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The History of " The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit

On May 21, 1967 in Montreal, Quebec Canada Chris Benoit was born. At age twelve he and his family moved west to Edmonton, Alberta Canada where he currently resides.

Chris Benoit's paragon of virtue: The Dynamite Kid Chris’s childhood hero was Tom Billington, better known around the world as the Dynamite Kid. Chris Benoit knew he wanted to be a wrestler early in his life. And he knew he wanted to be just like the Dynamite Kid.

Growing up, Chris Benoit did his best to be like his hero. While the other kids in school had long locks of hair, Benoit kept his short; in honor of the Dynamite Kid. Benoit began working out in an effort to achieve his dream of being just like Dynamite. He tried to look like him. He walked like him. Talked like him. He'd spend time in his room, throwing punches at the bed, pretending to be his hero. It's because of the Dynamite Kid that we have the Chris Benoit we see before us today.

"That same night, there was a knock at the dressing room door. When I opened it, there was this little kid, maybe 12 or 13 years old, standing there. I knew his face because he was always at the Stampede shows. He was a nice enough kid, and he told me he was working out - he showed me his muscles - and said, "When I'm older, I want to be a wrestler, exactly like you". I said, "OK, very good." I'm sure a lot of young kids who watched wrestling had ideas about becoming wrestlers when they grew up. But I had to hand it to this one. His name was Chris Benoit and, when he grew up, he became a great wrestler."
- Tom "Dynamite Kid" Billington

Benoit's hard work and determination were prevelant in even his early, youthful years. After he graduated from Arch Bishop O'Leary in 1985, Chris Benoit started working as part of the ring crew. Later he started his training in The Dungeon; the infamous Calgary based basement teaching grounds of the legendary Stu Hart. Benoit was trained by Mr. Hito, Keith, Bruce, and Stu Hart. No matter how many times he was knocked down, who how many times someone around him would give up, Chris Benoit picked himself back up and kept going, never surrendering, never quitting.

After six torturous months in the Dungeon, Stu booked Chris Benoit in his very first match. It was a tag match in 1985 in Calgary, (dramatic pause) Alberta Canada. Chris's partner was going to be Rick "Leatherface" Patterson, and the role of their opponents going to Karl Moffat (later known as Jason the Terrible) and Mike Hammer. Benoit and Patterson won. A year later on March 1, Chris Benoit and Ben Bassarab captured the Stampede Tag Team Titles besting Wayne Farris (aka The Honky Tonk Man) and Ron Starr. They did not hold the belts long as they dropped them to Wayne Farris and the Cuban Assassin on March 24. On May 9, Benoit teamed with Keith Hart to recapture the gold from Farris and the Cuban Assassin. The reign wass again short lived (as will be most Benoit title reigns....) however, as the title was held up and on the 30th, and awarded to Duke Myers and Kerry Brown after they defeated Keith and Benoit.

After seven months of wrestling under Stu Hart, Benoit received an offer from an agent for New Japan Pro Wrestling. Chris was aquatinted with the style thanks to Stu's international talent booking, and welcomed the chance to work in Japan. Benoit's first match in Japan was a contest against Yuki Funaki in January of 1987. After spending about nine months in Japan, Benoit headed back west to Stampede Wrestling.

The time spent in Japan advanced Benoit's skills (as it does with most wrestlers), and Stu put him in action six to seven days a week. He beat Gama Singh for the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Title on March 19, 1988. He started to team with Johnny Smith, but Smith turned on him, beat Benoit for the title, and the two started to feud. Chris Benoit regained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Title on June 17, 1988, seven days after Smith took it. Benoit would drop the belt to Smith on June 24, 1988. On October 7, 1988 Benoit temaed up with Lance Idol to defeat Jerry Morrow and Cuban Asassin for the Tag Team titles. They would hold the belts for twenty-one days when the Cuban Commandos took the belts off their hands. The next year, Benoit retasted gold as he once again captured the British-Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title on January 13 from Johnny Smith. One title is never enough, so eBnoit teamed with Beef Wellington to defeat Makkan and Vokkan Singh for the Tag Team Titles on April 8. They would keep the titles until they lost to Bob and Kerry Brown on June 9. Benoit then lost the British-Commonwealth title to Johnny Smith on July 7, but reclaimed it the next day by beating Smith. Benoit's title reign would last until August 4, 1989 when Gama Singh defeated him. During Benoit's tenure in Stampede Wrestling, he also got to wrestle his hero, the Dynamite Kid. Benoit teamed with Davey Boy Smith (The British Bulldog) to face Dynamite and Johnny Smith. Benoit left Stampede wrestling in December of '89 when the company shut down.

