propelled guns

48th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General P. L. Romanenko; Commissar, Major General N. A. Istomin; Chief of Staff, Major General M. V. Bobkov 42d Rifle Corps—Major General K. S. Kolganov

16th Rifle Division (Lithuanian)—Major General V. A. Karvialis

202d Rifle Division—Colonel Z. S. Revenko

399th Rifle Division—Colonel D. M. Ponomarov (to 9 July), Colonel P. I.

Skachkov (from 10 July) 73d Rifle Division—Major General D. I. Smirnov 137th Rifle Division—Colonel M. G. Volovich (to 29 August), Colonel A. I.

Alferov (from 30 August) 143d Rifle Division—Colonel D. I. Lukin 170th Rifle Division—Colonel A. M. Cheriakh 45th Separate Tank Regiment 193d Separate Tank Regiment 299th Separate Tank Regiment 1454th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (76mm) 1455th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (of 9th Tank Corps) (76mm) 1540th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 37th Separate Armored Train 1168th Gun Artillery Regiment 2d Antitank Artillery Brigade 220th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment 479th Mortar Regiment 16th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel (Major General on 7 August) I. M.


728th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1283d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1285th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1286th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 461st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

302 Appendixes

615th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion 313th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 84,000 men, 1,454 guns and mortars, and 178 tanks and self-propelled guns

60th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General I. D. Chernialdiovsky; Commissar, Colonel V. M. Olenin; Chief of Staff, Major General G. A. Ter-Gasparian 24th Rifle Corps—Major General N. I. Kiriukhin

112th Rifle Division—Colonel P. S. Poliakov (to 23 August), Colonel A. V. Gladkov (from 24 August)

42d Rifle Division—Major General N. N. Mul'tan

129th Rifle Brigade 30th Rifle Corps—Major General G. S. Laz'ko

121st Rifle Division—Major General 1.1, Ladygin

141st Rifle Division—Colonel S. S. Rassadnikov

322d Rifle Division—Colonel N. I. Ivanov (to 22 August), Colonel P. N.

Lashchenko (from 26 August) 55th Rifle Division—Colonel N. N. Zaiiulev 248th Rifle Brigade 150th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel I. V. Safronov (to 15 August),

Lieutenant Colonel S. I. Ugriumov (from 16 August) 58th Separate Armored Train 1156th Gun Artillery Regiment 1178th Antitank Artillery Regiment 128th Mortar Regiment 138th Mortar Regiment 497th Mortar Regiment 98th Guards Mortar Regiment 286th Separate Guards Mortar Battalion 221st Guards Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 217th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 59th Engineer Sapper Brigade 317th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 96,000 men, 1,376 guns and mortars, and 67 tanks and self-propelled guns

65th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General P. I. Batov; Commissar, Colonel N. A. Radetsky; Chief of Staff, Major General I. S. Glebov 18th Rifle Corps—Major General 1.1. Ivanov 69th Rifle Division—Colonel I. A. Kuzovkov 149th Rifle Division—Colonel A. A. Orlov 246th Rifle Division—Lieutenant Colonel M. G. Fedosenko 27th Rifle Corps—Major General F. M. Cherokmanov

60th Rifle Division—Major General I. V. Kliaro (to 27 August), Colonel A. V. Boroiavlensky (from 29 August)


193d Rifle Division—Major General F. N. Zhobrev (to 26 August), Colonel A. G. Frolenkov (from 28 August)

115th Rifle Brigade—Colonel 1.1. Sankovsky 37th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel E. G. Ushakov 181st Rifle Division—Major General A. A. Saraev 194th Rifle Division—Colonel P. P. Opialdn 354th Rifle Division—Major General D. F. Alekseev 29th Guards Separate Tank Regiment 40th Separate Tank Regiment 84th Separate Tank Regiment

255th Separate Tank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. I. Mukhin 120th Antitank Artillery Regiment 543d Antitank Artillery Regiment 143d Guards Mortar Regiment 218th Mortar Regiment 478th Mortar Regiment 94th Guards Mortar Regiment 235th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 14th Engineer Miner Brigade 321st Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 100,000 men, 1,837 guns and mortars, and 124 tanks and self-propelled guns

70th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General I. V. Galanin; Commissar, Major General N. N. Savkov; Chief of Staff, Major General V. M. Shaparov 28th Rifle Corps—Major General A. N. Nechaev

132d Rifle Division—Major General T. K. Shkrylev

211th Rifle Division—Major General V. L. Makhlinovsky

280th Rifle Division—Major General D. N. Golosov 19th Rifle Corps (added by 20 July) 102d Rifle Division—Major General A. N. Andreev 106th Rifle Division—Major General F. N. Smekhotvorov (to 1 August),

Colonel M. M. Vlasov (from 2 August) 140th Rifle Division—Major General A. la. Kiselev 162d Rifle Division—Major General S. la. Senchillo 175th Rifle Division—Colonel V. A. Borisov 3d Destroyer Brigade (2d Destroyer Division)—Colonel V. N. Rukosuev 240th Separate Tank Regiment 251st Separate Tank Regiment 259th Separate Tank Regiment 1st Guards Artillery Division—Colonel G. V. Godin

3d Guards Light Artillery Brigade—Colonel M. A. Grekhov

1st Guards Gun Artillery Brigade—Colonel V. M. Kerp

2d Guards Howitzer Artillery Brigade—Colonel A. I. Telegin 378th Antitank Artillery Regiment 136th Mortar Regiment

304 Appendixes

12th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Lieutenant Colonel (Colonel on 11 July)

P. I. Korchagin

836th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

977th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

990th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 581st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 169th Separate Engineer Battalion 371st Separate Engineer Battalion 386th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 96,000 men, 1,658 guns and mortars, and 125 tanks and self-propelled guns

2d Tank Army—Commander, Lieutenant General A. G. Rodin (ill on 2 August), Lieutenant General S. I. Bogdanov (from 2 August); Commissar, Major General P. M. Latyshev; Chief of Staff, Colonel G. la. Preisman 3d Tank Corps—Major General M. D. Sinenko

50th Tank Brigade—Colonel F. I. Konovalov (to 27 July), Lieutenant Colonel

V. A. Bzyrin (from 28 July) 51st Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel G. A. Kokurin (KIA on 14 July),

Lieutenant Colonel P. K. Borisov (from 14 July) 103d Tank Brigade—Colonel G. M. Maksimov (to 27 July), Lieutenant

Colonel A. I. Khalaev (from 28 July) 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade 74th Motorcycle Battallion 881st Antitank Artillery Regiment 728th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 234th Mortar Regiment 121st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Strength: 204 tanks 16th Tank Corps—Major General V. E. Grigor'ev

107th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel N. M. Teliakov

109th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel P. D. Babkovsky

164th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel N. V. Kopylov

15th Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel P. M. Aldmochldn

51st Motorcycle Battalion

1441st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (76mm)

614th Antitank Artillery Regiment

729th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

226th Mortar Regiment

Strength: 220 tanks and self-propelled guns llth Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel N. M. Bubnov (KIA on 2 August),

Lieutenant Colonel N. M. Koshaev (from 3 August) 87th Separate Motorcycle Battalion 357th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 37,000 men, 338 guns and mortars, and 456 tanks and self-propelled guns


16th Air Army—Commander, Lieutenant General S. I. Rudenko; Commissar, Major General A. S. Vinogradov; Chief of Staff, Major General P. I. Braiko 3d Bomber Aviation Corps—Major General A. Z. Karavatsky

241st Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel I. G. Kurilenko

301st Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel F. M. Fedorenko 6th Mixed Aviation Corps—Major General I. D. Antoshkin

221st Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel S. F. Buzylev

282d Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel A. M. Riazanov (to 16 July),

Lieutenant Colonel lu. M. Berkel' (from 17 July) 6th Fighter Aviation Corps—Major General E. E. Eriykin

273d Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel I. F. Federov

279th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel F. N. Dement'ev 2d Guards Assault Aviation Division—Colonel G. I. Komarov 299th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel I. V. Krupsky 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel I. V. Krupenin (to

2 August), Colonel V. V. Sukhoriakov (from 3 August) 283d Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel S. P. Denisov 286th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel 1.1. Ivanov 271st Night Bomber Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel K. I. Rasskazov (to

18 July), Colonel M. Kh. Borisenko (from 19 July) 16th Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment 6th Medical Aviation Regiment 14th Corrective Aviation Squadron Front subordination

4th Destroyer Brigade (2d Destroyer Division)

115th Fortified Region

119th Fortified Region

161st Fortified Region

14th Separate Destroyer Brigade

9th Tank Corps—Major General S. I. Bogdanov

23d Tank Brigade—Colonel M. S. Demidov

95th Tank Brigade—Colonel I. E. Galushko (to 25 August), Colonel A. I. Kuznetsov (from 26 August)

108th Tank Brigade—Colonel R. A. Liberman (to 2 August), Lieutenant Colonel M. K. Elenko (from 3 August)

8th Motorized Rifle Brigade

730th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

Strength: 168 tanks 19th Tank Corps—Major General I. D. Vasil'ev

79th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel F. P. Vasetsky

101st Tank Brigade—Colonel I. M. Kurdupov (to 15 August), Colonel A. N. Pavliuk-Moroz (from 16 August)

202d Tank Brigade—Colonel N. V. Kostelev

26th Motorized Rifle Brigade

Strength: 168 tanks

1541st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 40th Separate Armored Train

306 Appendixes

68th Gun Artillery Brigade

1st Antitank Artillery Brigade—Colonel A. S. Rybldn

13th Antitank Artillery Brigade—Colonel N. P. Sazonov

130th Antitank Artillery Regiment

563d Antitank Artillery Regiment

21st Mortar Brigade

84th Guards Mortar Regiment (to the 70th Army)—Lieutenant Colonel M. M.


