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News Archive


Carl's GameMaker Site- This is the best website for examples, games, and help for Game Maker in my opinion. Carl has made so many good example and has helped me with my game and he deserves alot of credit to be the best Game Maker site out there. This is a must visit website!

Marks Games- Good site with games, examples, tutorials, links, and other Game Maker related resources. Check this site out if you are looking for some examples, tutorials, or waiting for some of their new projects.

Fantasy DB- This website has alot of different things about Game Maker. It has Games, Tutorials, Sprites, Sounds, Reviews, and some other great stuff. This is another must check website for those Game Makers out there.

PlantexGames- This website contains Screenshots, Recent Games being worked on, Being able to order games from their site, and what they do.

Endo Entertainment- This is a website where Game Makers work together to make the best games using Game Maker and other Game Making applications. Their recent project is called "Dark Lands". Keep an eye out for that game it sound pretty good.

Degman's Gamemaker Site- This is a great site with Tutorials, Resources, Projects, and other Game maker sources. This is a must check website for those who need resources.

DiagonalMoonnGames- This website is new and it is looking good so far. Games, Tutorial, Links, and other Game Maker sources will be added on later on as the website is being constructed.