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All original stuff, that came out of my own head. If you wanna use it anywhere, all you need do is ask.

Page One ~ Page Two~

This is Jonas. I love him. ~ This is Jonas. I love him. ~ This is Jonas. I love him. ~ Some random Japanese boy colored. ~ A furry. I did it for V-Day. ~ A punkish Girl. I'nnt she purty? ~  She's colored in gel pens. ~ 3x5 sketch. ~ Some random Japanese boy. ~ 'Nother painting. Old comic style. ~ A painting I did. ~ A x-mas picture. ~ A x-mas picture. ~ Some nekkid chick. ~ A dead girl.... ~ Some sexy punk chick. ~ Rayne Morrows ~ Corrin... ~ It's an EYE. I dunno. ~ A mermaid... ~

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I DO have a mind of my own. Rejoice with me.