92d Guards Mortar Regiment 323d Guards Mortar Regiment (to the 13th Army)—Lieutenant Colonel A. F.

Artiushenko 10th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Lieutenant Colonel (Colonel on 9 July)

S. la. Sussky

802d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

975th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

984th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

994th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 997th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment (12th Antiaircraft Artillery Division)

325th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1259th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1263d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

13th Guards Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

27th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

31st Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

1st Guards Special Designation Engineer Brigade—Colonel M. F. loffe

6th Engineer Miner Brigade

12th Guards Battalion of Miners

120th Separate Engineer Battalion

257th Separate Engineer Battalion

9th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

49th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

50th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

104th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

front strength: 711,575 men, 11,076 guns and mortars, 246 multiple rocket launchers, 1,785 tanks and self-propelled guns, and 1,000 aircraft

The Belgorod-Oboian'-Kursk Axis

voronezh front—Commander, Army General N. F. Vatutin; Commissar, Lieutenant General N. S. Khrushchev; Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General S. P. Ivanov

6th Guards Army—Commander, Lieutenant General I. M. Chistiakov;

Commissar, Major General P. I. Krainov; Chief of Staff, Major General V. A. Penkovsky


22d Guards Rifle Corps—Major General N. B. Ibiansky

67th Guards Rifle Division—Major General A. I. Baksov: 196th Guards Rifle Regiment, 199th Guards Rifle Regiment, 201st Guards Rifle Regiment, 138th Guards Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel M. I. Kidrianov, 73d Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

71st Guard Rifle Division—Colonel I. P. Sivakov: 210th Guards Rifle Regiment, 213th Guards Rifle Regiment, 219th Guards Rifle Regiment, 151st Guards Artillery Regiment, 76th Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion, 134th Separate Antitank Rifle Battalion (attached), 136th Separate Antitank Rifle Battalion (attached)

90th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel V. G. Chernov: 268th Guards Rifle Regiment, 272d Guards Rifle Regiment, 274th Guards Rifle Regiment, 193d Guards Artillery Regiment 23d Guard Rifle Corps—Major General P. P. Vakhrameev (to 21 July), Major

General N. T. Tavartkiladze (from 22 July)

51st Guards Rifle Division—Major General N. T. Tavartkiladze (to 20 July), Colonel I. M. Sukhov (from 21 July): 154th Guards Rifle Regiment, 156th Guards Rifle Regiment, 158th Guards Rifle Regiment, 122d Guards Artillery Regiment—Major M. N. Uglovsky

52d Guards Rifle Division—Major General. I. M. Nekrasov: 151st Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel I. F. ludich, 153d Guards Rifle Regiment, 155th Guards Rifle Regiment, 124th Guards Artillery Regiment, 57th Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

375th Rifle Division—Colonel P. D. Govorunenko (to 35th Guards Rifle Corps on 8 July) (to 69th Army on 10 July): 1241st Rifle Regiment, 1243d Rifle Regiment, 1245th Rifle Regiment, 193d Artillery Regiment:

Lieutenant Colonel P. T. Gubarev 89th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel I. A. Pigin (to 69th Army on 10 July)

267th Guards Rifle Regiment

270th Guards Rifle Regiment

273d Guards Rifle Regiment

196th Guards Artillery Regiment 96th Tank Brigade—Major General V. G. Lebedev (to 15 July), Colonel A. M.

Popov (from 16 July) (attached to 52 Guards Rifle Division) (to 69th Army on

10 July)

228th Tank Battalion

331st Tank Battalion

230th Separate Tank Regiment (attached to 52d Guards Rifle Division) 245th Separate Tank Regiment (attached to 67th Guards Rifle Division) 1440th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (76mm) (attached to 67th Guards

Rifle Division)

60th Separate Armored Train Battalion 27th Gun Artillery Brigade (to 69th Army on 10 July and 5th Guards Tank

Army on 11 July)

93d Gun Artillery Regiment (122mm) (attached to 375th Rifle Division)

142d Gun Artillery Regiment (152mm) (attached to 52d Guards Rifle Division)

308 Appendixes

33d Gun Artillery Brigade (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July)

163d Gun Artillery Regiment (attached to 67th and 71st Guards Rifle Divisions)

159th Gun Artillery Regiment (attached to 67th Guards Rifle Division) 628th Separate Gun Artillery Regiment (spt 71st Guards Rifle Division) 27th Antitank Artillery Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel N. D. Chevola (attached

to 71st Guards Rifle Division on 6 July)

1837th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major N. E. Plysiuk

1839th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major la. E. Kuvshinov

1841st Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major V. G. Gashkov 28th Antitank Gun Artillery Brigade (attached to 52d Guards Rifle Division on

6 July)

1838th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1840th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1842d Antitank Artillery Regiment 493d Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 71st Guards Rifle Division on

5 July) 496th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 71st and 67th Guards Rifle

Divisions on 6 July) 538th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 1st Tank Army in April) (attached to

52d Guards Rifle Division on 6 July)

611th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 67th Guards Rifle Division) 694th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 375th Rifle Division) 868th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 71st Guards Rifle Division) 1008th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel Kotenko (from 1st

Tank Army in April) (attached to 52d Guards Rifle Division on 6 July) 1240th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 375th Rifle Division) 1666th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 71st Guards Rifle Division) 1667th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 375th Rifle Division) 263d Mortar Regiment (attached to 375th Rifle Division) (to 69th Army on 13


295th Mortar Regiment (attached to 71st Guards Rifle Division) 5th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel L. Z. Pamovsky (two

battalions to 67th Guards Rifle Division and one to 52d Guards Rifle

Division) 16th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel la. T. Petrakovsky

(attached to 375th Rifle Division) (to the 5th Guards Tank Army on 11 July) 79th Guards Mortar Regiment (two battalions to 375th Rifle Division and one

to 67th Guards Rifle Division) (to 6th Tanks Corps, 1st Tank Army on 6 July) 314th Guards Mortar Regiment (attached to 22d Guards Rifle Corps) 316th Guards Mortar Regiment (from 1st Tank Army in April) 26th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel A. E. Florenko

1352d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1357th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1363d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1369th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment


1487th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 205th Separate Engineer Battalion 540th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 79,900 men, 1,682 guns and mortars, 92 multiple rocket launchers, and 155 tanks and self-propelled guns


31st Antitank Artillery Brigade (from 7th Guards Army on 8 July) (to 69th Army

on 13 July)

184th Rifle Division (from 40th Army on 12 July) 219th Rifle Division (from 40th Army on 12 July)

7th Guards Army—Commander, Lieutenant General M. S. Shumilov; Commissar, Major General Z. T. Serdiuk; Chief of Staff, Major General G. S. Lukin 24th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General N. A. Vasil'ev:

15th Guards Rifle Division—Major General E. I. Vasilenko: 44th Guards Rifle Regiment—Major I. A. Usikov: 47th Guards Rifle Regiment—Major I. I. Bat'ianov, 50th Guards Rifle Regiment, 43d Guards Artillery Regiment

36th Guards Rifle Division—Major General M. I. Denisenko: 104th Guards Rifle Regiment—Major P. A. Il'ichev, 106th Guards Rifle Regiment— Major I. A. Zaitsev, 108th Guards Rifle Regiment—Major I. P. Moiseev, 65th Guards Artillery Regiment, 39th Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion—Captain N. A. Borisov Strength: 8,013 men

72d Guards Rifle Division—Major General A. I. Losev: 222d Guards Rifle Regiment, 224th Guards Rifle Regiment, 229th Guards Rifle Regiment, 155th Guards Artillery Regiment—Major Resenuk 25th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General G. B. Safiullin

73d Guards Rifle Division—Colonel S. A. Kozak: 209th Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel G. P. Slatov, 211th Guards Rifle Regiment—Major P. N. Petrov, 214th Guards Rifle Regiment—Major V. I. Davidenko, 153d Guards Artillery Regiment—Major A. A. Nikolaev 78th Guards Rifle Division—Major General A. V. Skvortsov: 223d Guards Rifle Regiment—Major S. A. Arshinov, 225th Guards Rifle Regiment—Major D. S. Khorolenko, 228th Guards Rifle Regiment: Major I. A. Khitsov, 158th Guards Artillery Regiment, 81st Guards Antitank Artillery Battalion Strength: 7,854 men

81st Guards Rifle Division—Colonel I. K. Morozov (to 35th Guards Rifle Corps on 8 July) (to 69th Army on 10 July): 233d Guards Rifle Regiment, 235th Guards Rifle Regiment, 238th Guards Rifle Regiment, 173d Guards Artillery Regiment

213th Rifle Division—Colonel I. E. Buslaev 585th Rifle Regiment 702d Rifle Regiment 793d Rifle Regiment 671st Artillery Regiment

310 Appendixes

27th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel M. V. Nevzhinsky (to 18 August), Colonel

N. M. Brizhinov (from 19 August) (attached to 24th Guards Ride Corps) 201st Tank Brigade—Colonel (Major General on 16 July) A. I. Taranov

(attached to 24th Guards Rifle Corps) (to 78th Guards Rifle Division on

6 July)

295th Tank Battalion

296th Tank Battalion 148th Separate Tank Regiment (attached to 24th Guards Rifle Corps) (to 69th

Army on 10 July) 167th Separate Tank Regiment (attached to 25th Guards Rifle Corps) (to 73d

