The Angle
The Angle

Author: Anne
Title: The Angle
Rating: PG-13 for good ol language and violence
Characters: Hardyz, E&C and a few of my own creation
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters except Mercy and David, Kay is owned by Kaylin herself. I'm not making $$ off of this either.
Distribution: My site and Kay's.

Chapter One

"Damia," I heard the faint call coming from deep in the cavern.

I knew the dream all to well and I knew how it would end. I felt the chilling grip on my shoulders and the shaking of my body to the rhythm of something terrible. My blurred eyes blinked open and I reached for the shaking annoying buzzing sound. My pager was rolling around on the table beside my bed. The grip still held tight on my shoulders and I heard the faint whisper become all too real.

"Damia, wake up,"

I turned my body out of the grip and stared wildly trying to place a familiar face to the voice. I sighed and reached for my second pillow that hardly ever served to rest my head.

"Christian, you shit!" I groaned attempting to hit him with the pillow all the while keeping my position lying on the bed.

"Sorry, but you know it's a work day. We gotta go,"

"I know. I know," I sighed thinking about the effort I would have to put forth on the tiny amount of sleep I had gotten, "Can't you just pack me in the suitcase and let me sleep on the way?"

"Get some clothes on and I'll make you a deal?"

"What's that?"

"You dress and pack and I'll carry you and let you sleep in the car," he proposed.

"You're an absolute saint," I remarked agreeing to his stipulations.

Christian left the room fully aware he would have to come back in, five minutes later, remove me and the sheets from the bed, both by tossing, and then expect me to actually get ready. I closed my eyes and prepared for my last 5 minutes of winks until I got to the car. I, then remembered, just as I reached the line between wishful thinking and dozing, that my pager had been rumbling off during my dream. I reached over to the table and checked it. My smile beamed widely across my cheeks. I jumped up out of bed and slid on the jeans and sweatshirt I had picked out to wear the night before. I grabbed the phone and called my voice mailbox to check the message. I knew who it was even before I checked and heard the soothing voice.

"Hey lover, ready for another fun day at the office. Sorry I kept you out so late. I'm feeling it too. Jeff just pushed me out of bed. ~Yawn~ Just thought I'd let you know we're going to Motel 6 it when we get to Saint Paul. Let's try to get suites in the same hotel this time, okay? Less work for us to sneak out and away from our brothers. See you soon,"

I hung up the phone and sat back on the bed. It was a joy to hear Matt's voice in the morning. Even if it wasn't in person, humming in my ear, it was still magic.

Christian knocked on the room door.

"I'm awake, Christian!" I called, forcing myself, to at least think about standing up to pack my two suitcases.

"Are you lying?"

It wasn't Christian it was Adam, Christian's best friend and so-called brother.

"And why do you insist on calling Jay that. Are you reality challenged?"

I rolled my eyes to myself since no one else was in the room to see it.

"I've been told to try staying in character or at least talking in character so I won't screw up at the shows!" I called back rather perturbed I actually had to waste breath explaining to Adam stuff he damn well knew.

"Oh, okay, then say my name! Say my name ~!" he started mimic singing.

I opened the door and found him there, straightening up after a burst of choreography to the popular new song.

"If G-TV could see you now," I joked seeing the horror on his face due to digging himself into a hole of embarrassment.

"Well anyway," he pushed back his hair from his face, "Get packed and then you can tell me all about your latest adventure last night,"

"Wouldn't you like to know," I teased before shutting the door in his face.

