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My purpose for this web site is to change your reflex of fear into a reflex of action.


Never Give Up

I know that being a woman you may question the size of a man. There are vulnerable targets of a man and the following techniques do work.

What you must keep in mind though and it is of great importance is to keep at least two things in mind, so your reaction is going to be quick, if the first attack does not work, shift right to the next one.

Combinations is the key. Reactions along with screaming.

Did you ever get so scared that you felt this power surge going through your body ? That's your adrenalin flowing. There are simple exercises that you can do to improve it.

Exercise 1
First, standing with one foot in front of the other, like your taking a step, take your hands and put them close to your chest with your palms facing outward. Take a deep breath through your nose and as you begin to slowly exhale, push your hands straight out and resist as your doing it, like your pushing a car that ran out of gas.

When your arms are fully extended, turn your hands with the palms facing yourself. As you bring them in, inhale through your nose from way down deep, turn your hands around with your palms facing away and repeat the process. Change your footing each time.

Exercise 2
On this exercise put both of your feet together and hands down to your sides., Slowly taking a deep breath start by bringing your hands out to the side, working your way to the top of your head, until your hands meet. Keep your arms, hands and fingers all the way stretched out until they meet overhead.

While slowly resisting and exhaling at the same time, slowly bring your arms down to your side. Pretend your pushing down on something as your exhaling and resist it until your hands are at your side. Repeat the process.

NOTE: When using these breathing exercises, go slowly or you will feel lightheaded. Take your time breathing in slowly but deeply.

I am going to briefly cover the target areas of the man that you would need to attack if a situation should arise. I will be going into greater detail further down the page.

Target Area

( Eyes, Ears, Throat, Arm Pits, Groin )

1. EYES - Going for the eyes is an excellent way to defend yourself. They water up quickly, instant pain, and a good chance for you to get away.

2. EARS - Ear drums rupture easily and this is another great place for an attack.

3. THROAT - There is little muscle built in front of windpipe and an excellent area of attack.

4. ARM PITS - Depending on the clothing this also is a good area of attack.

5. GROIN AREA - An excellent way to chop down your attacker.
Aim at the Target areas

( Purse, Keys, Pens, Pencils, Umbrella, Cane, Stick, Shoes, Teeth, Nails, Fingers, Back of your head, Palms, Elbows, Knees )

1. PURSE - Hold your purse with the flap towards yourself in case of a purse snatcher. If you have a strap on your purse, it is a good idea to cross it across your chest area, making it hard for a purse snatcher to retrieve.

Your purse can also be used as a weapon, striking the vulnerable area's that I mentioned above. An attack to the eyes with the purse would be a good attack and a great chance of getting away. Put a couple of quarter rolls in your purse for added weight.

2. KEYS - When walking from one destination to another, place each key between each finger, with the key to your car or house, in between the thumb and index finger for quick access.

If someone was to attack you at this point, think of it as an extention of your fingers with sharp objects and aim for the eyes.

Also, if you have a piece that you have all your keys attached too, this can be used for a strike at the eyes, or you can hold that piece and use all your keys, striking across the eyes.

3. PENS - Keep a pen in your purse at all times. These make great weapons. Hold the pen toward the bottom, like your carring a six pack of pop, with the point area facing out. Aim for the eyes and throat area.

4. PENCILS - Pencils make a great weapon also. Hold the pencil at the bottom, like your carring a six pack of pop, with the point area facing out. Aim for the eyes and throat area.

NOTE: --- Pens and Pencils should replace any knife that you have beside your bed on your night stand. Would be attackers generally would use your own weapon on you.

5. UMBRELLA - An umbrella makes a great weapon because of the steal point of the umbrella and also the hooked handle. The point could be used for the eyes and throat area. The hook part of the umbrella could be used for several things.

For one, you can use it to hook the leg or ankle part of the attacker and give it a good yank.