As the Pegasus Kid.Benoit got a job offer from New Japan Pro Wrestling, and he returned to the Tokyo Dome on February 10, 1990 as the Pegasus Kid. The Pegusus Kid started to feud with (the legendary) Japanese Sensation; Jushin LigerJushin "Thunder" Liger. The feud between the Kid and Liger was prevelent as BEnoit powerbombed Liger off the top rope . Later, in front of 60,000 people, the Pegasus Kid and Naoki Sano beat Jushin Liger and Akira Nagami. Months later, on August 19, 1990 The Pegasus Kid got his first title by beating Liger for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title. That win made Benoit the second person from the Western Hemishphere to hold the title, the other being Owen Hart. After a three month reign as champ, Pegasus Kid dropped the belt to Liger on November 2 in Tokyo. On April 1, 1991 the Pegasus Kid's feud with Liger climaxed as he lost a mask versus mask match to Liger. After which, he called himself Wild Pegasus.

In March 1991, Benoit headed to Mexico, where his ability to adapt in the Universal Wrestling Alliance allowed him to win the World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Title from Villano III on March 3. Benoit winning the title added recognition to the usually ignored title. During the Pegasus Kid's reign as Light Heavyweight Champion, he teamed up with David Taylor and captured the CWA Tag Team Titles from Miles Zrno and Franz Schuman on December 21, 1991. The titles were vacated when Taylor got injured and Benoit decided to go work for New Japan. On September 13, 1992 Villano III regained his Light Heavyweight title from Benoit. The Pegasus Kid also lost his mask (for the second time) to Villano III.

On June 16, 1992 Benoit teamed up with Beef Wellington in the NWA World Tag Team tournament that was hosted by World Championship Wrestling. For the first time, Chris benoit was competing in the United States. After being defeated by the team of Jushin Liger and Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit returned to Japan. In January of 1993, Benoit signed with WCW and teamed with Bobby Eaton and Beef Wellington. New Japan came before WCW though, so Benoit was mostly used to forward other people's career's. During his short stint, he managed to showcase his talents against 2 Cold Scorpio at SuperBrawl III. Between May 25 and June 15, the Wild Pegasus managed to advance to the finals of the The Top of the Super Junior tournament. He won the tournament after defeating El Samurai.

I"nOn April 16, 1994 the Super J Cup (a one night tournament of the best light weight wrestlers) was held in Tokyo's Sumo Hall. In one of the defining moments of his career, Chris Benoit defeated the Black Tiger (you may know him as Eddy Gurrerro) and Gedo to advance to the finals. There he faced off against the Great Sasuke, and in a match that was later compared to one of the Dynamite Kid's, Benoit upset Sasuke to win the tournament. Benoit has claimed it was the hardest night of his career.

Suicide Dive on 2 Cold In 1994 Benoit decided he wanted to wrestle in the USA, and took the opportunity to work with the World Wrestling Federation. Things between him and the WWF did not work out, as he was used primarily to forward other people's careers. On August 27, 1994, Benoit took part in the ECW/NWA title tournament at the "Most Famous Bing Hall in the World" theECW Arena. Benoit did not make it past 2 Cold Scorpio in the first round. After wresting in the independents, Benoit accepted a spot in ECW while continuing to compete in Japan. On October 18, 1994 Chris Benoit and Shinjiro Ontani defeated the Great Sasuke and Black Tiger in the only New Japan Super Grade Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Tournament.


