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  Spider Links


Body Structure
Jumping Spiders
Wolf Spiders
Poisonous Spiders
Giant Spiders
Spider Links
Photo Gallery


Here is a list of some really interesting photographs, drawings, and other things that relate to spiders.  Some of them may not be suitable for the weak at heart if you have an overwhelming fear of spiders.  These are noted with an asterisk. (*)

Please keep in mind to get back to this website, use your back button on your browser.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you learned a little bit about spiders.  I still don't like them, but at least I have learned to respect them.

bullet Orb Webs Photo
bulletA great photograph by nature photographer, Tony Sweet, of many orb webs.
bullet Phidippus audax  *
bulletA great picture, very close up, of this amazing jumping spider. (Comstock, pp. 689-690) 
bullet Spider parts
bulletIf you want a super-duper detailed drawing of the external and internal parts of a spider, here's the place to go!
bullet Carolina Wolf Spider
bulletA photo, not too scary.
bullet Banana Spider  *
bulletLarge picture of one in a web
bullet Columbian Giant Tarantula
bulletA nice photo and a little bit more information
bulletGarden spider   *
bulletA rather large, close up view
bullet Black Widow
bulletA photo of a female
bullet Brown Recluse Spider
bulletA photo and site for other spider links


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This site was last updated 01/06/03