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Part One


Author:  Kinkyhobbit  27/4/02

Pairing:  References to EW/DM

Genre:  RPS

Rating:  PG-13

Warnings:  none. 

Disclaimer:  I made it all up. As far as I know, this never ever happened.

Summary:  Elijah finds himself seated next to a priest on a flight back to LA after finishing filming Try Seventeen. 



Elijah had settled in with his Discman on, even though other passengers were still boarding. The seat next to him was empty and he kind of hoped it stayed that way. Sometimes it was nice not to have to talk to anybody.


He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye and glanced up to see a small man in a dark suit talking to the stewardess. The man finished speaking and turned, and Elijah felt his heart skip when he saw the white collar.


He’d never quite understood why priests made him nervous. Maybe it was because you never really saw that many of them around.  Even growing up, priests were intrinsically linked to churches, places which he found a bit frightening.  It had been years now since he’d been inside a church.  He just didn’t feel he needed to go anymore.  Now he’d probably only see priests for weddings and funerals. 


He glanced up again as the priest sat down beside him. Their eyes met and they both smiled at each other.  Elijah noted how young the man looked, probably early thirties at most.  He wondered what made people choose to become priests.  He’d never felt strong enough in his own faith to make such a commitment and it involved giving up so much, at least as far as the Catholic priesthood was concerned.  He had a fleeting image of Billy in a frock and smiled to himself.


He looked back out the window, enjoying his music.  He knew the drill, so he already had his seatbelt on and didn’t pay much attention to the stewardess doing her safety demonstration.


Refreshments were brought around not long after takeoff.  He took a coffee, smiling when the stewardess called him Mr Wood.  He almost caught the priest’s eye again but quickly looked out the window.  He was not in the mood to be sociable today, there was too much to think about.  In fact, just the thought of having too much to think about made him feel sick.


Franka.  She was a very strong, determined person. Frighteningly so.  The sort of person who saw something she wanted and just took it, regardless of the consequences.  Sometimes he wished he was like that, but not when it came to people.  He usually found himself worrying about others’ feelings.  Usually.


Well I fucked up this time, he thought to himself.  He tried to remember everything that had happened, how he’d gotten in so deep so fast.  He was used to flirting without strings.  He was used to physical affection.  He knew where the line was usually drawn, and his friends did too.  He realised too late that she didn’t.  How could he expect her to?  So one minute they’re getting along like great mates, the next she’s kissing him in the back of the taxi and feeling him up. 


It was so unexpected that he just didn’t know how to react, and ended up letting his guard down without knowing it.  Then he was back in familiar territory, the female co-star who was more than that in real life.  It was a buzz, it was exciting, and he’d needed the familiarity.  Making anything other than Lord of the Rings was still kind of strange.  Familiarity was good, and then she was practically on top of him and they were still in the taxi, and he stopped thinking entirely.


That was the problem, really.  He hadn’t started thinking again until they were nearly finished filming.  There had been moments when his mind had put its hand up, but he knew the question it was going to ask and ignored it every time. He swallowed, forcing himself to face the truth: he’d deliberately stopped himself from thinking about it because even though he was enjoying it, he knew it was wrong. He’d figured if he could avoid acknowledging that, he could avoid dealing with the consequences.


The consequences were waiting for him back in LA.


He finished his cold coffee.  The CD had finished and he thought about getting another one out, but it didn’t really matter.  He wasn’t really listening.  He pushed play again and thought briefly of having a nap.  He was tired despite the coffee.  He lay back and closed his eyes.


All he could see was Franka and Dom. 


He sighed again.  It was no use.  He just still really didn’t want to think about it.  About Dom.  He remembered the phone conversations they’d had, usually two or three times a week because that was all he could manage.  At first they were long conversations, the sort where he’d be listening and suddenly feel there was nothing else in the universe except Dom’s disembodied voice.  Then he had a real sense of the fragile nature of the connection and the distance that separated them.  He cried often after hanging up.