I started my huge task of packing and tried to think about how lucky I was to be involved with the job I was. Maybe then I could justify waking up at the crack of dawn and rushing around the world from hotel to motel to inn, living out of two suitcases. I owed Christian/Jay big for getting me an initial "in" with the producers and talent people. I also owed him big for putting me through the same wrestling school he had gone to. In fact, now that I looked back, I owed my brother Jay for pretty much everything going good at the moment. My steadily flourishing career with the WWF, my rather nice paycheck, my constantly changing scenery, and probably the most important, finding the love of my life, Matt Hardy, were all courtesy of Jay. At the moment I was a top of the B team list diva that frequented the ringside to cheer for Adam, Jay, Matt and his brother Jeff. I was the one who would mold their future story line together. Apparently by providence I had been set up as the young sister of Adam and Jay's characters that would be the "link" from them to some other tag team where they'd form an alliance. Sounded fine to me as long as I got to do what I loved and keep that paycheck coming. I had narrowed down the possibilities of which I would have to rue a marriage to form the alliance. It would most likely be to Test, Matt, or even though the thought made me personally ill, Kurt Angle.

Kurt was a total pervert in reality. He did the All-American hero thing to everyone's face, but beyond the character he played he was a total freak. Then again what did I care. He was a character not a reality and it's not like I would really commit to him. Of course I might have to traipse around with him publicly for the WWF's sake. It wasn't like me and Matt didn't already sneak around. Trying to dodge the press and escape from the watchful eyes of Jay and Jeff, who while not disapproving of our relationship were overly paranoid about it becoming a problem for all of our careers.

I packed my last suitcase tightly and called for Jay to come get it for me. I would carry myself however. Now that I was awake it didn't bother me so much to walk, as long as I'd be walking to a sleep in the car and then to some quality time with Matt.

Jay opened the door to the room and reached for my suitcase straps to drag them rather than carry them.

"Hey, remember to call me Christian," he reminded me.

"Oh yeah, that's right. You Christian, and Me Damia. I got it,"

"Good, now let's go. You go on ahead and find Adam on your way. I'll be here doing my impression of an overworked camel with your suitcases,"

"Poor Camel," I teased walking on ahead of him.

"Camel's spit! Remember that while your sleeping today,"

"I don’t remember anything while I'm sleeping," I called back trying to steal the thunder from his quick comeback.

I found Adam in the bathroom hovered over the sink doing an exceptionally slow yet thorough job of brushing his teeth, with his absolute favorite thing - Rembrandt.

"Okay, Mr. Copeland, we're going to ask you to please proceed on to the Hilfiger shoot immediately," I announced attempting to sound like a casting agent.

Adam spit and rinced before giving me a worried look and breaking into a smile.

"You're so cute when you try," he patted me on the head and walked away.

"WHAT!?" I wondered out loud just as Christian finally made it with my bags.

"Took you long enough," I joked with him only managing to receive a sigh for my efforts.

"Adam, come take the dead corpse express to the car. I think she packed two more samoans in this thing since last time,"

"Blood is thicker than water. And with that, I will now slink away to become one with the thin pasty film that I am," Adam returned excusing himself and his two large bags as he went to put things into the vehicle.

"Oh, Jay, you're such a baby. Let me take one,"

"One, that’s it. How about, Jay, loving dutiful brother, let me take MY luggage for once,"

"NO, see that would be stupid of me," I laughed taking the lighter of the two bags and dragging it with me, following Adam to our vehicle, the suburban.

Inside Adam was on the car phone, his bags neatly tucked in the very back. He always got the optimal space and it drove me nuts. I put mine next to his in a very precarious position, so that if Jay got a little too wild with the wheel, Adam might suffer some broken belongings. I couldn't help my second nature and began eves dropping on his call.

"Yah Vince … uh huh… tonight?!? No, you know it will be fine with us. Me tell them! WHY! Okay alright. Yah I wrote it down. No problem. We'll be there in about 4 hours,"

Adam put the phone back in its place and turned only to be in my face.

"Okay, well, I guess you're in suspense now aren't you,"

"Do tell. I want complete gut spilling,"

"Wait until we're on the road. I have to tell you both. This is too much for me to say twice and then take questions,"

"What's too much?" Christian asked having shoved my second suitcase next to the one I had strategically placed.

"I'll tell you on the way,"

"Whatever. Go check us out and I'll be real quick with my ONE suitcase," Jay overemphasized at me before jogging his way back to the room.

