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News Archive

Upload Worked!- Friday, September 27, 2002 - 5:23 pm | GIJOE
Thanks to my friend the game was able to be uploaded back on the site. It has been updated to version 0.36. I have added some new levels and fixed bugs on the game. Try the game out now. Hope you like the new updates. Dont forget the game will get uploaded once every two weeks on Fridays. Expect a new update in two weeks. Till then play the game and email me with new ideas for the game.

Upload Problem- Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 9:27 pm | GIJOE
Alright I am having a big problem trying to upload the game right now. It only uploads 1kb of it and then it says "Upload Succesfull". Doesnt seem so "Succesfull". Well I will be asking my friend who has a "DSL" and try to see if he could upload it for me :). Hopefully he will. Until then the game might have to be uploaded this Saturday

Beta 0.36- Tuesday, September 24, 2002 - 11:15 pm | GIJOE
WWIII has been updated to version 0.36. Big updates have been made to the game this week :). The next update of this Beta version will be out by this Friday. I will try to upload it on Thursday and have it ready on Friday. I am going to be making new levels and harder levels for you to play. Also there are some bugs that have been fixed. That is all of the updates that I can tell you for now. You will have to wait and see what the new updates will be. Come back Friday to download the new beta version of WWIII.

Upload Done- Friday, September 20, 2002 - 11:23 pm | GIJOE
The file has been deleted from this site and uploaded to the angelfire website. I deleted the file since bandwith was a problem when people tried downloading the game. Hopefully you wont have to wait for your turn to download the game. Oh yea I will be thinking of a date to be uploading a new update of the game every once in a while since it takes about 30 minutes to upload the file. I was thinking about every two weeks the game will be uploaded with a new update and new things for the game. Just email me and tell me if you have any ideas.

Host Found- Thursday, September 19, 2002 - 4:51 pm | GIJOE
I have found another website to put the file :). I will try uploading it by tomorrow. Also I will be deleting the file to save bandwith on the site. Well there you have it. Download the game while you can for now.

High Bandwith- Monday, September 16, 2002 - 10:53 pm | GIJOE
w00t seems that alot of people were downloading the game over this weekend, but people had to wait since high bandwith was being used and no one could go on the site. I will try uploading the file to another website and just make this the main site for the game. I will try to do that by this Friday. Also expect new changes in the game by next week or in 2 weeks. Thanks for trying out my beta version of WWIII so far :).

Its out!- Friday, September 13, 2002 - 6:39 pm | GIJOE
The WWIII beta version 0.35 of the game is out!!! Just go to the Downloads page to be able to download it. Hope you like it. Enjoy playing it :). Email me and tell me how you like it and if you happen to find any bugs report them to me.

9/11- Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 6:39 pm | GIJOE
Today is the 1 year anniversory of the September 11 terrorist attacks. I would like to say that all the people who died that day will always be remmembered. United We Stand! :). Now back to the game. The Beta version 0.35 is ready to be played! Only thing is to upload that baby and start downloading it eh? Well I will be uploading it sometime this Friday and you guys will probably end up downloading it by then or maybe on Saturday. So expect the game to be out by then. Now it is your time to wait :).

History- Monday, September 9, 2002 - 7:03 pm | GIJOE
The game has been updated a little bit more. I have added a medic to every Level so you will be able to heal anytime and I am thinking of adding a History page up on the site to see what new updates come to the game as it gets updated. Just email me and tell me what you think :).

Updates- Saturday, September 7, 2002 - 12:08 pm | GIJOE
A slight change has been made to the website. I have changed the Scroll bars to a different color so it would look nicer with the website. Hope you like it. Oh yea, also I have added cheat codes to the beta version for those who want to skip a level or two, but I wont be giving those cheat codes until later on :). I will also be adding ammunition to the game now and health kits for your health. Well guess its back to the game.

Friday W00t!- Friday, September 6, 2002 - 5:38 pm | GIJOE
I have added a new link to the Links page. It is Carl's GameMaker Site. He deserves to be on the Links page since he makes the best explanatory examples out there for Game Maker. I have also moved the August news into the News Archive page. Check that if you have missed any news. Anyway today is Friday and I might be able to work on the game a little bit on Saturday. I will be adding cheat codes to the game, ammunition, and probably health kits. I will be keeping you updated on this. Check back tomorrow for the updates on the game and maybe I will be releasing the Beta version next week :).