It is unlike any other promotion in the US. You can, within reason, do whatever you want to do."
-Chris Benoit here!Benoit first stepped into the ECW ring with Sabu. The referee had to stop the match after Sabu started to cough up blood. During Sabu's recuperation, Benoit took on Mikey Whipwreck, Hack Meyers, and others. His feud with Sabu, though, was just beginning. November 19, 1994 is an infamous night in ECW history. It's the night when Chris Benoit became the Crippler. During a match with Sabu, a miscommunication occured between the two of them, and Chris Benoit back body-dropped Sabu right on his neck, fracturing vertebrae and bruising Sabu's spinal cord.

The man of 1000 holdsChris Benoit started to team with a man who stay a friend to him for years, Dean Malenko. They made a run for the ECW Tag Team Titles, and wreaked havoc everywhere they could. On Febbruary 4, 1995 at ECW's event called Double Tables, Chris Benoit took on Al Snow in one heck of a match. He won after a Dragon Suplex. Later, he made a run-in during the main event Tag Title match between Public Enemy and Sabu and the Tasmaniac (now known as Tazz). He came in and powerbombed , Sabu off the top rope, onto Rocco Rock and through a table. After that, Rocco Rock was confined to a wheelchair for some time. Shiny.... On February 25, Benoit and Malenko finally captured ECW Tag gold by defeating Tasmaniac and Sabu in Philidelphia. They also did a number on the Public Enemy, as they clotheslined Rocco Rock (still in th e wheel chair) into a guradrail at around 15 miles per hour.

The Triple ThreatAlso in 1995, Benoit, Malenko, and Shane Douglas teamed up to form the first Triple Threat; One of, if not the, most infamous factions in ECW's history. At one point they had a monoply of the titles, with Benoit and Malenko as Tag champs, and Douglas as world champ. On April 8, 1995 Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko defended their titles in a three-way dance against Public Enemy and Tasmaniac and Rick Steiner (Steiner replaced the MIA Sabu). Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge walked out that night as the new champians.

During the summer, Chris Benoit entered the Best of the Super Junior '95 between June 23 and July 13. The Wild Pegasus went through Black Tiger in the semifinals, and went on to face Shinjiro Ohtani in the finals. After 20 minutes of action, Benoit left the ring as the Best of the Super Junior 1995.

The summer also brought Chris Benoit a non televised tryout with the World Wrestling Federation. The WWF liked what they saw against Owen Hart, Bob "Sparkplug" Holly (now Hardcore Holly) and Adam Bomb (Wrath). However, neither side could reach an agreement. Chris Benoit then signed with World Championship Wrestling.Little did Chris realize what was ahead...


It was September when Benoit started work in WCW. His old partner Dean Malenko had signed with them as well, and the two teamed up. It did not take long though, for the company to realise that these two were better off in singles. Benoit got a small push, and faced off against United States Champion Kensuke Susaki at World War III. He lost the match, but showed what he was able to do. In Decmeber at Starrcade, Benoit faced old nemisis Jushin Liger, and lost again.

Excellence personified Benoit did not make much head way to the top after that. He joined the Four Horsemen, which then included Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and "Flyin'" Brian Pillman. Benoit and Pillman teamed up, but that ended after Pillman started feuding with The wicked wrestler/incompetent booker, Kevin SullivanKevin Sullivan and the Dungeon of Doom. During a "Respect Strap Match" at SuperBrawl VI, Pillman suddenly did a "shoot" and shortly left the company. There stood a gaping hole in the feud, so Benoit stepped up to the plate, and from there the story takes a soap opera turn. You can read about the behind the scenes story to this feud here. The Horsemen had a valet at the time named Woman (AKA Nancy Sullvain), and at this time she started managing Chris Benoit. The feud with Sullivan got started at Slamboree '96, during BattleBowl. (BattleBowl is a "lethal lottery" where teams are chosen at random, and then duke it out in contests against other random teams. The winning teams advance to an every-man-for-himself battle royal where the winner is (of course) the last man remaining) Benoit and Sullivan got paired together, and were put up against the Public Enemy. Neither Benoit or Sullivan were too happy about being teamed with the other, and they ended up beating on each other. Public Enemy got the win after Sullivan put Benoit on a table for the PE to Drive By him through.

