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  Giant Spiders


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         Giant spiders are, well....giant!  This page focuses on a couple of the well known ones.



This spider lives in the cypress swamps of Florida.  It makes its home in trees and near the shoreline.  It has a two inch body and a five inch leg span.  It has eight eyes and excellent vision. 


This spider has an acute sense of touch that numerous sensory hairs provide.  If its hunting on shore, it anchors its four hind legs to shore and its four front legs are spread out on top of the water.  When it senses prey by the help of disturbed water tension, it plunges its front legs into the water and pulls prey to its fangs.  It then impales the victim onto its fangs and injects the venom.  It will take this prey to shore to feed. 


This spider also waits on tree trunks for insects.27



This spider lives in the sandy pine forests and hammocks of the Everglades. 


Its leg span is four inches.  It has eight eyes and nocturnally searches for food.


This spider typically builds a silk-lined burrow that serves as a hiding place and nursery chamber for eggs and spiderlings.  It watches for prey outside the burrow.  During the day, the spider stays inside the burrow.28



This spider is also known as the Giant Crab Spider because of its crab-like appearance or as the Banana Spider because it is often found in bunches of bananas.


It is approximately five inches in diameter, including leg span.


This spider has a flat appearance and often hides under loose bark or in crevices of barns and houses.29



This is the largest group of giant spiders and the most commonly known.  They are found in the Southwest United States, Mexico, Central and South America.


There are several species but they all have the same general characteristics.


Large eight-eyed spiders.


Some bodies can reach 5 inches in length with an 8 inch leg span.



The largest is the South American tarantula which has a measured 10 inch leg span.


Tarantulas are excellent hunters.  Their diet ranges from insects to small birds and mammals.  In one case, the Honduran tarantula captured a garter snake.  Almost any tarantula can reduce a mouse into a small pile of fur and bones in about 36 hours.30


The black-bellied tarantula can be recognized by a black, velvet bottom.  It has brown chevrons on its abdomen with gray and white rings on its legs.  These tarantulas actually do chew their prey.  They will later regurgitate undigested parts. It lives in open, dry places that are arid and uncultivated.  They like to be exposed to the sun.  They live in underground burrows that the spider, itself, digs.  It is lined with wood bits and clay.  It is one inch in diameter and one foot deep.  About half way down, the burrow bends.  At this bend is where the tarantula waits for its prey.  Silk is placed in front of the burrow to protect it from rain, fallen objects and home seeking prey.31


The California tarantula builds a small tower, called a turret, of grass, twigs, and silk.  It waits on top of its turret for prey.


The North American tarantula's body reaches up to 3 inches.  It hunts by night and spends the day in its burrow.  Its venom can paralyze small mammals and reptiles but it usually dines on insects.  The male and female cannot be distinguished until the males fifteenth molt in its tenth year of its life.  The male then develops reproduction sacs on its pedipalps.  After he mates, he dies.  The female, considering she is the same age, would go on to live another 15 more years!!32


The giant tarantulas can be found in Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.  They have a peculiar relationship with narrow-mouthed toads.  The giant tarantula and these toads share the same burrow.  If danger approaches, mainly snakes, the toads hide under the tarantula.  This tarantula is satisfied with a cricket or beetle for a meal.  The tarantula babies are not bothered by the toads.  The fact that they are born with barbed fur make them a resistible treat.  Adult giant tarantulas can barb their fur for protection with their hind legs and it will stay that way until they molt.  The male will mate once.  It takes place during its last year of life.  Once he mates, age sets in quickly, his body slows down, appendages may fall off and he will die.  This happens about one month after mating.33


The female giant tarantula carries the fertilized eggs for ten months.  Near the end of this time, she constructs a silken bag to hold her eggs.  After she puts the eggs into the bag, she warms it in the sun, watching over it with close guard.  She carries it with her attached to her fangs.  After about two months, hundreds of spiderlings are born.  After a few weeks, they leave to find their own territories. 


This tarantula hibernates between October and March.34

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This site was last updated 01/06/03