Then Franka happened, and after that the phone calls felt strange.  He found himself wanting to hang up sooner, because talking to Dom made his mind put up its hand again.  He’d started choking up every time he said “I love you”, and Dom being such a sweetheart thought it was because he missed him.  Dom was so trusting.  He cried after hanging up then, too.


He wanted to cry now, and bit his lip and swallowed hard, the lump in his throat making him wince. 


The crew were bringing around food.  Usually food was his friend but not today.  He felt sick and didn’t want to eat, so he smiled and shook his head, and resumed looking out the window.


Franka was very…well, she didn’t take no for an answer.  He hadn’t spoken to Mandy much outside filming, but he had overheard her at the wrap party joking about him being under Franka’s thumb already.  Even Mandy had noticed how much control Franka had.  That made him uncomfortable.


And of course, with filming finished, the usual questions has arisen and his mind had been determined to make him think about them.  What happens next, will we stay in touch, will we see each other again and when.  In short, is this a relationship, or is it just a bit of fun.  Having that hanging over their heads had made for an odd last few days.


He knew it would make no difference to Dom.  It was already too late.  Dom had asked him more than once who he hung out with after filming.  Stupidly, he’d said “a few people” and no names.  Changed the subject.  He felt like he was lying already.  Whether it was a fling or something more, he’d felt it significant enough to lie about.  That fact would not be lost on Dom.


His Discman suddenly cut out. He frowned and pushed the play button. It whirred and cut out again. He sighed. Flat batteries…damn. And of course he didn’t have any fresh ones.  He almost took out the earphones but then stopped himself.  Having them in was a great way to avoid conversation.  He sat with the silent Discman in his lap, looking out the window and scowling at the clouds. 


He looked at his watch, noting grimly he was halfway home. He was biting his lip as he looked at the clouds – big fluffy white cheerful clouds, damn them – when he felt a light touch on his arm.


“Excuse me,” said a friendly voice.


He turned and the priest smiled at him.  He realised he still had the earphones in and removed them.


“Aren’t you Elijah Wood?  You were Frodo in Lord of the Rings?”


He smiled and tried not to think of the dozens of times he’d had this conversation. He wasn’t really in the mood, but on the positive side it was nice to avoid thinking unpleasant thoughts.


“Yes, I was.”


“I grew up with those books. You were perfect.”


He smiled. “Thank you.”


There was an awkward moment, and then the priest said softly, “Are you allright?”


He almost lied.  He opened his mouth and almost said “yes, I’m fine”.  But his eyes found that collar again and he remembered something else about priests: it’s their job to listen. 


He hadn’t talked to a priest for years, he hadn’t been to church for ages.  He didn’t agree with what the Church said on a lot of important things.  He knew what that priest would say about his relationship with Dom.  He knew all these things, but realised only after the priest’s expression changed that he was already shaking his head.  He heard himself say “no, I’m not”. 


The priest shifted in his seat, leaning against it so they were facing each other.


“You always seem such a happy person.  I’ve never seen a picture of you where there hasn’t been at least a hint of a smile on your face.”


“Well, I am usually, but…I’ve just finished filming a new movie and things happened which probably shouldn’t have, and I don’t know what to do.”  Christ, he realised. I’m going to tell him everything.


“What sort of things?”


“A girl.”


The priest smiled.  “Another actor?”




“So why is it a bad thing?”


Elijah took a deep breath.  “Because, Father…there was already someone else.”


“Oh, I see.”


Elijah swallowed, biting his lip again. 


“For a moment I thought you were going to hit me with something new. I’m almost disappointed,” said the priest, smiling. He winked in response to Elijah’s look, and became serious.  “So is this a new relationship, or was it just a casual fling?”


Elijah suddenly felt very awkward, and wondered if it had been a bad idea to start this conversation.  “Does that make a difference?”


“Yes and no.  It’s still wrong, from my point of view, but it makes a difference with regard to what your next step will be.”


