Information about and from "Welcome to the Hellmouth," the first episode from the first season.
Episode Summary:
Buffy arrives in Sunnydale, intent on starting fresh and staying out of trouble.
But the town of Sunnydale sits on a portal called the Hellmouth, and Buffy is the only thing
that stands between her new town and the vampires and demons that call it home.
This is the beginning. Joss Whedon proves that a really bad movie can become an award-winning TV show with snappy dialogue and interesting characters. The stage is set for Buffy and her friends, and we get the faintest inkling of the wide appeal that Buffy will soon have. The plots are strong and the action is fast and hard...but the emphasis is not on monsters, but rather the universal struggle for some semblance of normalcy in a world that is anything but.

Written by: Joss Whedon
Directed by: Charles Martin Smith
Original air date: 3/3/97
Summary: The Long Version
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