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I write when the muse takes me. Which isn't nearly often as some people (myself included) would like. Be that as it may, anything that gets written usually makes it the Livejournal community The Nook before it gets archived over here. If you'd care to put these pieces elsewhere, please email me and let me know where! If you'd prefer to tell me my stories suck, you can do that, too. Just be aware that flaming isn't appreciated & will be ignored. Constructive criticism on the other hand, is welcomed, because let's face it, I'm not perfect and would love to improve my writing.

Both original and fan fiction are here. Some are longer pieces of a series, some are 100-word 'drabbles' and stand-alones. They range in ratings, all clearly marked for such & spoilers as well.

Quick final note: Right now, one of the original pieces is linked back to the original Livejournal posts. I'm working on redoing it in HTML.

Anita Blake
Rating: PG-13, for swearing & self-abuse.
Summary: Spoilery for Cerulean Sins. Short one-shot. So Richard cut his hair, and everyone was shocked and worried that it was a sign of emotional trauma. But... what if that's not all he'd done, just the only thing everyone knew about? What if that wasn't the only way he'd lashed out at the world, and himself?

Just One Touch (aka It's About Damned Time!)
Rating: PG, as a precaution really.
Summary: 100-word drabble; Rogue gains the ability to touch folk.

Untitled #1
Rating: G
Summary: 100-word drabble; Written as a response to 3-word prompt (wallet, missed train, quirk); A pre-Xavier Ulimate 'verse Ororo snapshot. :D

Untitled #2
Rating: PG-13, for implications of "adult themes".
Summary: 100-word drabble; Written as a respons to a 3-word prompt (friction, inquisitive, desperation); Jubilee catches one of her instructors in what sounds like a very personal moment.

Fooled Heart
Rating: G
Summary: 100-word drabble based on one of my past Livejournal default icons: Jareth & the ballroom scene. (Preview the icon?)

Original Fiction
Within You: Notes & general info, part 1, part 2, part 3a, Morning Visitors (side story #1), Bitter Torture (Coffee Challenge for Our Stories). WIP
Rating: R, for bloodplay, swearing, and general not-niceness.
Summary: Vampire story. The original plot idea was a RP AU, but the after writing up the first part I realized that it was a highly stupid idea and redid it completely before posting. And as a result, I have no solid plot.

*With Love, Jimmy: part 1, part 2. WIP
Rating: R, for swearing and general unpleasantness.
Summary: Jimmy is out narrator throughout bits and pieces of his strange life as a homeless runaway. Once again, no solid plot. Told through present first person & third person flashbacks, alternately.

to be continued...

Comments, questions, and cookies can be directed to Noirceur. Last updated 07.06.2004.