At the GABThe next month, at WCW's Great American Bash '96, Benoit and Sullvivan fought in a Falls-Count-Anywhere Match. They used everything, and even fought their way to the men's room. Benoit picked up the win after a superplex from a table that was on the top rope. The feud was far from over, and the next month at Bash at the Beach, Sullivan and the Giant beat Benoit and Arn anderson.

In August, at Hog Wild, Benoit fought Dean Malenko. The match lasted until the thirty minute time limit. They then went into a five minute overtime, and when no winner was determined there, they went into a second overtime. Benoit got the pin after a little help from Woman.

After getting beat by the Giant at the Clash of the Champions, Benoit went into Fall Brawl,where he beatChris Jericho in his PPV debut. Halloween Havoc saw Benoit and Steve "Mongo" McMichaels defeat the Dungeon of Doom's Faces of Fear, Meng and the Barbarian. Benoit got attacked by the Dungeon during a house show, and later lost to Jeff Jarrett at Starrcade after Sullivan hit Benoit with a chair.

Benoit's feud with Sullivan rolled into 1997. Becuase in real life, Woman and Sullivan were married, WCW played out the angle to where Chris Benoit was trying to show her Sullivan was wrong for her. Sullivan then brought in Jacquelyn, the former Miss Texas, as his valet. Benoit beat Sullivan at the Clash of the Champions XXXIV in a Falls Count Anywhere match after Woman hit Sullivan with a chair. Benoit next faced Sullivan in a San Francisco Streetfight (in which Woman and Jacquelyn were strapped together) at SuperBrawl VII. Benoit won after he spalshed Sullivan and Jacquelyn on a table. All three were taken out on strecthers.

In March, Benoit's alliance with the Horsemen forced him into the main event of UnCensored '97. It was a three four man teams battle royal. Benoit was on Roddy Piper's team. Benoit was one of the last men eliminated as the nWo won the match. April saw Benoit go after gold in the form of United States Champion Dean Malenko. The two faced each other at Spring Stampede, but Kevin Sullivan interfered to topple any hopes of a Benoit victory.

Benoit wanted another shot at Sullivan. However, manager of the Dungeon of Doom, Jimmy Hart told Benoit he'd have to go through the Barbarian and Meng. Benoit easily forced Barbarian to submit to the Crippler Crossface, but lost to Meng in a Deah Match at Slamboree. Benoit came back and defeated Meng in the return Death Match at the Great American Bash, and thus got his shot at Kevin Sullivan. The match was set for Bash at the Beach, with the loser having to retire. Benoit beat Sullivan after Jacquelyn hit him with a chair.

August saw Benoit assist fellow Horseman Steve McMichael in his feud with former Horseman Jeff Jarrett. McMichael and Benoit faced Jarrett and Dean Malenko in an Elimination Match at Road Wild. Jarrett screwed Malenko by getting himself eliminated, leaving Malenko to face the Horsemen's wrath.

In an emotional night, Arn Anderson, enforcer for the Four Horsemen, steped down and offered his spot to Curt Hennig. Hennig accepted. The next week, nWo members Kevin Nash, Syxx, Konnan, and Buff Bagwell paradied the previous week's happenings. The Horsemen were outraged, and faced the nWo in the main event of Fall Brawl in War Games. Benoit was the first in, and really held his own. Hennig eventually turned on the Horsemen, slamming Ric Flair's head in the cage door. The Horsemen lost when McMichael submitted so they would no longer hurt Flair. On Nitro, Flair disbanded the Horsemen.