Guards Rifle Division on 6 July)

262d Separate Tank Regiment (attached to 25th Guards Rifle Corps) 1438th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (122mm) (attached to 25th Guards

Rifle Corps) (to 73d Guards Rifle Division on 6 July) 1529th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) (attached to 24th Guards

Rifle Corps)

34th Separate Armored Train Battalion 38th Separate Armored Train Battalion

109th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment (attached to 24th Guards Rifle Corps) 161st Guards Gun Artillery Regiment (attached to 25th Guards Rifle Corps) 265th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment (attached to 25th Guards Rifle Corps) (to

73d Guards Rifle Division on 6 July) 30th Antitank Artillery Brigade (army reserve, attached to 78th Guards Rifle

Division, 25th Guards Rifle Corps on 6 July) (to 69th Army on 10 July)

1844th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1846th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1848th Antitank Artillery Regiment 114th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel N. Shubin

(attached to 25th Guards Rifle Corps) 115th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel N. Koziarenko

(attached to 36th Guards Rifle Division, 24th Guards Rifle Corps) (to 69th

Army on 13 July) 1669th Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 36th Guards Rifle Division on

5 July and 78th Guards Rifle Division on 6 July) 1670th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1st Antitank Rifle Battalion (attached to 24th Guards Rifle Corps) 2d Antitank Rifle Battalion (attached to 81th Guards Rifle Division) 3d Antitank Rifle Battalion

4th Antitank Rifle Battalion (attached to 78th Guards Rifle Division) 5th Antitank Rifle Battalion (attached to 24th Guards Rifle Corps) 290th Mortar Regiment (attached to 25th Guards Rifle Corps) (to 69th Army

on 13 July) 5th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel M. A. Kudriasov

670th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

743d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1119th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1181st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment


162d Guards Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 258th Guards Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 60th Engineer Sapper Brigade—Colonel D. Sh. Tsepeniuk 175th Separate Engineer Battalion

329th Separate Engineer Battalion—Major A. I. Sychev (to 73d Guards Rifle Division on 6 July)

army strength: 76,800 men, 1,573 guns and mortars, 47 multiple rocket launchers, and 246 tanks and self-propelled guns

97th Guards Mortar Regiment (from/ront on 4 July) (attached to 81st Guards Rifle

Division, 25th Guards Rifle Corps) (to 72d Guards Rifle Division on 6 July) 309th Guards Mortar Regiment (from/font on 5 July) (to 78th Guards Rifle

Division on 6 July)

315th Guard Mortar Regiment (from/ront on 4 July) (attached to 25th Guards Rifle Corps) (to 69th Army on 13 July); 443d Guards Mortar Battalion (to 81st Guards Rifle Division on 5 July), 477th Guards Mortar Battalion (to 81st Guards Rifle Division on 5 July) 31st Antitank Artillery Brigade (from/rorrf on 6 July) (to 73d Guards Rifle

Division on 6 July) (to 6th Guards Army on 8 July)

38th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General N. E. Chibisov; Commissar, Major General I. D. Rybinsky; Chief of Staff, Major General A. P. Pilipenko 50th Rifle Corps—Major General S. S. Martirosian

167th Rifle Division—Major General 1.1. Mel'nikov: 465th Rifle Regiment,

520th Rifle Regiment, 615th Rifle Regiment, 576th Artillery Regiment 232th Rifle Division—Colonel N. P. Ulitin: 712th Rifle Regiment, 605th

Rifle Regiment, 498th Rifle Regiment, 676th Artillery Regiment 340th Rifle Division—Colonel M. I. Shadrin (to 12 August), Colonel I. E. Zubarev (from 12 August): 1140th Rifle Regiment, 1141st Rifle Regiment, 1144d Rifle Regiment, 911st Artillery Regiment 51st Rifle Corps—Major General P. P. Andreenko

180th Rifle Division—Major General F. P. Shmelev: 21st Rifle Regiment,

42d Rifle Regiment, 86th Rifle Regiment, 627th Artillery Regiment 240th Rifle Division—Major General T. F. Umansky: 836th Rifle Regiment,

842d Rifle Regiment, 931st Rifle Regiment, 692d Artillery Regiment 204th Rifle Division—Colonel K. M. Baidak (to front reserve on 8 July) 700th Rifle Regiment 706th Rifle Regiment 730th Rifle Regiment 657th Artillery Regiment

180th Separate Tank Brigade—Colonel M. Z. Kiselev (attached to 51st Rifle Corps) (to 1st Tank Army on 7 July) 392d Tank Battalion 393d Tank Battalion

192d Separate Tank Brigade—Colonel A. F. Karavan (to 21 August), Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Kitvin (from 22 August) (attached to 50 Rifle Corps) (to 40th Army on 6 July and 1st Tank Army on 7 July)

312 Appendixes

416th Tank Battalion

417th Tank Battalion 112th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment lllth Guards Howitzer Artillery Regiment (to 40th Army on 6 July and 1st

Tank Army on 7 July) 29th Antitank Artillery Brigade (to 6th Guards Army and 1st Tank Army on 7 July)

1843d Antitank Artillery Regiment

1845th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1847th Antitank Artillery Regiment

222d Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 1st Tank Army and 69th Army on 7 July) 483d Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) 1658th Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 69th Army on 13 July) 1660th Antitank Artillery Regiment 491st Mortar Regiment 492d Mortar Regiment

66th Guards Mortar Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 7 July) 441st Guards Mortar Battalion, 314th Guards Mortar Regiment (to 69th Army

on 7 July)

981st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 9th Antiaircraft Artillery Division 1288th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 235th Separate Engineer Battalion 268th Separate Engineer Battalion 108th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 1505th Separate Mine Sapper Battalion

army strength: 60,000 men, 1,168 guns and mortars, 32 multiple rocket launchers, and 150 tanks and self-propelled guns

40th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General. K. S. Moskalenko; Commissar, Major General K. V. Krainiukov; Chief of Staff, Major General A. G. Batiunia 47th Rifle Corps—Major General A. S. Griaznov

161st Rifle Division—Major General P. V. Tertyshny (to 52d Rifle Corps on 6 July): 565th Rifle Regiment—Major A. A. Ermolaev, 569th Rifle Regiment—Major V. la. Nagin, 575th Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel M. I. Sipovich, 1036th Artillery Regiment—Major N. V. Platonov, 413th Separate Antitank Battalion—Lieutenant I. M. Lysenko 206th Rifle Division—Colonel V. I. Rut'ko (to 11 August), Major General S. P. Merkulov (from 12 August): 722d Rifle Regiment, 737th Rifle Regiment, 748th Rifle Regiment, 661st Artillery Regiment 237th Rifle Division—Colonel P. A. D'iakonov (to 26 August), Colonel V. I. Novozhilov (from 27 August): 835th Rifle Regiment, 838th Rifle Regiment, 841st Rifle Regiment, 691st Artillery Regiment 52d Rifle Corps—Lieutenant General F. I. Perkhorovich

100th Rifle Division—Colonel N. A. Bezzubov (to 17 July), Colonel P. T. Tsygankov (from 23 July): 454th Rifle Regiment, 460th Rifle Regiment, 472d Rifle Regiment, 1031st Artillery Regiment, one antitank rifle battalion (attached)


219th Rifle Division—Major General V. P. Kotel'nikov (to 29 August), Colonel A. S. Pypyrev (from 30 August) (to 6th Guards Army on 12 July):

375th Rifle Regiment, 710th Rifle Regiment, 727th Rifle Regiment, 673d Artillery Regiment, one antitank rifle battalion (attached)

309th Rifle Division—Colonel D. F. Dremin (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) (returned on 12 July): 955th Rifle Regiment, 957th Rifle Regiment, 959th Rifle Regiment, 842d Artillery Regiment 184th Rifle Division—Colonel S. I. Tsukarev (to 6th Guards Army on 12 July)

262d Rifle Regiment

294th Rifle Regiment

297th Rifle Regiment

616th Artillery Regiment 86th Separate Tank Brigade—Colonel V. S. Agafonov (to 1st Tank Army on 8


232d Tank Battalion—Captain N. G. Guba

233d Tank Battalion

59th Separate Tank Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) 60th Separate Heavy Tank Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) 36th Gun Artillery Brigade 29th Howitzer Artillery Brigade

805th Howitzer Artillery Regiment

839th Howitzer Artillery Regiment 76th Guards Gun Artillery Regiment 32d Antitank Artillery Brigade (to 69th Army on 13 July)

1850th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1852d Antitank Artillery Regiment

1854th Antitank Artillery Regiment

4th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) 12th Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) 869th Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) 1244th Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 7 July) 1663d Antitank Artillery Regiment 1664th Antitank Artillery Regiment 493d Mortar Regiment 494th Mortar Regiment 9th Mountain Mortar Regiment 10th Mountain Mortar Regiment 9th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Lieutenant Colonel (Colonel on 9 July)

N. A. Roshchitsky (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July)

800th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

974th Antiairctaft Artillery Regiment

993d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1488th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 14th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 77,000 men, 1,636 guns and mortars, and 237 tanks

314 Appendixes

1461st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (76mm) (from 1st Tank Army on 5


1689th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from front on 5 July) lllth Guards Howitzer Artillery Regiment (from 40th Army on 7 July) (to 1st

Tank Army on 8 July)

204th Rifle Division (from/ront reserve on 12 July)

69th Army—Commander, Lieutenant General V. D. Kriuchenldn; Commissar, Major General A. V. Shchelakovsky; Chief of Staff, Colonel S. M. Protas 48th Rifle Corps—Major General Z. Z. Rogozny

