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History of Dr. Bach
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Dr. Bach studied medicine at Birmingham University and completed his training at University College Hospital in London where he qualified as a physician in 1912. He held medical and surgical positions at various London hospitals.

Dr. Bach worked as Assistant Bacteriologist at London's University College Hospital. While researching, he discovered that certain intestinal bacteria was closely connected with chronic disease. He developed a group of seven vaccines from these intestinal bacteria. He used these vaccines to heal his patients. His methods were published in medical journals, recorded by the Royal Society of Medicine and adopted in generally by the medical profession.

Being concerned about the soreness around the injection area, Dr. Bach began to prepare his vaccines in a more gentler homeopathic way. He developed a group of seven oral vaccines or nosodes, that known as the Seven Bach Nosodes. Dr. Bach began to realize that there was a certain type of personality that corresponded with each of the nosodes. He noticed that negative moods and emotions were a key to each of the seven types of personalities.

Dr. Bach read a book written by Hahnemann and discovered that true healing would come if he 'treated the patient, not the disease.' Dr. Bach found negative moods and emotions were responsible for the breakdown of physical health. He began to focus on the mental state of the sufferer alone. Dr. Bach gave up his practice to find new more natural medicines in the countryside of England and Wales.

Each of the 38 Essences cover a different state of mind. There are seven different personality types to which each of the essences belong.

In 1935, he returned to London, prepared the Essences and prescribed them according to the personality of his patients. He had remarkable results. Dr. Bach announced his work was complete and turned his attention to spreading the news of his discoveries to as many people as possible.

Dr. Edward Bach prepared his essences by two methods:

The Sun Method: Delicate blooms in the height of summer are picked and put into a glass bowl of spring water. The flowers are left for several hours bathing in the summer sun. Once the flowers start to lose their color, they are removed from the bowl. Brady is added in equal parts to the water thus creating the Mother Tincture.

The Boiling Method: This method is used to prepare the essences derived from trees and bushes and plants.

There is a three step process in preparing the Bach Flower Essences®.

Step One - Mother tinctures are prepared from plant material and natural spring water using either the sun or boiling method as defined by certain instructions.

Step Two - The mother tincture is made up of the energized spring water (Step one) mixed with an equal quantity of 40% brandy. The brandy acts purely as a preservative for the water.

Step Three - To make the stock bottle, two drops of mother tincture are added to 30ml of 27% brandy, which is also known as 'grape alcohol'.

Bach Flower Essences® are energized by the sun or boiling method. No further potentization is carried out. They are produced exactly according to the methods set out by Dr. Edward Bach.

Choosing the most appropriate Bach Flower Essence® for yourself is rather easy. Recognizing exactly how you are feeling right now. Then match that mood or feeling with the appropriate Bach Flower Essence®. It can be difficult in seeing certain emotions in oneself, because most of us do not want to admit to being jealous, or over protective, for example. But once you have come to the conclusion that we all have feelings, you are half way there. At least one of the Bach Flower Essences® will be suitable for you. Once you become more familiar with which Bach Flower Essences®, you will be able to find which essences work best for you.



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