A Television Title match with Saturn lead to a feud with Raven and his Flock. They attacked Benoit on multiple occasions, but Benoit never got a match with Raven. Benoit was supposed to finally get his shot at Raven at Starrcade 1997, but Saturn took Raven’s place and won the match after Raven Evenflowed Benoit. Chris Benoit met Raven in a No DQ match at Souled Out 1998. Benoit won the match when Raven passed out with a smile on his face to the Crippler Crossface. The Flock then came out, but Dean Malenko saved Benoit from a beating.

During an episode of Thunder, United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page stated how much he respected Benoit and offered him a title shot. Benoit accepted, but his chance was blown when Raven interfered in the match. Benoit got a rematch at SuperBrawlVIII. After a good match, Diamond Dallas Page got the win after flipping Benoit’s backslide into a Diamond Cutter.

Benoit’s feuds with Raven and DDP combined, and the Triple Jeopardy Match was signed for UnCensored ’98. It would be US Champion DDP defending against Raven and Chris Benoit. The three had a great brawl, including a Triple German Suplex with DDP retaining after a Diamond Cutter off the ropes onto a table on Raven. The next night Benoit lost a match to Raven.

Benoit got a shot at Booker T and the Television Title on March 23, 1998. The match was great, but ended up going to a fifteen minute time limit draw. The next week, they had a rematch, but it too went to a draw. At Spring Stampede 1998 Benoit faced Booker T again. Benoit got Booker in the Crossface, but the referee was out and did not see it. Booker nailed Benoit with a Harlem Sidekick for the 1-2-3. The feud with Booker continued. When Booker came out to help Benoit against an attack from Curt Hennig and Rick Rude, Benoit refused his help, and a brawl erupted between the two.

On April 30, 1998 Benoit beat Booker T for the WCW Television Title, but lost it the next day back to Booker in Greenville. Benoit won it back the next day at Profiles of Pain (a Pay Per Listen show), but lost it back to Booker T in Savannah, GA the day after. Since all four title changes were not televised, at first WCW did not recognize them. However, they are recognized today.

On May 4th Benoit distracted Booker T during a match with Fit Finley, which cost Booker the TV Title. Benoit fought Booker T for a TV Title shot at Slamboree, and won. At Slamboree, however, Booker T distracted Benoit which allowed Fit Finely a chance to score the pinfall. After the match, on WCW Thunder, Booker T was named the number one contender to Fit Finley’s title. Benoit was not pleased with this decision, so the Best of Seven Series was started on May 25, 1998. Benoit and Booker fought in terrific matches each time. On the May 25th Nitro, Benoit got the win, but Booker T bounced back and won match two at Thunder. Benoit scored two strait victories to lead the series 3-1 at Saturday Night and at Nitro. On June 4th, Booker T beat Benoit with help from Stevie Ray, and he beat Benoit again at Nitro. It all came ddown to match seven at Thunder. Benoit was offered a spot with the nWo Hollywood by Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Benoit rejected the offer. That same night during the seventh match of the series, Hart came down an nailed Booker with a chair. Benoit did not want to take a tainted victory, so he refused to pin him. Booker T was then awarded the match, but he did not want to win that way. Thus, JJ Dillion ruled that the final match would take place at the Great American Bash and the winner would get the shot at Finley that same night. Benoit met Booker T in an epic clash, but lost as Booker went on the win the title.

On June 15, 1998 Benoit was interviewed after a match with Fit Finley. Benoit invited Booker T to the ring and told him how much he respected him. Then Stevie Ray came down and attacked Benoit. Steve McMichael made the save and they both held four fingers in the air-the sign of the Four Horsemen.

Benoit and McMichael continued the mini feud with Stevie Ray for a couple of weeks. On one Nitro Benoit fought fellow Canadian Bret Hart. Stevie Ray interfered and Benoit lost after the Hitman used a forgeign object. Benoit’s elbow was injured, so he needed some time off.

September 14, 1998 was a historical night. It was the night the Horsemen reformed and the night Ric Flair returned. The group was comprised of Flair, Benoit, Steve McMichael, and Dean Malenko with Arn Anderson as the manager.

