Rating = PG13
Quick note: This piece was written after a night shift. This means too much imagination and not nearly enough sleep. We all know what it's like to have characters or muses demanding time or controlling the pace of the story. Well, two of mine got fed up with waiting for the next time I sat down at the computer. It's not the best I've written because it was written as a pseudo-fun little piece and to help me over my writer's block. It was also the first time I'd written Arashi (Jayden), so it was a learning insight into how I'm going to write his personality. At the time of writing, I was still living at home, so none of the setting references are current for those of you trying to break into my apartment. ;)
Finally, night shift number three done. Now to go home, grab something quick to munch on, then find some decent Nightcrawler fic to read until I passed out from exaustion. Simple enough plan, right? I mean, I deserved it. So I was cheerfully thinking to myself on the way home from work, Finger Eleven playing, the occational raindrop splattering on my windshield.
It wasn't happening. Not today.
Completely unsuspecting, I locked myself in for the day and plunked my laptop case and bookbag next to the kitchen table. In the middle of turning and reaching for the refridgerator door, a small noise came from behind a closed door. A door that was closed by habit, as it led to my dark, messy, supposedly empty bedroom. '...the hell?' came the thought. Who, or what, was in my room?!
Carefully, I turned the handle and pushed open the door just enough to poke my hand in and turn the lights to full. Muffled curses were heard, an interesting and creative mixture of English, French, and what sounded suspeciously like Japanese.
'Great,' I thought. 'Those two would show up now. Why can't they just let me sleep?' The end of that thought was a whine; sleep is precious, after all. Much like X-men fanfiction! I dimmed the lights to my guests' comfort, and walked in, closing the door behind me.
There, sprawled on my double bed, rumpled clothing and hair, insolant as you please, were my favourite pair of creations. Intertwined. With half-closed eyes. And he had no shirt on.
I groaned. "Tell me you two were not fucking in my bed. I can't handle that right now," I pronounced, covering my face with my palm.
He laughed quietly, and she smirked. "Oh, you poor thing! How rude of us. Jayden, dearling, go help our precious girl relax."
My eyes narrowed as his form languidly extracted itself from tangled bedclothes. Relieved to find his black denims still on, suspecious at his motives. He wasn't written to obey her commands without question. Or at all, in point of fact.
He made his way through the obstacle course that is my bedroom floor; around the stacks of books and DVDs, piles of laundry, bottles of tempera paint. He manoeuvered behind me, between the coffee table and entertainment stand, and I stood still. Don't provoke him. Provoke her. But before I could open my mouth to do so, strong, cool fingers pressed into the tight muscles between my shoulder blades. Then he began to knead and smooth, and do such wonderful things...
Heaven. Bliss.
I did the only thing I could: wilted a little, and purred. And Jayden - tall, dark, dangerous, evil Jayden - leant into my ear and purred right back. Then he did the unthinkable, proving his character by means of his actions; he stopped. 'Of course,' I thought sourly. 'They want something.'
"Yes, we do," came the smooth tones, whispered to me, lips brushing my upper ear piercing. "We always do."
I sighly heavily, and moved a basket of folded laundry from its place in the sofachair to the floor. Flopping into it, slinging legs over one arm, my eyes met those of the female still lounging in my bed.
"Candice," she smiled, "You've delivered a number of pieces of our story to the public. You've promised them more, but you've written nothing." She paused for a moment to rearrange herself into a sitting position, sheet sliding to reveal a laced blue corset. Silent thanks were given on my behalf that she, too, was still clothed. "We're getting tired of waiting --"
"I'm getting damned impatient to be introduced!" Perched now on the arm of the sofa, opposite my chair, Jayden's grey eyes crackled with silver electricity. A none-to-subtle reminder as to why his other name was Arashi - the storm. "Noirceur here has been in every segment so far! When am I getting my due?"
"Well see, here's the thing: I needed to set up Noir's character first. She's central to the plot, and you - She thinks you're deade at this point. Then, I had to introduce your sire, establish their relationship, and drop the bombshell that - GASP - you're still alive. In fact," I stated proudly, "I've even gotten the first little bit of your intro scene done!"
"So I've seen," he drawled, staring at me unamused. "It's horrible."
Noirceur laughed then, and smiled widely. Her insisors gleamed in that uncanny way she has, as though she knew where each beam of light was going to catch. "You're having writer's block, aren't you? Oh, this is too rich! You can't write Jayden's introduction and our pathetic sire has even had his! With bloodplay!" Her twin growled at her mirth, and I glared darkly.
"I'm so sorry, Tenshi. I just wanted everything to work out well - especially with that little surprise your darling Arashi has for you." She stopped smiling, and I continued coldly, "You thought he was dead, honey. Didn't think he might have replaced you, after faking his demise to get the hell away from you? No? Aw, poor little Darkness thinks the universe revolves around her."
Jayden snickered, and it all clicked together in my mind. 'Of course! He knows what I have in store for him, and about Noir's little "surprise".' He was just here to get her back for something... I smirked and directed my next comment to him. "You are such a bastard. And you," I turned back, "are just a spoiled brat. Now go away, the two of you. I want some Fuzzy Blue Elf fic before I sleep today."
Neither was please to hear this, of course. Exchanging some 'Twins Only' communication, both rose from their respective perches and growled menancingly. I suddenly found myself roughly hauled from my chair and sandwiched between two prickled vampires. Two sets of fangs rested against my throat, and still I managed to chuckle. Talons dug sharply into the skin at my shoulders and waist. "Guys, you can't kill me. Think about it. I die, and who writes the story?" Fangs receeded somewhat as this thought. "All I've done here this morning is poked at two overlarge egos. Noirceur, stop rubbing in his lack of introduction. Jayden, calm down and don't let her get to you. You'll get your intro scene soon enough."
Reluctantly, they released me. They knew it was useless to try any further intimidation, but that didn't mean they had to be pleased with my logic and my comments.
"How soon until you start the next part?" the taller sibling demanded, glaring murderously. His hands clenched and unclenched in frustration.
"Soon, don't stress too much," I replied, reassuringly smoothing a dark lock of hair behind his ear. "Before next weekend."
"And my surprise?" She hissed, baring her fangs in anger.
"Will be the source of much bloodshed, have no fear," I smiled. Placated somewhat, the pair began to fade away slowly, receeding back into the subreality where inactive characters dwell. "Oh, and guys?" They halted in their retreat. "Having sex in your writer's bed is a no-no. Otherwise, I'll let Kurai in on both your plans." The duo grinned in tandem and vanished from sight.
'Damn it,' I thought to myself as I unpacked my laptop. 'Kurt's gonna have to wait. May as well get started on the story now, before Jimmy decides he wants his say. And - oh Gods - the KFCX needs to be written...' I sighed. No way was I going to get any sleep this morning.