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Enchanted Castle Spirit

This is my
Enchanted Castle Spirit Page!!

I'm a fighter for
The Enchanted Castle.
One of many teams over at
The Site Fights.
I've had nothing but fun since I joined!!


Guardian of Mediaeval Times and Castles

Wahoo!! Looks like I've done it again!
I received an Award for Best Spirit Page.
I'm so proud!Here it is:

Wow!! I Shouted It Out and won an Award!
Here is the chant I shouted:

I'm so happy
to be part of this Team!
They really know
what friendship means.
Just when you feel
like giving up...
They come and shower you
with all their "GOOD LUCK!"!!
Enchanted Castle
is the best place to be!!
Stop in for a visit.
I know you'll agree!

And here is the Award:

Check out our coach!

Click *Here* to see a list of my supporters.
Click *Here* to see the wonderful gifts I've received.

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