On November 2, Bret Hart attacked Benoit. The two then had a match that resulted in Bret Hart ‘reinjuring’ Benoit’s elbow. Benoit took more time off to let it heal, but still showed up for the World War III battle royal, though he was eliminated.

On the December 21 Nitro, Benoit helped take care of Horsemen business. By preventing Eric Bishoff from escaping, and nWo Hollywood from interfering, Ric Flair was able to defeat Bishoff to have 90 days of control over WCW.

Souled Out on January 17, 1999 had Benoit easily defeating Mike Enos. Also of note, Ric Flair’s feud with Curt Hennig and Barry Whindham continued. Ric had teamed with his son, David to win a match against the two. After the match, the nWo came down and beat down David and Ric. The Horsemen tried to make the save, but the nWo was too big in numbers.

The February 1 Nitro was chocked full of Benoit goodness. First he and Malenko teamed up to take on Curt Hennig and Barry Windham in the first round of the Tag Team Title Tournament. The Horsemen lost, but the tournament was double elimination. Later, President Ric Flair announced that Benoit would face Bret Hart at SuperBrawl IX for the United States Heavyweight Title. Scott Hall then challenged Benoit to put up his title match in a match against him. Benoit accepted. It took a run in by Kevin Nash, but Scott Hall stole the win and the shot against Bret Hart from the Crippler.

Malenko and Benoit stormed their way through the Tag Title Tourney. On Thunder on February 11, 1999 they beat Van Hammer and Kaz Hayashi. The February 15 Nitro saw them beat Fit Finely and Dave Taylor as well as Mike Enos and Scotty Riggs. Thunder on February 18 had Benoit and Malenko taking on Horace Hogan and Brian Adams. It was made a cage match to prevent nWo interference. However, Vince managed to get Benoit locked out of the cage. That did not stop Benoit as he climbed to the top, and debuted the Swandive Heabutt off the top of a cage onto Brian Adams. Needless to say, Benoit and Malenko won and advanced to the tournament finals at SuperBrawl. Since it was a double elimination tournament, Benoit and Malenko would have to defeat Curt Hennig and Barry Windham twice to win the belts. But Whindham and Hennig only had to beat them once. The Horsemen easily won the first match when Windham submitted to Malenko’s Texas Cloverleaf. During the rest period between matches, Windham choked out Malenko and rolled him up at the start of the second match for the win. Benoit and Malenko then beat down the newly crowned Tag Champs.

Malenko and Benoit feuded with the Tag Team Champs and a match was set for UnCensored 1999. It was a “Lumber Jacks with Straps” match. Lumberjacks surrounded the ring, each with a leather strap. Arn Anderson hit Hennig with a tire iron and Benoit hit him with a Swandive Headbutt for the 1-2-3 and the Tag Titles.

On March 22, Raven asked President Ric Flair for a title shot. What he got, was a handicap match against the World Tag Team Champions. Things looked grim for Raven until Saturn showed up. Malenko tried to nail him with the belt when he had Benoit in the Rings of Saturn, but Raven nailed Malenko with the other belt and got disqualified. The next week, Benoit and Malenko defended the Tag Titles against Rey Mysterio Jr. and Billy Kidman. At the end of the match, Malenko had Mysterio in the Texas Cloverleaf when Raven and Saturn came down to the ring. Malenko took an Evenflow DDT and the Horsemen lost the Tag Titles.

At Spring Stampede 1999 the Horsemen faced Raven and Saturn. Arn Anderson interfered on the Horsemen’s behalf, and saved Malenko from going through a table. Benoit then nailed Raven with a Swandive Headbutt for the win. The Benoit and Malenko/Raven and Saturn/Mysterio and Kidman saga continued. Ric Flair made a match for the April 22 Thunder between Benoit, Malenko, and Kidman versus Raven, Saturn, and Mysterio. Kidman and Mysterio were reluctant to face each other, gbut Malenko nailed Kidman so that he landed on Mysterio for the pin.