Another, you could hook around the neck area. You can also use the whole umbrella as a weapon, striking it across the eyes, throat, ears or groin area. Stay away from the mid section, because this area would not faze them.

6. CANE - A good weapon to chop down the size of the attacker. Aim for a strike across the eyes, nose, back side of the legs or the throat area.

Use the bottom of the cane to the eyes, throat, groin area or thrust down on your attackers foot with force.

7. STICK - If your in a wooded area or park and confronted with an attacker, if a stick is available, within reach, grab it and aim for the eyes and throat area.

8. SHOES - Keep aware of the type of shoes that you are wearing and ask yourself, can I run away with them on ? If your in a position to run away and you feel your heels will slow you down, take that second to remove them using your best judgement under the circumstances.

I know that some have no choice or perfer wearing heels. If you have heels on the spike part of the heel is a great weapon.

If an attack would come from behind, side or the front area, lifting your knee and stomping down hard on top of your attackers foot would be the thing to do. Make sure you have another thing in mind, not forgetting the reactions that I talked about earlier.

Another attack with heels, is the front of the shoe and is also a good weapon and can be used in the groin area. When striking this area, use force and aim for the testicles.

9. TEETH - Your teeth can be used for a weapon. If you do use your teeth, bite down hard.

10. NAILS - Nails are great weapons. Keeping your fingers apart and slightly bent dig deep into the attackers eyes. You can also use a clawing motion across the eyes.

11. FINGERS - Your fingers make excellent weapons also. Take your index finger, and place it over your middle finger, with the index finger slightly bent. Aim for the throat area and insert with force.

12. BACK OF HEAD - If an attacker comes up from behind, and you notice that your head level with him, thrust the back of your head into his face. If you notice your attacker is taller, chop down his size, by stomping with full force on his foot. Then with a split reaction, thrust your head back into his face.

If you do not have the time to turn your head to notice his size, look with your side vision on where his shoulders are and go from there.

You can also use your behind with full force into the stomach area but be prepared for another split reaction to follow up with.

13. PALMS - If an attacker would be coming at you from the front or side direction, cup your hands. What I mean is, take your hands and put all your fingers together. Slightly cup them where they look like part of a circle and aim for the ears.

If you take your hands and cup them, put them to your ears, do this EASY & LIGHTLY.. this will give you an idea on what it feels like.

When using this technique against an attacker, use full force on both ears, and they will rupture.

There is another technique you can use with your palms of your hands. If an attacker comes at you from the front or side, take your hands, put your fingers together and aim for under the nose. This will push cartlige up and cause excessive watering of the eyes.

Another technique is to aim for the side of the nose, which will break it and also cause excessive watering of the eyes.

14. ELBOWS - Elbows are one of the best defenses and most natural reactions to learn. Aim for the face area. A few examples would be across the face, up under the chin, down from the top of his head towards the nose and side of the face.

If an attacker would have you on the ground, a hard blow with your elbow or fingers in the eye would help. You must take note that when your in a position like that, once you start to retaliate, your in greater harm for your life, so be intelligent about the choice you make in this circumstance.

15. KNEES - Knees, like the elbows can overwhelm the most persistent attackers. Knees are a good way of chopping down the size of an attacker. Aim for the groin area.

You can also use your knees for the stomach area, but be prepared for a split reaction on another technique so you can get away.

NOTE: These techniques do work, but you must practice them enough until it becomes an instinct with you. Once you have accomplished this, they will be with you forever.

This is no guarantee that this will always work, but when your in a situation, use your head to make the right choice, go with your instincts and if you have to fight, fight hard to get away.
Go with your Instincts
This is the correct way to make a fist, making sure your thumb is tucked like the picture shown here.
Fight Hard to Get Away


Last updated: 1 / 24 / 18

MIDI - " Eye Of The Tiger "

Copyright © 1998 / 2018 Womens Self Defense and Rape Prevention
All rights reserved.

Created and Maintained by - Dusty_Outlaw_Gal