107th Rifle Division—Major General P. M. Bezhko (to 35th Guards Rifle Corps on 10 July): 504th Rifle Regiment, 516th Rifle Regiment, 522d Rifle Regiment, 1032d Artillery Regiment

183d Rifle Division—Major General A. S. Kostitsyn (to 24 July), Colonel I. D. Vasilevsky (from 25 July): 227th Rifle Regiment, 285th Rifle Regiment, 296th Rifle Regiment, 623d Artillery Regiment—Major I. N. Sadovnikov 305th Rifle Division—Colonel A. F. Vasil'ev (to 35th Guards Rifle Corps on 10 July): 1000th Rifle Regiment, 1002d Rifle Regiment, 1004th Rifle Regiment, 830th Artillery Regiment

49th Rifle Corps—Major General G. P. Terent'ev (to 7th Guards Army on 7 July) lllth Rifle Division—Lieutenant Colonel A. N. Petrushin: 399th Rifle Regiment, 468th Rifle Regiment, 532d Rifle Regiment, 286th Artillery Regiment 270th Rifle Division—Colonel I. P. Beliaev: 973d Rifle Regiment, 975th

Rifle Regiment, 977th Rifle Regiment, 810th Artillery Regiment 1661st Antitank Artillery Regiment 496th Mortar Regiment

225th Guards Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 322d Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion 328th Separate Engineer Battalion

army STRENGTH: 52,000 men and 889 guns and mortars

35th Guards Rifle Corps (from/ront on 5 July): 92d Guards Rifle Division, 94th

Guards Rifle Division

93d Guards Rifle Division (from/rant on 7 July) 81st Guards Rifle Division (from 7th Guards Army on 10 July) 89th Guards Rifle Division (from 6th Guards Army on 10 July) 10th Antitank Artillery Brigade (from Southwestern Front on 10 July) (to 5th

Guards Tank Army on 11 July) (from 5th Guards Tank Army on 13 July) 375th Rifle Division (from 6 Guards Army on 10 July) 2d Guards Tank Corps (from 1st Tank Army on 10 July) 96th Tank Brigade (from 6th Guards Army on 10 July) 148th Separate Regiment (from 7th Guards Army on 10 July) 30th Antitank Artillery Brigade (from 7th Guards Army on 10 July) 27th Gun Artillery Brigade (from 6th Guards Army on 10 July) (to 5th Guards

Tank Army on 11 July) (returned on 13 July)


32d Antitank Artillery Brigade (from 40th Army on 13 July) 36th Antiaircraft Artillery Division (from/rent reserve on 13 July)

1385th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1391st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1397th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1399th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 80th Guards Mortar Regiment (from 5th Guards Tank Army on 13 July) 1076th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 2d Guards Tank Corps on 13 July) 31st Antitank Artillery Brigade (from 6th Guards Army on 13 July) 115th Guards Mortar Regiment (from 7th Guards Army on 13 July) 1658th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 38th Army on 13 July) 315th Guards Mortar Regiment (from 7th Guards Army on 13 July) 293d Mortar Regiment (from 6th Guards Army on 13 July) 290th Mortar Regiment (from 7th Guards Army on 13 July) 48th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 2d Tank Corps on 13 July) 638th Antitank Artillery Regiment (on 13 July) (from another antitank brigade) 1510th Antitank Artillery Regiment (on 13 July) (from another antitank


1st Tank Army—Commander, Lieutenant General M. E. Katukov; Commissar, Major General N. K. Popel'; Chief of Staff, Major General M. A. Shalin 3d Mechanized Corps—Major General S. M. Krivoshein

1st Mechanized Brigade—Colonel F. P. Lipatenkov: 14th Tank Regiment

3d Mechanized Brigade—Colonel A. Kh. Babadzhanian: 16th Tank Regiment

10th Mechanized Brigade—Colonel 1.1. lakovlev: 17th Tank Regiment— Major I. N. Boiko

1st Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel V. M. Gorelov

49th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel A. F. Burda

58th Motorcycle Battalion

35th Antitank Artillery Regiment

265th Mortar Regiment

405th Separate Guards Mortar Battalion

34th Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion

Corps strength: 250 tanks 6th Tank Corps—Major General A. L. Getman

22d Tank Brigade—Colonel N. G. Vedenichev: 1st Tank Battalion, one tank battalion

112th Tank Brigade—Colonel M. T. Leonov: 124th Tank Battalion—Major F. P. Borid'ko, 125th Tank Battalion—Major P. I. Orekhov

200th Tank Brigade—Colonel N. V. Morgunov: 191st Tank Battalion, 192d Tank Battalion

6th Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel I. P. Elin

85th Motorcycle Battalion

1461st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (76mm) (to 40th Army on 5 July)

538th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major V. I. Barkovsky (to 6th Guards Army in April)

316 Appendixes

1008th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major I. K. Kotenko (to 6th Guards

Army in April) 270th Mortar Regiment

40th Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion Corps strength: 179 tanks on 6 July and 52 tanks on 18 July)


79th Guards Mortar Regiment (from 6th Guards Army on 6 July) 31st Tank Corps—Major General D. Kh. Chemienko

100th Tank Brigade—Colonel N. M. Ivanov (to 21 July), Major V. M.

Potapov (from 22 July): 1st Tank Battalion—Captain P. F. Kunchenko, 2d

Tank Battalion—Captain M. G. Marilov 237th Tank Brigade—Major N. P. Protsenko: 1st Tank Battalion—Captain

N. M. Godin, 2d Tank Battalion 242d Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. P. Sokolov: 1st Tank Battalion,

2d Tank Battalion

31st Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion 210th Antitank Rifle Battalion Corps strength: 43 T-34 and 12-17 T-60 and T-70 tanks per brigade for a

total of 196 (155 T-34 and 41 T-60 and T-70) tanks


753d Antitank Artillery Battalion (on 10 July)

316th Guards Mortar Regiment (attached to 6th Guards Army in April)

8th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel I. G. Kamen'sky: 797th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 848th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 978th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 1063d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

71st Separate Motorized Engineer Battalion

267th Separate Motorized Engineer Battalion

385th Signal Aviation Regiment (19 PO-2)

83d Signal Regiment

35th Auto Transport Regiment

6th Repair-Reconstruction Battalion

7th Repair-Reconstruction Battalion

army strength: 40,000 men, 419 guns and mortars, 56 multiple rocket launchers, 646 tanks and self-propelled guns, and several thousand vehicles)

6 6 «

2d Guards Tank Corps (from/r-ont on 5 July)

5th Guards Tank Corps (from front on 5 July)

29th Antitank Artillery Brigade (from 38th Army on 7 July) (attached to 31st

Tank Corps)

180th Separate Tank Brigade (from 38th Army on 7 July) 192d Separate Tank Brigade (from 38th Army on 7 July) lllth Guards Howitzer Artillery Regiment (from 38th Army on 7 July) 222d Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 38th Army on 7 July) 1244th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 40th Army on 7 July) (attached to

31st Tank Corps)


66th Guards Mortar Regiment (from 38th Army on 7 July) 754th Antitank Artillery Battalion (from 38th Army or 40th Army on 8


756th Antitank Artillery Battalion (from 38th Army or 40th Army on 8 July) 138th Antitank Rifle Battalion (from 38th Army or 40th Army on 8 July) 139th Antitank Rifle Battalion (from 38th Army or 40th Army on 8 July) 86th Separate Tank Brigade (from 40th Army on 8 July) 33d Gun Artillery Brigade (from 6th Guards Army on 8 July) 4th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 40th Army on 8 July) 12th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 40th Army on 8 July) 36th Guards Mortar Regiment (from front on 8 July) 10th Tank Corps (from Steppe Front on 8 July) 309th Rifle Division (from 40th Army on 8 July) (to 40th Army on 12 July) 59th Separate Tank Regiment (from 40th Army on 8 July) 60th Separate Heavy Tank Regiment (from 40th Army on 8 July) 203d Separate Tank Regiment (from/ront on 8 July) 483d Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 38th Army on 8 July) 869th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from 40th Army on 8 July) 14th Antitank Artillery Brigade (from/rent on 8 July) 9th Antiaircraft Artillery Division (from 40th Army on 8 July) 204th Rifle Division (from/ront on 10 July) 2d Air Army—Commander, Lieutenant General S. A. Krasovsky; Commissar, Major General S. N. Romanazov; Chief of Staff, Colonel A. I. Asaulenko 1st Bomber Aviation Corps—Colonel I. S. Polbin

1st Guards Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel F. I. Dobysh

293d Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel G. V. Gribakin 1st Assault Aviation Corps—Lieutenant General V. G. Riazanov

266th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel F. G. Podialdn

292d Assault Aviation Division—Major General F. A. Agal'tsov 4th Fighter Aviation Corps—Major General I. D. Podgomy

294th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel V. V. Sukhoriakov (to 27 July), Lieutenant Colonel I. A. Taranenko (from 28 July)

302d Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel B. I. Litvinov 5th Fighter Aviation Corps—Major General D. P. Galunov

8th Guards Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel I. P. Lariushldn 205th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel lu. A. Nemtsevich 291st Assault Aviation Division—Major General A. N. Vitruk 203d Fighter Aviation Division—Major General K. G. Baranchuk 208th Night Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel L. N. luseev 385th Light Bomber Aviation Regiment 454th Light Bomber Aviation Regiment 50th Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment 331st Corrective Aviation Squadron 1554th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1555th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 1605th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

318 Appendixes

Front subordination

35th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General S. G. Goriachev (to 69th Army on 5 July)

