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Neighbours Girls

Maria Ramsay Dasha Blahova-1985
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Occupation: Housewife
Lived at: Number 24
Related to: Wife of
Max, father of Shane Ramsay and Danny. Also: Edna Ramsay, Gemma Ramsay, Charlene Mitchell, Henry Ramsay.
Love interest:
Max Ramsay.
Most notable moment: When it was revealed that she'd had an affair and
Danny wasn't Max's son.

A quiet type
She was a very beautiful woman, Maria, but a fairly quiet sort of person. Maybe being married to Max didn't leave her with much of a chance to get a word in?
Her parents were Romanian, if memory serves. She had a vegetarian goulash that I would love the recipe for. Fascinating woman to know, really.
Maria's secret
Of course the whole time I knew her I had no idea of the secret she was harbouring. Fancy knowing that Max was not Danny's father and living with it like that? I'm sure she was relieved when it finally came out. Though her other son, Shane, had a hard time forgiving her. That must have been hard for her. She certainly paid for her mistake many times over.
Troubled times
When Maria finally left Max it was not that surprising. Things had been constantly rocky for them since the revelation. I can understand that she needed a fresh start. She was a bit of a caged bird with Max, and she needed to stretch her wings.

Maria Ramsay n Helen Daniels -1985

 Helen Daniels

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