I am content with my life as a single father who gets an occasional chance to date. If you are single too, I am sure you can relate to the times when you miss adult company and other times you don't miss it. Time seems to fly by and I don't know if I have time to fall in love with someone again. You have to know someone pretty well to fall in love so meeting a complete stranger means it will take time. Love and lust are two very different feelings and I think I know the difference and you probably do to. That may explain why I only married and divorced once. The marriage lasted 10 years which seams like a long time but isn't a marriage supposed to last a lifetime? Lust on the other hand may only last a nighttime. I may be attracted by a ladies physical appearance or by her personality. I think the personality appeal was once referred to as charm. I am seeking a long term relationship or marriage BUT I am also very realistic about the process in which you meet "The Right One". I try to balance time for my children with some time for myself and when I don't have special plans I simply enjoy my time with my kids even more. I think I will have to trip over the right lady because I have very little time to go hunt one down. I like the phrases treat others as you would like to be treated and speak only kind words of others and you mustn't whisper. Enjoy your visit to my website and you can contact me at kblanst@gmail.com or facebook. Click on the photos to enlarge them. Thanks for visiting!