92d Guards Rifle Division—Colonel V. F. Trunin (to 10 August), Colonel A. N. Petrushin (from 11 August) (to 69th Army on 5 July): 276th Guards Rifle Regiment, 280th Guards Rifle Regiment, 282d Guards Rifle Regiment, 197th Guards Artillery Regiment—Colonel S. I. Shapovalov

93d Guards Rifle Division—Major General V. V. Tikhomirov (to 48th Rifle Corps on 7 July): 278th Guards Rifle Regiment, 281st Guards Rifle Regiment, 285th Guards Rifle Regiment, 198th Guards Artillery Regiment

94th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel I. G. Russkikh (to 69th Army on 5 July, returned to 35th Guards Rifle Corps on 8 July): 283d Guards Rifle Regiment, 286th Guards Rifle Regiment, 288th Guards Rifle Regiment, 199th Guards Artillery Regiment

Corps strength: 35,000 men and 620 guns and mortars


81st Guards Rifle Division (from 7th Guards Army on 8 July, returned to

48th Rifle Corps, 69th Army on 10 July) 375th Rifle Division (from 6th Guards Army on 8 July, returned to 48th Rifle

Corps, 69th Army on 10 July) 305th Rifle Division (from 69th Army on 10 July) 107th Rifle Division (from 69th Army on 10 July) 1510th Antitank Artillery Regiment (45mm) (corps reserve on 13 July) 2d Guards Tank Corps—Major General A. S. Burdeiny (to 1st Tank Army on 5 July, 69th Army on 10 July, and 5th Guards Tank Army on 11 July) 4th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel A. K. Brazhnikov 25th Guards Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel S. M. Bulygin 26th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel S. K. Nesterov 4th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade 47th Guards Tank Regiment 1500th Antitank Artillery Regiment 755th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 273d Mortar Regiment 1695th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 19th Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion 79th Separate Motorcycle Battalion

Strength: 200 tanks on 5 July and 100 tanks on 11 July


1076th Antitank Artillery Regiment (from/ront on 7 July) (to 69th Army on

13 July)

5th Guards Tank Corps—Major General A. G. Kravchenko (to 1st Tank Army on 5 July)

20th Guards Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel P. F. Okhrimenko 21st Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel K. I. Ovcharenko 22d Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel F. A. Zhilin


6th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade

48th Guards Tank Regiment

1499th Antitank Artillery Regiment

454th Mortar Regiment

1696th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

23d Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion

80th Separate Motorcycle Battalion

Strength: 200 tanks

One battalion, 203d Separate Heavy Tank Regiment 1528th Howitzer Artillery Regiment (29th Howitzer Artillery Brigade) 522d High-powered Howitzer Artillery Regiment (to 5th Guards Tank Army on

11 July) 1148th High-powered Howitzer Artillery Regiment (to 5th Guards Tank Army

on 11 July) 14th Antitank Artillery Brigade (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July)

1177th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1207th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1212th Antitank Artillery Regiment 31st Antitank Artillery Brigade (to 7th Guards Army on 6 July and 6th Guards

Army on 8 July)

1849th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1851st Antitank Artillery Regiment

1853d Antitank Artillery Regiment 1076th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel Kalinin (to 2d Guards

Tank Corps on 7 July)

1689th Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 40th Army on 5 July) 12th Mortar Brigade 469th Mortar Regiment

36th Guards Mortar Regiment (to 1st Tank Army on 8 July) 80th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel Samchenko (to 5th Guards

Tank Army on 11 July) 97th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel M. M. Chumak (to 7th

Guards Army on 4 July)

309th Guards Mortar Regiment (to 7th Guards Army on 5 July) 315th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. F. Ganiushkin (to 7th

Guards Army on 4 July) 22d Guards Separate Antiaircraft Battalion 4th Engineer Mine Brigade 5th Engineer Mine Brigade 42d Engineer Brigade (Spetznaz) 6th Pontoon Bridge Brigade 13th Guards Miners Battalion 6th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 20th Pontoon Bridge Battalion

320 Appendixes

1529th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (from RVK in July) 36th Antiaircraft Artillery Division (from RGK in July)

1385th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1391st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1397th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1399th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 204th Rifle Division (from 38th Army on 8 July) 13th Artillery Penetration Division—Major General D. M. Krasnokutsky (from

Briansk Front after 20 July) (to 5th Guards Army by 1 August)

42d Light Artillery Brigade

47th Howitzer Artillery Brigade

88th Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade

91st Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (to 27th Army by 1 August)

101st High-powered Howitzer Artillery Brigade

17th Mortar Brigade 17th Artillery Penetration Division (7th Artillery Penetration Corps) (from

Briansk Front after 20 July)

37th Light Artillery Brigade

39th Gun Artillery Brigade

50th Gun Artillery Brigade

92d Heavy Gun Artillery Brigade

108th Gun Artillery Brigade

22d Mortar Brigade

front strength: 625,591 men, 8,718 guns and mortars, 272 multiple rocket launchers, 1,704 tanks and self-propelled guns, and 900 aircraft

The Khar'kov Axis

southwestern front—Commander, Army General R. la. Malinovsky;

Commissar, Lieutenant General A. S. Zheltov; Chief of Staff, Major General F. K. Korzhenevich

57th Army (to Steppe Front on 8 August)—Commander, Lieutenant General N. A. Gagen; Commissar, Major General L. P. Bocharev; Chief of Staff, Major General V. D. Karpukhin

27th Guards Rifle Corps—Lieutenant General F. E. Sheverdin (to 22 August), Major General E. S. Alekhin (from 23 August) 14th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel V. V. Rusakov 48th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel G. N. Korchikov 58th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel P. I. Kazatldn 19th Rifle Division—Colonel P. E. Lazarov 24th Rifle Division—Major General F. A. Prokhorov 52d Rifle Division—Lieutenant Colonel P. D. Fadeev (to 11 August), Colonel

A. la. Maksimov (from 12 August)

113th Rifle Division—Major General E. S. Alekhin (to 22 August), Lieutenant Colonel M. I. Pogorelov (from 23 August)


303d Rifle Division—Colonel K. S. Fedorovsky

1st Separate Destroyer Brigade

173d Tank Brigade—Colonel V. P. Korotkov

179th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. I. Tutushldn

26th Light Artillery Brigade (9th Artillery Division)

9th Guards Gun Artillery Brigade

1110th Gun Artillery Regiment

374th Antitank Artillery Regiment

595th Antitank Artillery Regiment

523d Mortar Regiment

45th Guards Mortar Regiment

303d Guards Mortar Regiment

71st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

227th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

army strength: 65,000 men and 80 tanks

2d Tank Corps—Major General A. F. Popov (to Southwestern Front on 8 July and 5th Guards Tank Army on 11 July) 26th Tank Brigade

99th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel S. Malov (KIA on 11 July) 169th Tank Brigade 58th Motorized Rifle Brigade 83d Motorcycle Battalion

48th Antitank Artillery Regiment (to 69th Army on 13 July) 1502d Antitank Regiment 269th Mortar Regiment 1698th Antiaircraft Regiment 307th Guards Mortar Battalion

Corps Strength: 168 tanks on 8 July and 100 tanks on 12 July 17th Air Army—Commander, Lieutenant General V. A. Sudets; Commissar, Major General V. N. Tolmachev; Chief of Staff, Major General N. M. Korsakov 1st Mixed Aviation Corps—Major General V. I. Shevchenko

5th Guards Assault Aviation Division—Colonel L. V. Kolomeistev

288th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel B. A. Smirnov 3d Mixed Aviation Corps—Major General V. I. Aladinsky

290th Assault Aviation Division—Major General P. I. Mironenko

207th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel A. P. Osadchy 9th Mixed Aviation Corps—Major General 0. V. Tolstikov

305th Assault Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel N. G. Mikhevichev

295th Fighter Aviation Corps

244th Bomber Aviation Division—Major General V. I. Klebtsov 306th Assault Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Ivanov 262d Night Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel G. I. Belitsky 39th Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment 3d Medical Aviation Regiment

322 Appendixes

southern front

8th Air Army—Commander, Lieutenant General T. T. Khriukin; Commissar, Major General A. I. Vikhorev; Chief of Staff, Colonel I. M. Belov

289th Assault Aviation Division (10th Mixed Aviation Corps)—Colonel I. P. Putsyldn

270th Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel G. A. Chuchev

1st Guards Assault Aviation Division—Major General B. K. Tokarev

6th Guards Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel B. A. Sidnev

2d Guards Night Bomber Aviation Division—Major General P. 0. Kuznetsov

8th Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment

406th Light Bomber Aviation Regiment

678th Transport Aviation Regiment

5th Medical Aviation Regiment

87th Guards Aviation Regiment (Civil Air Fleet)

Stavka Reserves

steppe military district (steppe front ON 9 july)—Commander, Colonel General I. S. Konev; Commissar, Lieutenant General I. Z. Susaikov;

Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General M. V. Zakharov

4th Guards Army—Commander, Lieutenant General G. I. Kulik; Commissar, Colonel I. A. Gavrilov; Chief of Staff, Major General P. M. Verkholovich 20th Guards Rifle Corps—Major General N. I. Biriukov

5th Guards Airborne Division—Major General M. A. Bogdanov (to 16 July), Major General V. I. Kalinin (from 20 July)

7th Guards Airborne Division—Major General M. G. Mikeladze

8th Guards Airborne Division—Major General V. F. Stenin (to 25 August),

Major General M. A. Bogdanov (from 25 August) 21st Guards Rifle Corps—Major General P. I. Fomenko