“That’s what I’m thinking about.”


“So is it?”


Elijah sighed.  “I don’t know.”


“How significant is this existing relationship?”




“Does this other person know?”


Elijah shook his head. 




There was silence while they both thought for a moment.


“It must have been very hard being away from your hobbit friends,” the priest said suddenly.


Elijah met his gaze, surprised at the change of subject.  The priest raised his eyebrows.  “Oh, you don’t think priests watch television or read magazines?  We’re not monks, you know.  Not these days.”


Elijah laughed softly.  “I know that, Father.”


“Some of them have moved to LA now, haven’t they?  You’re all so affectionate, and clearly very close.  It must be painful being away from them for any length of time.”


Elijah blushed as he realised the priest hadn’t really been changing the subject after all.  He wondered if the priest actually realised that.


“You don’t strike me as someone who would make such a mistake, Elijah.”


Elijah laughed slightly bitterly.  “Sometimes I wish I could meet other people’s expectations.”


“What about your own expectations?”


He closed his eyes, nodding.  He took a deep breath but couldn’t think of anything to say.  Then the priest touched his arm again and he felt tears well up and spill down his cheeks.


“I’m sorry,” he sniffed.


“It’s allright,” replied the priest softly.  “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”


The priest gently squeezed his arm and let him compose himself.  He was determined not to have a sobbing fit now, so he sat there with his head down and the priest’s hand resting on his arm, breathing slowly and calming himself down.


All he could think of was Dom.


“I guess…I’ll talk to him when I get home.”




Oops.  He swallowed and met the priest’s gaze. 


The priest simply smiled at him.  “I’m not going to ask you to tell me.”


Elijah sniffed and wiped his face with the heel of his hand.  “It’s a sin anyway, right Father?” he said cynically.


“As a priest it’s my job to say ‘yes, it is’. To uphold the values determined by His Holiness in Rome.”  He leaned forward and lowered his voice.  “But we both know what a contentious issue that is.  The main arguments have their flaws, anyone who has studied the Bible knows that.  It isn’t a secret.”


“What do you think?”


“I think love finds its own way.”


Elijah smiled wryly.  “That’s a pretty radical view for a Catholic priest.”


“When your work brings many different people to your door, you see love in many different forms.  But it’s still love.  That’s undeniable.”




The priest sighed.  “Still, there are other sins you have to worry about.”


Elijah met his gaze, then looked away.  “Yes.”


“Being unfaithful.  Being untruthful,” said the priest.  He tilted his head slightly.  “When you lie to a loved one, who do you betray?”


Elijah swallowed but didn’t answer.


“Yourself?  Or the other person?”


Elijah swallowed again.  “Both?” he said quietly.


The priest nodded.  “Yes. And, you betray God, because you are turning your back on what God has given you.”


Elijah chewed his lip.


“You know what you have to do.” 




The seatbelt light went on.  They were coming in to land.  The priest straightened up in his seat and left Elijah to his own thoughts.


As the plane touched down Elijah made up his mind.  He didn’t speak until the priest stood to leave the plane, then a thought struck him.


“Father,” he said suddenly, a slight smile on his face.  “What’s a priest doing in first class?  Wouldn’t you want to be with the rest of the flock?” 


The priest met Elijah’s smile, bent down and whispered “I got upgraded.  One of the perks of the job.”


They both laughed a little, and then the priest’s face became serious again.  “Think about what we talked about.”


Elijah bit his lip and nodded. He stood, picked up his bag, and they left the plane.  Just inside the lounge, in view of the waiting crowd, the priest stopped him.


“Is he meeting you?”




“Good luck then.”


Elijah smiled.  “Thank you, Father.”


They shook hands, and went their separate ways.  Elijah saw Dom’s face and felt his heart start racing.  There was something there, something not quite right.  Perhaps he knows, thought Elijah.  Rumours are hard to avoid.  Here goes…


Kinkyhobbit 2002


Part 2

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