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UPN Channel 13 News Investigative Report       
Description :
Cydonia - MARS FACE
UPN visits NASA (CalTech's) JPL looking for answers - Cydonia - The face on Mars.

Click here to watch Cydonia Part 1 >
FULL LENGTH VERSION   Click here to watch Cydonia Part 2 > SLOW MOTION VERSION

Date added: 2002-12-29

Pyramid shaped UFO lands at Bentwaters AFB       
Description :
Bentwaters AFB 1980
Lt. Col. Charles Halt and Sgt. Jim Penniston describe pyramid shaped UFO that landed at
Bentwaters AFB in 1980 which Penniston was able to touch.

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  Click Here to View UFO sketch by Jim Penniston > UFO VIDEO FOOTAGE
Click Here to visit webpage >

Date added: 2002-12-29

Edwards AFB UFO Incident       
Description :
October 7, 1965
An actual UFO Military Alert took place at Edwards Air Force Base in California on the night of
October 7, 1965. Also involved were the following Air Force Bases in California: NORTON, GEORGE, HAMILTON and MARCH plus NORAD and THE WESTERN AIR DEFENSE COMMAND. During this event,
F-106 Interceptors were sent up after 12 Luminous UFOBs (Air Force Classification), which were high tech solid craft, under apparent intelligent control, which easily outdistanced the F-106s at 40,000 foot altitude.
Congressional witness recounts all-night monitoring of up to 12 UFOs.  Confirmation on declassified control tower tapes.  600 scientists attending conference there at the time including Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who confirms event.

Click here to watch >
FULL LENGTH VERSION   Click here view web page > Read story Edwards Incident
Click Here to hear authentic audio clip - Invasion over here (aiff format) >
UFO invasion over here!
Click Here to hear more sound clips on our Main Audio Page 2 > More Edwards Air Force Base sound clips

Date added: 2002-12-29

Norad tracks large UFO over New Mexico      
Description :
May, 26th 1995
NORAD radio communication with America West Flight 564 Boeing 757 confirms tracking large UFO on May 26, 1995 over New Mexico at 30,000 ft. "Length unbelievable"
America West Flight 564 was cruising at 39,000 feet near Bovina, Texas, en route from Tampa, Florida, to Las Vegas, Nevada. First Officer John J. Waller and a flight attendant saw, off to their right and somewhat below their altitude, a row of bright white lights which sequenced on and off from left to right. Waller contacted the Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center while the sighting was in progress and checks were made with military installations in the area, but no explanation could be found. As the airliner proceeded westward, the lights began dropping behind. Then they observed the phenomenon against a background of dark thunderclouds. When the background clouds pulsed with lightning, they could see the silhouette of a dark, wingless, elongated cigar-like object around the strobing lights.

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FULL LENGTH VERSION   Click Here to read report > 

Date added: 2002-12-29

The Welsh "Roswell"       
Description :
1974 crash of UFO at Llandrillo, Wales accompanied by earthquake, giving all indications of a terrestrial scalar electro magnetic attack which downed the UFO and also triggered movement
in local fault zone.

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Date added: 2002-12-29

The Russian "Roswell"      
Description :
January 29, 1986
Dalnegorsk Hill 611 on January 29, 1986, at 7:55 p.m.
On that date, "residents of the settlements observed a reddish-orange sphere the size of a half moon, which flew from the southwest at 260 degrees. Its altitude was 700-800 meters.
The flight was parallel to the surface of the Earth, without the angles which are characteristic for meteorites. The witnesses heard absolutely no noises.

Click here to watch >
  Click Here to read more on Hill 611 > 

Date added: 2002-12-29

Police investigate report of UFO       
Description :
January 5, 2000
Ilinois police get reports of a UFO and follow its progress thru the evening.
CASEYVILLE - Police received six separate reports from callers between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m.Thursday, all reporting a strange light in the sky within a radius of a couple of miles

Click here to watch >
  Click Here to read report of ufo's > READ BIOS

Date added: 2002-12-29

UFO'S Over Iran!       
Description :
September 19th 1976
Sightings Reports of a 1976 confrontation between UFO's and the Iranian Air Force.
Iranian Air Force Command Post had received many calls from citizens reported Unidentified FlyingObjects (UFOs) over the city, and wondered what was going on. After numerous phone calls, they decided to go out and take a look forthemselves. After having visual on the UFO, the Command Post decided to scramble an F-4 to go check it out. At 25 NM, the pilot lost all instrumentation, so he broke off the advance and flew back to Shahrokhi Air Force Base. On his way back, he regained all instrumentation, when he was not a threat to the object anymore. A second F-4 was scrambled to go check it out, and the same experience happened to him. At the exact time when the second F-4 was going to fire an AIM-9 missile at the target, he too lost all instrumentation. Was this a coincidence, or an example of technology not known to this world.

Click here to watch Iran Part 1 >
FULL LENGTH VERSION   Click here watch Iran Part 2 > 
Click Here to to view Iran UFO report

Date added: 2002-12-29

The UFO Coverup       
Description :
October 1, 1994
This was Larry King's highest rated show ever at the time. Featured guest include Dr. Steven Greer, Stanton Friedman and Kevin Randle. Watch "The UFO Coverup" - Larry King Live from Area 51 in Real Video.

Click here to watch >

Date added: 2002-12-29

Air Force Cameras at Nellis Test Range      
Description :
Extraordinary maneuvers of daylight UFO captured for several minutes by Air Force's cameras on
Nellis Test Range
in 1994. This amazing video footage is alleged to have been leaked from the Area 51 secret military base in Nevada,by a high ranking Military source who worked within the complex. The UFO was allegedly captured on Military cameras and shows the mysterious object to change shape and move around erratically. At one point,the object is seen to cover 13 miles in just 6 seconds,making extensive changes in velocity and performing manoeuvres that no aircraft, that we know of on this planet,are capable of doing even with today's technology

Click here to watch >

Date added: 2002-12-29

The birth of UFOligy - Kenneth Arnold      
Description :
June 24, 1947
Ken Arnold coins the phrase "FLYING SAUCER"!
The modern phenomena of UFOs and “flying saucers” began in Washington state on June 24, 1947, when Kenneth Arnold spotted nine mysterious, high-speed objects “flying like a saucer would” along the crest of the Cascade Range. His report made international headlines and triggered hundreds of similar accounts of “flying saucers” locally and across the nation.

Click here to watch >

Date added: 2002-12-29

Secrets of Hanger 18 at Wright Patterson  Air Force Base      
Description :
In 1954 the U.S. had four extraterrestrial corpses in the "Blue Room", Hanger 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. These bodies came from a series of retrievals of downed UFOs.

Click here to watch >

Date added: 2002-12-29

Sgt. Frank Kaufman Describes finding Roswell wreckage and ET bodies      
Description :
In his first filmed interview, SGT. Kaufman describes tracking the Roswell craft and explosion on radar, finding the wreckage and discovering the bodies. Also shown are his contemporaneous sketches of the craft and bodies.

Click here to watch >

Date added: 2002-12-29

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