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November 5, 2002


October 15, 2002
November 5, 2002
January 7, 2003
February 4, 2003
April 1, 2003
April 4, 2003

November 5, 2002

Tonight’s meeting:

Tonight we will be making some signs for the garage sale. Also, we will try our hands at some cute Christmas tree ornaments to sell at our table on Saturday.

Our meeting schedule has been OK’d with the Armory, so we are set for the first Tuesday of each month, from 6:30—7:30. We are grateful to the Armory for providing this space for our troop meetings and several other troops, and letting the Service Unit use it for the garage sale this weekend.

Garage Sale:

Saturday, November 9th from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm at the Armory.

This sale is sponsored by the River Falls Girl Scout Service Unit. Each troop pays $10 for its table, but after that, the profits are all ours. So, bring your stuff!

Drop off and set up is Friday, anytime between 3 and 8 pm. Rachel will be there the whole time. Either mark your items before you come or you can do it there on Friday. We will have labels, etc.

At tonight’s meeting, we will be signing up troop members to sell at our table on Saturday. Also, we will need people at 3:00 for clean up.

If you bring any items that you want back if they don’t sell, please be there at 3 to retrieve them. All other leftover items will be brought to Treasures of the Heart in Baldwin or Goodwill.

Tell all your friends and relatives to come and SHOP, too!

December Meeting/Holiday Party

Our December 3rd meeting will be at Ezekiel Church instead of the Armory. We will plan the details tonight, but the times can be from 5:30—7:30 pm and in the new kitchen/fellowship area instead of the old kitchen. Put it on your calendars!

For a project, please bring new Holiday cards/Envelopes if you have any. It will be a good use for extra cards you may have, or pick some up on a shopping trip. Thanks.


At our last meeting we talked about trying to get a big trip going, like a cruise or something. This will take some money earning, obviously, so we are adding this finance report to our monthly newsletter.

Our summer trip to Devil’s Lake cost $563.41, which included: campsite, gas, State Street lunch, Taliesin Tour, Spring Green lunch, House on the Rock, mini golf, Noah’s Ark, Rocky Rococo pizza, and Culver’s lunch. Some of this was covered by our $15/person trip fee.

Our balance as of October 1st was $472.69. We received a check for $236.58 for working the pizza booth at River Falls Days, bringing our current balance to $709.27.