"You're not seeing the big picture here. I mean, that gym was full of vampi...ah, asbestos."
-Buffy to Principal Flutie
"Can I have you? Ah...help you?"
-Xander to Buffy
"Maybe I'll see you around...at school. Since we both...go there."
-Xander to Buffy
"I don't mean to interrupt your downward mobility, but I just wanted to tell you that you won't be meeting Coach Foster, the woman with the chest hair, because gym was cancelled due to the extreme dead guy in the locker."
-Cordelia to Buffy
"Oh, come on, a stake through the heart, a little sunlight... It's like falling off a log."
-Buffy, on slaying
"I'm going to a club." -Buffy
"Oh. Will there be boys there?" -Joyce
"No, Mom. It's a nun club." -Buffy
"From now on, I'm only going to hang out with the living...ah...lively."
-Buffy, to her mom
"I know what you're thinking, but don't worry. I won't bite."
-Angel, to Buffy
"Let's just say...I'm a friend." -Angel
"Yeah, well maybe I don't want a friend." -Buffy
"I didn't say I was yours." -Angel
"We used to go out, but we broke up." -Willow about Xander
"How come?" -Buffy
"He stole my barbie."
puzzled look from Buffy
"Oh, we were five." -Willow
"I think boys are more interested in a girl who can talk." -Willow
"You really haven't been dating lately." -Buffy
"Seize the moment, 'cuz tomorrow you might be dead."
"You need a personality, stat!"
-Buffy to Giles