Welcome to Emma Haters Inc

Emma Haters Inc
October 5th| 12:41 pm


Emma's Bio
Emma's Hair
Emma's Mistakes
Emma's Nicknames
The Part of Hermione
Very Good Questions
Quotable Quotes
Emma's Horoscope
and Weird

I need to take a break for necessary excuses


September 30th| 8:33 pm

Updated Emma's makeup and the staff page
By the way, Welcome Tama to our Emma Haters Inc Staff :)

September 29th| 6:04 pm

Updated What would you say to emma, Quotable Quotes, and Emma's future.
September 28th| 4:36 pm

Well, if you head over to The Snitch you'll see pictures of Emma and Tom Felton at the Disney Awards.

Emma is wearing a belly-showing midriff. The outfit would also show a butt-crack I believe if the picture hadn't been taken sideways. Oh what an example for many kids over the world watching the awards.

Undoubtly she wanted to show cleavage but decided to go '50 Cent' and throw some fake gold shiny stuff around her neck. And she's always carrying that award that Disney gave her? Oh dear, why not let Tom carry it for once? Can you not share the fame, Emma?

It also says thats that *gasp* Emma Watson hasn't read Harry Potter and the Order Of Phoenix. No wonder her dad reads her books for her. "It is too big" she says. "I start it and then keep putting it down." Does this make it official that she's a ditzy full-of-herself airhead? Does she get by in life just by her beauty? Perhaps she's busy doing more important stuff, like painting her nails...

Anyway, I updated emmas transformation, emmas nicknames, doorsigns, what would you say to emma, proof, and emma's diary


September 21st| 11:15 pm

Updated Emma's Future and a new affilate :D
September 19th| 9:44 pm

Sorry I haven't updated much. I just got sick of Html for a while.

Anyway, I updated Emma's Tongue, Door Signs, and Quotable Quotes.

September 8th| 5:32 pm

Updated emma shoes, door signs, nicknames
September 7th| 6:57 pm

Yes, I am off to wash my dog in erm...3 minutes.

Here are todays updates:
very good questions,
emma's makeup,
where emma went wrong,
emma's shoes,
emma's diary,
emma's future,
emma's bodyguard,
emma's zodiac,
emma's imposters,
and contact emma watson.

September 6th| 8:20 am

Updated Emma's Diary

September 6th| 8:03 am

Updated Quotable Quotes Again

September 6th| 7:46 am

Yes I am aware that some of our affilate links "won't work" such as:
Emma Watson Haters United
Anti Emma Watson
Emma's Diary
and Ginny's Anti Emma Site
but I'm sure there's an explanation for all this. Perhaps, they decided to get rid of it. Perhaps, their main site, like angelfire or geocities, shut them down. I'll give them one week to get it back up or to Email me and if they don't I'll remove them off...Yes I know I'm so cruel :(

September 6th| 7:32 am

I made one heck of an update.

Updates: dan reasons
quotable quotes
where emma went wrong
emma's makeup
the role of Hermione
emma's nicknames
very good questions
emma's bodyguard
emma's acting reviews
emma's younger brother
what would you say to emma
emma's future
emma's shoes
and Door signs

September 6th| 6:59 am

Updated FAQ

September 6th| 6:42 am

I have put 2 months of updates in the updates section, which is a very difficult task at 6:43 in the morning on a Saturday.

September 6th| 6:11 am

It's been a while since I have done the news so this may seem a little awkward.

Todays News

A porn freak
From New York City News,

A rogue Web meister was arrested yesterday for using misspelled domain names to send children and teens to graphic porn sites, making him the first charged in such a case under the federal "Amber Alert" law, federal prosecutors said.

According to a federal complaint, Zuccarini lured young computer users to pornographic Web sites by misspelling Web addresses of pages that appealed to children and teens, including pages for the Teletubbies, Britney Spears and Harry Potter.

"Children make mistakes," Comey said. "The idea that someone would take advantage of that . . . and direct those children to pornographic Web sites is beyond offensive. Indeed, it is. It is Sick.

And in other news, as we probably all know. The Blaster Worm has affected computers worldwide and not just home computers. Big Company Computers are also affected and the other computer downstairs that I am not using now is also affected. It is the computer where I save everything on Notepad and the printer is hooked up to it, so that means that I have to type everything up from scratch and I can't print anything.

But thank goodness that I still have this one upstairs :D

Well that is all the news I am willing to type up today.

This is EHI Correspondent, Hpan1f.
Good Morning.

September 6th| 6:06 am

Yes, the weekend.

I am just so absolutely shocked.
Today I went to check my email (once every week) and I happen to find 32 comments to be added to my site.

Yes, I know 32 updates is rather a lot so I am going to have to split it up into days.

Completely Shocked but overly enjoyed,

September 1st| 11:31 am

Updated door signs, emma's makeup, and Quotable Quotes

September 1st| 11:22 am

Updated a New Affiliate, Emma Watson Sucks, but its still on construction. Worth a look though.

September 1st| 11:19 am

Happy Labor Day everyone.

Updated A new section under Emma.

More Updates