Slamboree 1999 saw Benoit and Malenko face Kidman and Mysterio and Raven and Saturn in a three way dance for the Tag Team Titles. Anderson caught Saturn with his infamous Spine Buster giving Malenko a chance to slap on the Texas Cloverleaf. Chris Kanyon, disguised as a fan, came in and nailed Kidman letting Raven DDT him for the win.

On May 17, Ric Flair signed a match between Benoit and Malenko against Raven and Saturn. Benoit missed his headbutt, but Anderson nailed Raven with a tire iron. However, Saturn hit the Death Valley Driver on Malenko which gave them the win.

Benoit and Malenko were growing tired of Falir’s power trip. Roddy Piper had a match against Flair, DDP, and Bam Bam Bigelow. Piper was to have two mystery partners-Benoit and Malenko. Piper, Benoit, and Malenko won by count-out. May 27’s Thunder saw Benoit face up to Flair and tell him off. DDP attacked Benoit, and they faced each other in a match that night. Bam Bam Bigelow came down and he and DDP attackedc Benoit. Flair decided he and Bneoit should face Bam Bam Bigelow and DDP for the Tag Team Titles. During the match, Benoit went for a tag, but Flair walked off, leaving Benoit on his own. Saturn came down, became a part of the match, and hit the DVD for the win and the titles. On Thunder the same week, Flair returned the belts to Page, Bigelow and their newest cohort, Kanyon, saying that Saturn was never part of the match. Saturn faced Kanyon in a singles match that night, but Benoit and Page both interfered and the match was made a Tag Team Title match. Benoit hit the Swandive Headbutt and again won the Tag Team Title

At The Great American Bash Benoit and Saturn faced Bigelow, Page, and Kanyon (who were allowed to interchange at anytime) for the Tag Team Title. Benoit hit Kanyon with a Swandive and put him the Crossface, however, Page hit Saturn with the Diamond Cutter. As Dean Malenko tended to Saturn, Page and Bigelow hit Benoit with their double team version of the Diamond Cutter. Benoit and Saturn again lost the belts.

On Nitro, Benoit and Saturn teamed up with Malenko and Buff Bagweel to take on Flair, Piper, Kanyon, and DDP. Bagwell scored the pin of flair. On July 19, Saturn and Benoit were getting beat down by The West Texas Rednecks. Malenko tried to make the save, but he too was beat down. Shane Douglas then made his debut and The Revolution was formed. The feud with the Triad (DDP, Bigelow, and Kanyon) continued into Bash at the Beach where Benoit and Saturn again fell short of winning the titles.

On August 9, The Revolution were in the back chatting with Dusty Rhodes. David Flair (the genius that he is) decides that it would be a good idea to bug them. Benoit slaps the Crossface on him and Rhodes makes a match between the two for the United States Title. Benoit killed young David in their match. The Revolution prevented interference and Benoit hit the headbutt for the win and the belt. DDP attacked and challenged Benoit for a No DQ Title Match at Road Wild.

At Road Wild Benoit faced Page. Kanyon and Bigelow interfered, but Benoit fought back and won with the Swandive Headbutt.

On an edition of Thunder, Saturn was being attacked by Sid Viscous and Rick Steiner. Benoit saved Saturn and challenged the two to a match. On the September 6 Nitro saw a battle royal between the Revolution, the First Family, and the West Texas Rednecks for number one contendership to the World Title. Benoit and Malenko won the battle royal, and faced each other later in the night. Sid Viscous interfered and tried to powerbomb Benoit. Malenko prevented it and got one himself.