68th Guards Rifle Division—Major General G. P. Isakov

69th Guards Rifle Division—Major General K. K. Dzhakhua

80th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel A. E. lakovlev 3d Guards Tank Corps—Major General I. A. Vovchenko

3d Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel G. A. Pokhodzeev

18th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel D. K. Gumeniuk

19th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel T. S. Pozolotin

2d Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel A. D. Pavlenko

1436th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment

76th Motorcycle Battalion

1496th Antitank Artillery Regiment

266th Mortar Regiment

1701st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

749th Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

324th Guards Mortar Battalion

Corps strength: approximately 178 tanks and self-propelled guns 452d Antitank Artillery Regiment


1317th Antitank Artillery Regiment

466th Mortar Regiment

96th Guards Mortar Regiment

27th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel N. A. Bogun

1354th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1358th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1364th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1370th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 48th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 70,000 men and 178 tanks and self-propelled guns

5th Guards Army (to Voronezh Front on 8 July)—Commander, Lieutenant General A. S. Zhadov; Commissar, Major General A. M. Krivulin; Chief of Staff, Major General N. I. Liamin 32d Guards Rifle Corps—Major General A. I. Rodimtsev

13th Guards Rifle Division—Major General G. V. Baklanov: 34th Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel D. I. Panikhin, 39th Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Shchur, 42d Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Kolesnik, 32d Guards Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Klebanovsky

66th Guards Rifle Division—Major General A. V. lakushin: 145th Guards Rifle Regiment, 193d Guards Rifle Regiment, 195th Guards Rifle Regiment, 135th Guards Artillery Regiment

6th Guards Airborne Division—Colonel M. N. Smimov: 14th Guards Airborne Regiment, 17th Guards Airborne Regiment, 20th Guards Airborne Regiment, 8th Guards Airborne Artillery Regiment 33d Guards Rifle Corps—Major General 1.1. Popov (to 30 August), Major

General M. I. Kozlov (from 31 August)

95th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel A. N. Liakhov: 284th Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Nakaidze, 287th Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel F. M. Zaiamy, 290th Guards Rifle Regiment, 233d Guards Artillery Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. P. Revin, 103d Guards Separate Antitank Battalion

97th Guards Rifle Division—Colonel I. I. Antsiferov: 289th Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel P. R. Pansky, 292d Guards Rifle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Savinov, 294th Guards Rifle Regiment, 232d Guards Artillery Regiment, 104th Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion—Major I. D. Rudenko

9th Guards Airborne Division—Colonel A. M. Sazonov: 23d Guards Airborne Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel N. M. Nazarov, 26th Guards Airborne Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel G. M. Kashpersky, 28th Guards Airborne Regiment—Major V. A. Ponomarev, 7th Guards Artillery Regiment— Major V. K. Valuev, 10th Guards Antitank Artillery Battalion

42d Guards Rifle Division—Major General F. A. Bobrov: 127th Guards Rifle Regiment, 132d Guards Rifle Regiment, 136th Guards Rifle Regiment, 75th Guards Artillery Regiment

324 Appendixes

10th Tank Corps—Major General V. G. Burkov (to front on 7 July and 1st Tank Army on 8 July)

178th Tank Brigade—Major K. M. Pivorarov 183d Tank Brigade—Colonel G. la. Andriushchenko (to 15 August),

Lieutenant Colonel M. K. Akopov (from 15 August) 186th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Ovsiannikov llth Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel P. G. Borodkin 1450th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (122m/76mm)—Lieutenant

Colonel L. M. Lebedev

30th Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion 77th Motorcycle Battalion

727th Antitank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Shonichev (20 76mm guns) 287th Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. F. Druzhinin (36 120mm


1693d Antiaircraft Regiment—Major N. A. Shumilov (16 37mm antiaircraft guns) Corps strength: 9, 612 men, 164 tanks (99 T-34, 64 T-70, 1 KV), 21 self-propelled guns (12 SU-122, 9 SU-76), 77 guns (28 76mm, 32 45mm, 17 37mm), 123 mortars, 983 vehicles, 14 tractors, 70 motorcycles, 52 armored transporters, 44 armored cars, 4,613 rifles, 2,917 auto weapons, 209 submachine guns, 58 heavy machine guns, 57 antiaircraft machine guns, and 202 antitank rifles 301st Antitank Artillery Regiment (attached to 33d Guards Rifle Corps) (to

95th Guards Rifle Division on 12 July) 1322d Antitank Artillery Regiment 308th Guards Mortar Regiment

29th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel la. M. Liubimov (to 23 July), Colonel M. A. Vialov (from 24 July): 1360th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 1366th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 1372d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, 1374th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 256th Separate Engineer Battalion 431st Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 80,000 men, 1,953 guns and mortars, 133 multiple rocket launchers, and 185 tanks and self-propelled guns

27th Army (to Voronezh Front on 14 July)—Commander, Lieutenant General S. G. Trofimenko; Commissar, Major General I. P. Shevchenko; Chief of Staff, Colonel G. S. Lukianchenko

71st Rifle Division—Major General N. M. Zamirovsky

147th Rifle Division—Major General M. P. lakimov

155th Rifle Division—Colonel I. V. Kaprov

163d Rifle Division—Colonel F. V. Karlov

166th Rifle Division—Colonel B. I. Poltorzhitsky (to 19 August), Colonel A. I. Svetlaikov (from 20 August)

241st Rifle Division—Colonel P. G. Arabei

93d Tank Brigade—Major S. K. Doropei or Major A. A. Dement'ev

39th Separate Tank Regiment

680th Antitank Artillery Regiment


1070th Antitank Artillery Regiment 480th Mortar Regiment 47th Guards Mortar Regiment 23d Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel N. S. Sitnikov

1064th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1336th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1342d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1348th Antitank Artillery Regiment 25th Separate Engineer Battalion 38th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 70,000 men and 92 tanks

47th Army—Commander, Major General P. M. Kozlov; Commissar, Major General I. N. Korolev; Chief of Staff, Colonel E. V. Ivanov 21st Rifle Corps—Major General V. L. Abramov

23d Rifle Division—Colonel A. I. Korolev

218th Rifle Division—Colonel P. T. Kliushnikov (to 14 August), Colonel D. N. Dolganov (15 August-26 August), Colonel S. F. Sidiarov (from 26 August)

337th Rifle Division—Major General G. 0. Liaskin 23d Rifle Corps—Major General N. E. Chuvakov

29th Rifle Division—Colonel N. M. Ivanovsky

30th Rifle Division—Colonel M. E. Savchenko

38th Rifle Division—Colonel S. F. Sidiarov (to 10 August), Lieutenant

Colonel F. S. Esipov (from 11 August) 269th Antitank Artillery Regiment 1593d Antitank Artillery Regiment 460th Mortar Regiment 83d Guards Mortar Regiment 21st Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel G. V. Kasatldn

1044th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1334th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1340th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1346th Antitaircraft Artillery Regiment 91st Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 65,000 men

53d Army (to Voronezh Front on 14 July)—Commander, Lieutenant General I. M. Managarov; Commissar, Major General P. I. Gorokhov; Chief of Staff, Major General K. N. Derevianko

28th Guards Rifle Division—Major General G. I. Churmaev

84th Rifle Division—Colonel P. I. Buniashin

116th Rifle Division—Major General I. M. Makarov

214th Rifle Division—Major General P. P. Dremin (to 1 August), Colonel la. I. Brovchenko

233d Rifle Division—Colonel la. N. Bransky (to 26 July), Colonel lu. I. Sokolov (from 27 July)

252d Rifle Division—Major General G. I. Anisimov

326 Appendixes

299th Rifle Division—Colonel A. la. Klimenko (to 12 August), Major General

N. G. Travnikov (from 12 August) 34th Separate Tank Regiment 35th Separate Tank Regiment 232d Antitank Artilllery Regiment 1316th Antitank Artillery Regiment 461st Mortar Regiment 89th Guards Mortar Regiment 30th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel N. V. Popov

1361st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1367th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1373d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1375th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment llth Separate Engineer Battalion 17th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 65,000 men and 78 tanks

5th Guards Tank Army (to Voronezh Front on 11 July)—Commander, Lieutenant General P. A. Rotmistrov; Commissar, Major General P. G. Grishin; Chief of Staff, Major General V. N. Baskakov

5th Guards Mechanized Corps—Major General B. M. Skvortsov

10th Guards Mechanized Brigade—Colonel I. B. Mikhailov: 51st Guards

Tank Regiment—Colonel D. la. Klinfei'd llth Guards Mechanized Brigade—Colonel N. V. Grishchenko: 54th Guards

Tank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. Riazantsev 12th Guards Mechanized Brigade—Colonel G. la. Borisenko: 55th Guards

Tank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel M. Goi'dberg 24th Guards Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. P. Karpov (to 29 July), Colonel T. A. Akulovich (30 July-11 August), Lieutenant Colonel V. P. Karpov (from 12 August) 4th Guards Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion—Captain

N. A. Shtykoi

2d Guards Motorcycle Battalion—Captain V. P. Kuz'min 1447th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm)—Major V. F. Gaidash 104th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment (57mm)—Major F. Z. Babachenko 285th Mortar Regiment—Major S. S. Belen'kovo 737th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 409th Separate Guards Mortar Battalion—Captain N. A. Kolupaev

Strength: 212 tanks and 16 self-propelled guns; tank regiment strength 32

T-34, 16-17 T-70 each; and tank brigade strength 63 T-34 each 29th Tank Corps—Major General I. F. Kirichenko 25th Tank Brigade—Colonel N. K. Volodin 31st Tank Brigade—Colonel S. F. Moiseev (to 8 August), Colonel A. A.