"And he wonders why all the chicks love you," I quipped to Adam who merely smiled, thought, then nodded and laughed.

I got into my faithful middle seat and laid myself down across it. I had my car pillow waiting for me and was trying to stay awake long enough to hear the "annoucements". I wanted to hurry up and get to St. Paul and see Matt.

Jay and Adam got into their favorite spots in the car. Adam half-asleep in shotgun and Jay alert and dare I say, perky, driving.

"Okay, get on with it. What's up tonight,"

Adam took a deep breath.

"First we get to fight the acolytes, then we help out matt and jeff with the dudleys for about 6 minutes. We actually have lines to memorize. Can you believe that. Well, I have the lines, but Jay I think you get to nod and say "uh huh" somewhere in there,"

"And. What about Mercy, I mean, Damia," Jay managed to laugh out noticing I was about to call him on making the mistake he had corrected me on nearly a thousand times.

"She's going to turn heel on us,"

"WHAT!" I burst out.

"Repeat," Jay, asked equally as shocked as I was.

"The writers thought the fans would enjoy her screwing us over, more than helping us out. It may be temporary though depending on demographics and ratings and that sort of thing,"

"So what am I going to do," I asked.

"Hit one of us with a chair and deck the other one,"

"Can I hit you with the chair," I asked Adam.

"Hey, I didn’t make the script. Don't hurt me over this,"

"Who's she turning heel to?" Jay asked looking more perturbed by the second.

"Must I?" Adam whined dreading the answer, "Okay, you're not going to like it though. You're going to be wooed by The People's Olympic Hero and his friend Bob Bitchland,"

"GREAT," I groaned from the back, "Just the guy I don't want to have to look at with dewey eyes!"

"Aww, come on. If you can look at Matt," Jay started to say before succumbing to laughter from his remark.

"Shuddup!" I cracked reaching to the front seats to give him a quick slap on the chin.

"Either way. Looks like you'll be having fun tonight,"

"This sucks. I wanted to stay face and become Matt's girl and cheer for him on the ringside and hit Terri for interfering or something!"

"We all want to hit Terri for interfering," Adam groaned thinking about the harsh reality of Terri Runnels really being a terminal bitch out of character.

"You're just mad because she thinks I'm sexy," Jay teased before noticing Adam's annoyed glare, "What, she did!"

"Jay, no one thinks you're sexy, except, Moolah. Now, that's a real woman!" I laughed.

"Oh GAWD! Even I have to object to that one!" Adam countered taking Jay's side while Jay made his famous gagging face.

"Still, " I began back to my original subject, "I don't like the idea of turning heel, on either of you. It's too sad. Then, to have to become the valet, or whatever, to Kurt. That is just too much trauma for one girl to handle,"

"Like I said before. If you can look at Matt in the mornings before he has a chance to get pretty, you can look at anything,"

I kept quiet this time just to see if I could steal the validity of his comment, by not crediting it at all. Adam ruined it though, by opening his big mouth to try and steal some thunder.

"Jay, how do you know so much about how Matt looks in the morning,"

I had to jump in. I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Yeah, Jay, you tryin to rob my fridge?" I asked mocking agitation.

"Uhm, no," Jay replied with sarcastic paranoia, "What makes you think that. Two men can brush each other's teeth. It's perfectly normal,"

"Whoa, I almost totally forgot about that. Good thing Kat took that picture!" I burst into a giggle fit thinking about that night backstage, when Kat had broken out her trusty digital camera.

My beloved Matt had succeeded along with Jeff and my brother, in making complete asses of themselves, that night. The only escape from the camera I had found was hiding behind Chyna or simply ducking and running.

"You better go get sleeping. I know for fact you didn’t go to sleep until earlier this morning. As it seems we have a big night ahead of us," Adam suggested to me seeing as my laughter had died down.


I got comfortable with my car pillow and snuggled down into the seat just the way I liked. With my eyes closed and a few thoughts in my head I dozed into a deep slumber.

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