Yes, misjustices happen to everybody…At Fall Brawl Benoit faced Sid for the United States Title. Sid powered out of the Crossface and hit his powerbomb for the win. On Nitro, Benoit and Malenko had a rematch for the number one contender spot. Malenko tried a superplex, but Benoit hooked the leg for the win. Benoit wanted Sting that night, but Sting turned him down and Benoit went after Rick Steiner and the Television Title. Benoit beat Steiner for the belt after a suplex. The next week, Benoit faced Sting in World Title Match. The ref got bumped and could not make the count when Benoit pinned Sting after a piledriver. Lex Luger nailed Benoit with a bat when he had Sting in a bridged suplex, allowing Sting to retain his title. The Revolution started to show cracks as Benoit and Malenko disapproved of Douglas and Saturn’s heel tactics.

On October 4, in the Kemper Arena located in St. Louis, Missouri Benoit and Bret Hart engaged in a match to honor the memory of Hart’s late brother, Owen. The match went around thirty minutes and ended when Benoit tapped to the Sharpshooter. After the match, the two hugged.

On the October 12 Nitro, Benoit and Bret Hart faced Lex Luger and Rick Steiner. The match ended in a DQ after Sid interfered. Douglas questioned Benoit’s loyalty to the Revolution. Benoit told him what the Hart family had meant to him, threw off his Revolution shirt, and walked away.

At Halloween Havoc ‘99 Benoit defended his Television Title against Rick Steiner. Malenko nailed Benoit-turning on him and costing him the TV Title. Benoit nailed Malenko with a chair and the two squared off in a Last Man Standing match. The two brawled, and a double clothesline left both men down. Benoit won as he was the first to his feet. Benoit and Malenko’s feud continued in a cage on November 1. Benoit nailed Malenko with the chain Saturn threw in the ring. Then one Swandive Headbutt off the cage later and Benoit had defeated Malenko.

Due to a title dispute between Sting and Goldberg, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship was held up. The champion would be decided through a 32 man tournament with the finals held at Mayhem. Benoit beat Madusa when Jeff Jarrett interfered and Madusa was disqualified. Benoit next had to face Scott Hall. Kevin Nash tried to interfere, but Benoit fought it off. Hall then attempted the use of a foreign object, only to submit to the Crippler Crossface. Benoit next defeated Buff Bagwell with help from Curt Hennig. At Mayhem Benoit faced Jeff Jarrett in the semifinals. Creative Control and Dustin Rhodes interfered, and Benoit got the win after hitting Jarrett with his own guitar. Benoit faced Bret Hart in the finals. Dean Malenko, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall all interfered in the match. When Benoit went for the Crossface, Hart reversed it into a Sharpshooter for the win.

The next night on Nitro, Benoit lost a flag match to Malenko. November 29, Benoit, Jarrett, and Sting faced each other in a Number One Contender Match. Interference abounded and Benoit came out the winner after Dustin Rhodes nailed Jarrett. During this time, Benoit had a match with Jushin “Thunder” Liger on Thunder. The match ended in DQ after Juventud Gurrera interfered. On December 13, Benoit and Jeff Jarrett had a confrontation in the back. As a result, the two mean squared off in a Bunkhouse Brawl. Benoit was about to give Jarrett the headbutt from a ladder when Dustin Rhodes interfered. Jarrett pushed Rhodes into the ladder causing Benoit to splatter across the mat. Jeff picked up the win.

At Starrcade Benoit was scheduled to face Scott Hall in a ladder match for the United States Title. Hall was injured, and Benoit decided that he wanted to earn the belt. So, he challenged anybody for the vacant US Title. Jeff Jarrett accepted. The two put on a show and Benoit won the match after headbutting Jarrett from the top of the ladder. On the following Nitro, Benoit and Jarrett again faced one another in a return ladder match. Benoit was climbing the ladder to grab the title, when the rungs fell out of the ladder. Jarrett nailed Benoit with a guitar, and pulled a new ladder and won the title. Decmber 23, Benoit got another World Title-this time at Bret Hart. Benoit had Hart in the Crossface, but Jeff Jarrett (Hart’s partner in the now) cost Benoit the match. On December 27, Benoit challenged Jeff Jarrett to a Triple Threat Theater at Souled Out 2000.

Special thanks goes to and

The UnOfficial Home of the Crippler

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"My Hero"
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