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John & Jenni's Homepage
(Our quest for a K-1 visa)
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Our K1-visa progressOur K1-visa progress
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Immigration Board InfoImmigration Board Info
Alvena's HomepageAlvena's K-1 visa Homepage
K1 visa FAQ'sK1 visa FAQ's
INS HomepageINS Homepage
Vaccination InfoVaccination Info
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Social Security BenefitsSocial Security Benefits
Dept. Health & Human ServicesDept. Health & Human Services

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Photo of family at a friend's wedding Left to right :- Courtney, Jenni, Stephanie and me at the back.

This was taken at a relative of jenni's wedding.
I still had a long pony tail in this photo, not long after this it got shortened by about a foot. Strange thing is I agreed to this without any fuss, hummm .... I must be getting civilized. Shows Jenni must be a good infuence on me.(PS since then it has grown back....)

Make me smile
Make me smile
(Life and times of John & Jenni)
Last updated 20th November 2003

We first met on the net in March 1999 on ICUII. We chatted there, e-mailed , wrote letters and phoned each other till June when I flew out to meet Jenni and thats where our love first began. After visiting each other many times I waited till New Years Eve 1999 and proposed to her. I had applied for a transfer through my firm before this but after waiting for ages and hearing nothing we decided to apply for a Fiance(e) K1-visa and that is the story so far....

Our K1-visa progress so far....

K1 visa links :-

  1. Questions and answer site on visas American Immigration Board Information
  2. Alvera's Homepage, invaluable help on K1 visas Alvena's Homepage
  3. K1 visa frequently asked questions INS homepage
  4. INS HomepageINS Homepage
  5. Vaccination Infomation, contains list of some of the main inoculations required.Vaccination Info

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