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News Archive

No 0.40 Version- Friday, November 23, 2002 - 5:24 pm | GIJOE
No new version will be coming for two weeks. I wont be able to work on it much because of the upcoming thanksgiving break. Last week there was small updates, but not worth downloading. I needed more requests for new updates, but no one requested any. Someone requested multiplayer and that might be the next update. We will see what new updates will come for version 0.40

WWIII Uploaded- Friday, November 15, 2002 - 3:14 pm | GIJOE
The game has been uploaded. You can find it at the Downloads page. A new version will be uploaded this Friday so be ready to come back and download version 0.40

WWIII Moves- Friday, November 15, 2002 - 1:12 pm | GIJOE
Welcome to the new web adress for the Official website of the WWIII game. This is where all the news will be at about the game. The game will be uploaded later tonight for those who still need to download it.

No Linking- Friday, November 15, 2002 - 11:25 am | GIJOE
I just found out that Im not even allowed to link or have backup files on other sites for the game. I am probably going to end up moving this website to I will try to work on a new update for the game by this weeek and see if I can move this site to angelfire later on.

Copy and Paste- Friday, November 15, 2002 - 11:13 am | GIJOE
The link is back to normal since I just found out that Geocities does not allow direct linking to other sites for downloads or images. Sorry about this, but it is back to Copy and Paste the link to your adress bar.

Direct Linking- Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - 8:00 pm | GIJOE
The game link is now a direct link so you wont have to copy and paste, but if you have problems with the direct link I will have to change it back to copy and paste. I know it works if you have a FreshDownload program. Go to Fresh Devices to download this program. If it doesnt allow direct linking just copy and paste the file link by right clicking and clicking on properties or right click it and "Save Target As...".

0.39 is here!- Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 9:42 pm | GIJOE
Finally it is here. I was able to upload the file myself :). The new version of the WWIII game is here. It is version 0.39 and it contains some small updates. Well it is waiting for you and you are waiting for it. Go straight to the Downloads page to download the game from there. Hope you like the new small updates.

0.39 is late- Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 2:35 pm | GIJOE
Sorry, but the new version of WWIII game will be arriving a little late once again :(. Sorry about this problem. I have been trying to send my friend the file, but he gets nothing in the email. I will keep trying. Also hopefully I will learn how to make the files smaller so you wont have to download the whole thing again. So maybe there will be patches out later in the future. It will help me send my friend files faster and it will help you download them faster. Sorry again for this problem.

0.39 Near...- Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 8:46 pm | GIJOE
New version is coming out this Friday! New updates have been made to the game, but not alot thought. Expect new features in the game while new effects have been added in it too. Also new levels will be up and ready to play by this Friday(Hopefully). Lets hope nothing goes wrong like last time. Just come back later on Friday to download the new version of the WWIII game. It is version 0.39.