Novikov (from 9 August)

32d Tank Brigade—Colonel A. A. Linev (KIA on 25 August), Colonel K. K. Vorob'ev (from 26 August)


53d Motorized Rifle Battalion—Lieutenant Colonel N. P. Lipichev

1446th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment 85mm)—Captain M. S. Lunev

38th Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Battalion

75th Motorcycle Battalion

108th Antitank Artillery Regiment

271st Mortar Battalion

747th Separate Antitank Battalion

Strength: 170 tanks and 21 self-propelled guns


76th Guards Mortar Regiment: (attached on 5 July) 53d Guards Separate Tank Regiment—Major N. A. Kurnosov (to Group

Trufanov on 11 July) (strength: 21 tanks) 1549th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm) 1st Separate Guards Motorcycle Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel V. A.

Dokudovsky (to Group Trufanov on 11 July) 678th Howitzer Artillery Regiment (to Group Trufanov on 11 July) 689th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major I. S. Guzhvy (to Group Trufanov on

11 July)

76th Guards Mortar Regiment 6th Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel G. P. Mezhinsky

146th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment (attached to 5th Guards Motor Corps)

366th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment (attached to 29 Tank Corps)

516th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1062d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 4th Separate Signal Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel A. M. Gorbachev 994th Light Bomber Aviation Regiment 377th Separate Engineer Battalion 18th Tank Corps—Major General B. S. Bakharov (from RVK on 7 July)

110th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel M. G. Khiiupin

170th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. D. Tarasov (to 13 July), Lieutenant Colonel A. I. Kazakov (14 July-7 August), Colonel N. P. Chunikin (from 8 August)

181st Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. A. Puzyrev (to 15 August), Lieutenant Colonel A. F. Shevchenko (from 16 August)

32d Motorized Rifle Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel I. A. Stukov (KIA on 13 July), Colonel M. E. Khvatov (from 13 July)

36th Guards Separate Tank Regiment (Heavy)

1000th Antitank Artillery Regiment

736th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

292d Mortar Regiment

1694th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

29th Separate Armored Car (Reconnaissance) Company

78th Separate Motorcycle Battalion Strength: 190 tanks

army strength: 37,000 men, 593 tanks, and 37 self-propelled guns on 6 July)

328 Appendixes

2d Tank Corps—Major General A. F. Popov (from Southwestern Front on 8

July, to 5th Guards Tank Army on 11 July) 1529th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (from RVK and Voronezh Front on 11

July) (attached to 29th Tank Corps) 522d High-power Howitzer Artillery Regiment (from Voronezh Front on 11

July) 148th High-power Howitzer Artillery Regiment (from Voronezh Front on 11


148th Gun Artillery Regiment (from Voronezh Front on 11 July) 93d Gun Artillery Regiment (from Voronezh Front on 11 July) 16th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel la. T. Tsetrakovsky (from

6th Guards Army, Voronezh Front on 11 July) 80th Guards Mortar Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel I. Samchenko (from

Voronezh Front on 11 July) (to 69th Army on 13 July) 10th Antitank Artillery Brigade (57mm) (from 69th Army on 11 July) (1 regiment to 18th Tank Corps, remainder to 2d Guards Tank Corps) (to 69th Army on 13 July) 532d Antitank Artillery Regiment 1243d Antitank Artillery Regiment 1245th Antitank Artillery Regiment

27th Gun Artillery Brigade (from 6th Guards Army on 11 July) (to 69th Army on 13 July)

5th Guards Tank Army strength on 11 July, with 2d Guards Tank Corps and 2d Tank Corps: 793 tanks and 37 self-propelled guns, including 501 T-34, 261 T-70, and 31 Mk. IV Churchill tanks

5th Air Army—Commander, Lieutenant General S. K. Goriunov; Commissar, Major General V. I. Alekseev; Chief of Staff, Major General N. G. Seleznev 7th Mixed Aviation Corps—Major General P. P. Arkhangel'sky 202d Bomber Aviation Division—Colonel S.I. Nechiporenko 287th Fighter Aviation Division—Major General S. P. Danilov 8th Mixed Aviation Corps—Major General N. P. Kamanin

4th Guards Assault Aviation Division—Major General G. F. Baidukov 264th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel N. I. Olenev 256th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel N. S. Gerasimov 3d Fighter Aviation Corps—Major General E. la. Savitsky

265th Fighter Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel A. A. Kariagin 278th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel V. T. Lisin 7th Fighter Aviation Corps—Major General A. V. Utin

259th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel S. S. lachmenev (to 13 August),

Lieutenant Colonel la. A. Kurbatov (from 14 August) 304th Fighter Aviation Division—Colonel I. K. Pechenko 69th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment 511th Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment Steppe Military District Subordination 35th Rifle Corps (headquarters only)


3d Guards Cavalry Corps—Major General N. S. Oslikovsky

5th Guards Cavalry Division—Major General N. S. Chepurldn

6th Guards Cavalry Division—Colonel P. P. Brikel'

32d Cavalry Division—Colonel G. F. Maliukov

144th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment

3d Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

64th Guards Mortar Battalion

1731st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 5th Guards Cavalry Corps—Major General A. G. Selivanov

llth Guards Cavalry Division—Colonel L. A. Slanov

12th Guards Cavalry Division—Colonel V. I. Grigorovich

63d Cavalry Division—Major General K. P. Beloshnichenko

—Self-propelled Artillery Battalion

150th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment

5th Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

72d Guards Mortar Battalion

585th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 7th Guards Cavalry Corps—Major General M. F. Maleev

14th Guards Cavalry Division—Colonel Kh. V. Fiksel'

15th Guards Cavalry Division—Major General I. T. Chalenko

16th Guards Cavalry Division—Colonel G. A. Belov

145th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment

7th Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

57th Guards Mortar Battalion

1733d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 4th Guards Tank Corp—Major General P. P. Poluboiarov

12th Guards Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel (Colonel on 11 July) N. G. Dushak

13th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel L. I. Baukov

14th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel I. P. Mikhailov (to 15 August), Major V. M. Pechkovsky (from 16 August)

3d Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel M. P. Leonov

1451st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (76mm)—Major S. I. Sytnikov

76th Motorcycle Battalion—Major P. I. Tanachakov

756th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major A. A. Chertov

264th Mortar Regiment—Major S. S. Osipov

752d Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion

120th Guards Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment—Major A. I. Bragin

Strength: 189 tanks and self-propelled guns 3d Guards Mechanized Corps—Major General V. T. Obukhov

7th Guards Mechanized Brigade—Colonel M. I. Rodionov: 43d Guards Tank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel L. P. Oguzh

8th Guards Mechanized Brigade—Colonel D. N. Bely: 44th Guards Tank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Kornienko

9th Guards Mechanized Brigade—Colonel P. I. Goriachev: 45th Guards Tank Regiment—Lieutenant Colonel la. A. Burtsev

330 Appendixes

35th Guards Tank Brigade—Colonel A. A. Aslanov

1st Guards Motorcycle Battalion—Major A. A. Sviatodukh

1510th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major G. G. Shukalddze

1831st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm)—Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Kulikov

129th Mortar Regiment—Major S. S. Barvinsky

743d Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion—Captain Bezverkhy

334th Guards Mortar Battalion—Major A. A. Toruzaev

1705th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment—Major V. K. Skopenko 1st Mechanized Corps—Major General M. D. Solomatin

19th Mechanized Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel V. V. Ershov: 9th Tank Regiment

35th Mechanized Brigade: 4th Tank Regiment

37th Mechanized Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel P. V. Tsyganenko: 3d Tank Regiment

219th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel S. T. Khilobok

57th Motorcycle Battalion—Major A. N. Lediok

75th Antitank Artillery Regiment

294th Mortar Regiment

Strength: 204 tanks 78th Separate Motorcycle Battalion llth Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel K. la. Pavlov

804th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

976th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

987th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

996th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment 8th Engineer Sapper Brigade 27th Special Designation Engineer Brigade 7th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 19th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 40th Pontoon Bridge Battalion 246th Separate Engineer Battalion 247th Separate Engineer Battalion 248th Separate Engineer Battalion 250th Separate Engineer Battalion 284th Separate Engineer Battalion

steppe front strength: 573,195 men, 8,510 guns and mortars, and 1,639 tanks and self-propelled guns

llth Army (to Western Front by 12 July)—Commander, Lieutenant General 1.1. Fediuninsky; Commissar, Major General S. I. Pankov; Chief of Staff, Major General N. V. Komeev

53d Rifle Corps (from 26 July)—Major General I. A. Gartsev

135th Rifle Division—Colonel A. N. Sosnov (to 15 August), Colonel F. N.

Romashin (from 21 August) 197th Rifle Division—Colonel B. N. Popov (to 10 August), Colonel F. S.

Danilovsky (from 10 August) 369th Rifle Division—Major General I. V. Khazov


4th Rifle Division—Colonel D. D. Vorob'ev 96th Rifle Division—Colonel F. G. Bulatov 260th Rifle Division—Colonel G. K. Miroshnichenko (to 27 August), Colonel

S. V. Maksimovsky (from 28 August) 273d Rifle Division—Colonel A. I. Baliugin 323d Rifle Division—Major General I. A. Gartsev (to 13 August), Colonel I. 0.

