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News Archive

No Clip :(- Tuesday, July 30, 2002 - 2:10 pm | GIJOE
Sorry, but I wont be able to upload the WWIII game clip. I kept trying, but it gave me a "Cannot find server" Message. I think my Internet Explorer needs to be updated. I will try to update it sometime this week and I will also try to upload the game clip sometime this week. So be expecting it on Friday or Saturday. Sorry again for not uploading the video clip.

Video Clip- Sunday, July 28, 2002 - 8:32 pm | GIJOE
Nothing much has been done around here for three days now :(. I was thinking about adding a little video clip of the actual game! Would that be a good idea or would it only be me trying to tease you with the game :). Well yea ill be adding a video clip of the actual game! You heard it right "Actual Game". Anyways the point is that I will add it by this Tuesday, July 30, 2002. Check back on Tuesday for a video clip of the "Actual Game".

Up with the Links- Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 7:54 pm | GIJOE
I have been asking game makers if they wanted me to put their website links up on my site and so far there is one. Go check the Links page to check for Game Maker website.

Info Up- Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 5:25 pm | GIJOE
The Info page is up and ready to check. I just wrote about how WWIII is building. Well just go ahead and check it cause I dont want to spoil it for you :P. Also I am adding more graphics to the game and I will try to put a demo up on the site sometime next month.

Updates to come- Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 1:03 am | GIJOE
Some more pages will be in the works sometimes this week. I am thinking of putting the info page up next since I already know what Im going to be writing down. Ill see what happens.

Screenshots- Sunday, July 21, 2002 - 2:54 pm | GIJOE
I will be working on the Screenshots page sometime today. I will be posting up some Screenshots of the WWIII game this tuesday. Come back to check them out.
[Update 12:15 am]: Seems that I decided to post two screenshots. Go right ahead to the Screenshots page to check the two new screenshots! The Screenshots page is so far the only page that is up right now.

Testing- Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 4:30 pm | GIJOE
Testing Testing 1..2..3. Seems that everything is A-OK so far. Ill be updating this site later as I work on the game more.