Naryshkin (14-16 August), Colonel A. M. Bakhtizin (16 August), Colonel

S. F. Ukrainets (from 16 August) 225th Separate Tank Regiment 1179th Antiank Regiment 1321st Antitank Regiment 481st Mortar Regiment 90th Guards Mortar Regiment 31st Antiaircraft Artillery Division—Colonel I. S. Shilin

1376th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

1380th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1386th Antitank Artillery Regiment

1392d Antitank Artillery Regiment 202d Separate Engineer Battalion 277th Separate Engineer Battalion

army strength: 65,000 men and 30 tanks

3d Guards Tank Army (to Briansk Front on 13 July) (to Central Front on 26 July)—Commander, Lieutenant General P. S. Rybaiko; Commissar, Major General S. I. Mel'nikov; Chief of Staff, Major General V. A. Mitrofanov

12th (6th Guards') Tank Corps—Major General M. I. Zin'kovich 30th (51st Guards) Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel M. S. Novokhat'ko 97th (52d Guards) Tank Brigade—Colonel I. T. Potapov (to 15 August),

Colonel A. S. Borodin (from 16 August)

106th (53d Guards) Tank Brigade—Colonel G. G. Kuznetsov (WIA on 23 July), Major S. V. Tashkin (KIA on 29 July), Lieutenant Colonel V. A. Bzyrin (3-15 August), Colonel V. S. Arkhipov (from 16 August) 13th (22d Guards) Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel N. L. Mikhailov (to 20

August), Colonel Kh. S. Bogdanov (from 20 August) 1417th (292d Guards) Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm) 66th Motorcycle Battalion

1498th (289th Guards) Antitank Artillery Regiment 757th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 272d Mortar Regiment 1703d (286th Guards) Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Strength: 209 tanks and 16 self-propelled guns 15th (7th Guards") Tank Corps—Major General F. N. Rudkin 88th (54th Guards) Tank Brigade—Colonel 1.1. Sergeev

"Received Guards designation on 26 July.

332 Appendixes

113th (55th Guards) Tank Brigade—Colonel L. S. Chigin (KIA on 19 July),

Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Belousov (from 20 July) 195th (56th Guards) Tank Brigade—Colonel V. A. Lomakin (KIA on 19

July), Lieutenant Colonel T. F. Malik (from 19 July) 52d (23d Guards) Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel A. A. Golovachev (WIA

on 19 July)

1418th (293d Guards) Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm) 89th Separate Armored Car Battalion 1503d (290th Guards) Antitank Artillery Regiment 733d Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 467th Mortar Regiment 1704th (287th Guards) Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Strength: 209 tanks and 16 self-propelled guns 91st Separate Tank Brigade—Colonel 1.1. lakobovsky 50th Motorcycle Regiment

2d (7th Guards) Mechanized Corps (from RVK reserves to 3d Tank Army on 14 July)—Major General I. M. Korchagin 18th (24th Guards) Mechanized Brigade: one tank regiment 34th (25th Guards) Mechanized Brigade: 12th Tank Regiment 43d (26th) Mechanized Brigade—Major General D. M. Barinov: 215th Tank


33d (57th Guards) Tank Brigade—Colonel I. P. Silaev 68th Motorcycle Battalion

79th (291st Guards) Antitank Artillery Regiment 468th Mortar Regiment

734th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 410th Guards Mortar Battalion 1706th (288th Guards) Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Strength: 204 tanks

army strength—ON 18 july: 37,266 men, 492 guns and mortars, and 731 tanks and self-propelled guns (475 T-34s, 224 T-70s, and 32 self-propelled guns

4th Tank Army (Moscow Military District on 1 July and to Western Front on 18 July)—Commander, Lieutenant General V. M. Badanov; Commissar, Major General V. G. Guliaev

6th Guards Mechanized Corps—Major General A. I. Aksimov

16th Guards Mechanized Brigade: 28th Tank Regiment

17th Guards Mechanized Brigade: 126th Tank Regiment

49th Guards Mechanized Brigade: Tank Regiment

29th Separate Tank Regiment

56th Separate Tank Regiment

1st Guards Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm)

95th Motorcycle Battalion

51st Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment

740th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion


240th Mortar Regiment 31st Guards Separate Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

Strength: 216 tanks and self-propelled guns llth Tank Corps—Major General N. N. Radkevich 20th Tank Brigade—Colonel B. M. Konstantinov 36th Tank Brigade—Colonel T. I. Tanaschishin (to 15 July), Colonel A. la.

Eremin (from 16 July)

65th Tank Brigade—Colonel A. I. Shevchenko 12th Motorized Rifle Brigade 1493d Antitank Artillery Regiment 93d Motorcycle Battalion 1507th Antitank Artillery Regiment 738th Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 243d Mortar Regiment 1388th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Strength: 204 tanks 30th Tank Corps—Colonel G. S. Rodin

197th Tank Brigade—Colonel la. I. Trotsenko (to 14 August), Lieutenant

Colonel N. G. Zhukov (from 15 August) 243d Tank Brigade: Lieutenant Colonel V. I. Prikhod'ko (to 22 August),

Lieutenant Colonel S. A. Denisov (from 23 August) 244th Tank Brigade: Colonel V. I. Konovalov (to 15 July), Lieutenant Colonel

M. G. Fomichev (from 16 July) 30th Motorized Rifle Brigade—Colonel M. S. Smirnov 1621st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm) 88th Motorcycle Battalion 1513th Antitank Artillery Regiment 742d Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 299th Mortar Regiment 248th Separate Guards Mortar Battalion 219th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

Strength: 216 tanks and self-propelled guns 1545th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment 51st Motorcycle Regiment

army STRENGTH: 37,000 men and 652 tanks and self-propelled guns

20th Tank Corps—Major General I. G. Lazarov (to 61st Army by 13 July)

8th Guards Tank Brigade: Colonel I. M. Morus (to 15 July), Colonel V. F. Orlov

(from 16 July) 80th Tank Brigade: Colonel V. N. Busaev (to 14 July), Colonel V. I. Evsiukov

(from 15 July) 155th Tank Brigade: Colonel N. V. Belochldn (to 9 August), Lieutenant Colonel

I. I. Proshin (from 10 August) 7th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade 1419th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm) 1505th Antitank Artillery Regiment

334 Appendixes

291st Mortar Regiment

1711st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment

735th Antitank Artillery Battalion

Corps strength: 184 tanks and self-propelled guns 25th Tank Corps—Major General F. G. Anikushkin (to llth Guards Army on 17 July)

lllth Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel I. N. Granovsky 162d Tank Brigade—Colonel I. A. Volynets (WIA on 19 July), Lieutenant

Colonel N.I. Syropiatov (19 July-15 August), Colonel I. P. Mikhailov (from

15 August) 175th Tank Brigade—Lieutenant Colonel A. N. Petushkov (to 15 July),

Lieutenant Colonel S. I. Drilenok (16-22 July), Lieutenant Colonel A. N.

Petushkov (23 July to 10 August), Lieutenant Colonel V. I. Zemliakov (from

11 August)

20th Motorized Rifle Brigade—Major General P. S. Il'in 53d Motorcycle Battalion—Captain I. V. Volkov 1497th Antitank Artillery Regiment—Major V. A. Zaietov 459th Mortar Regiment 746th Antitank Artillery Battalion 1702d Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment—Major G. S. Turov 1829th Heavy Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (152mm)—Major M. S.

Korolev 41st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment (85mm)—Lieutenant Colonel V. N.


Corps strength: 196 tanks and self-propelled guns 2d Guards Cavalry Corps—Lieutenant General V. V. Kriukov (to llth Guards Army on 25 July)

3d Guards Cavalry Division—Major General M. D. lagodin 4th Guards Cavalry Division—Major General G. I. Pankratov 20th Cavalry Division—Major General P. T. Kursakov 149th Guards Antitank Artillery Regiment 2d Guards Separate Antitank Artillery Battalion 60th Guards Mortar Battalion 1730th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment Long-range Aviation

1st Guards Aviation Corps (Orel axis)—Major General D. P. lukhanov

1st Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel S. S. Lebedev

6th Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel S. I. Chemodanov 2d Guards Aviation Corps (Orel axis)—Major General E. F. Loginov

2d Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Major General A. I. Shcherakov

8th Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel V. G. Tikhonov 3d Guards Long-range Aviation Corps (Orel axis)—Major General N. A. Volkov

3d Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel I. K. Brobko

7th Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel F. S. Shiroky 4th Guards Aviation Corps (Poltava axis)—Colonel S. P. Kovalev

4th Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel 1.1. Kozhemaildn


5th Guards Long-range Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel P. E.


5th Long-range Aviation Corps (Orel axis)—Major General I. V. Georgiev 53d Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel V. I. Labudev 54th Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel V. A. Shchelkin 6th Long-range Aviation Corps (Poltava axis)—Major General G. N. Tupikov 50th Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel F. I. Men'shikov 62d Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel G. S. Schetchikov 7th Long-range Aviation Corps (Orel Axis)—Major General V. E. Nestertsev 1st Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel I. V. Filippov 12th Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel G. D. Bozhko 45th Long-range Aviation Division—Colonel V. I. Lebedev 5th Assault Aviation Corps (to Voronezh Front's 2d Air Army by 3 August)— Major General N. P. Kamanin

4th Guards Assault Aviation Division—Major General G. F. Baidukov 264th Assault Aviation Division—Colonel N. I. Olenev

10th Fighter Aviation Corps (to Voronezh Front's 2d Air Army by 3 August)— Major General M. M. Golovnia

201st Fighter Aviation Division—Lieutenant Colonel R. P. Zhukov (to 17 July), Lieutenant Colonel I. V. Vladimirov (18 July to 15 August), Colonel V. A. Sryvldn (from 15 August)

235th Fighter Aviation Division—Major General I. A. Lakeev 202d Bomber Aviation Division (to Voronezh Front's 2d Air Army by 3 August)— Colonel S. I. Nechiporenko

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