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DWW Superstars

Corporate Enforcer

C.E. AKA: C.E.
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 170 lbs.

Hails From: Buffalo, New York

Signature Move(s): Corporate Sting (Combination Naked Choke and Armbar), Corporate Cutter (Rebounding Diamond Cutter off Ropes)

Theme Music: "I Disappear" by Metallica

Favorite Quote: "I've got all the corporate stroke around here!"

Affiliation: Draper World Wrestling Commishioner / Leader of The Coalition

Bio: Hailing from DWW's head office, C.E. has come to DWW to instill order with an iron fist. Though an excellent wrestler C.E. has come to be known as one of the most hated men in DWW with his brash and super-arrogant attitude. As the current DWW Triple Crown Champion, C.E. has seen his share of beatings at the hands of almost all of the DWW roster, but always seems to come out on top. With the best mic skills (as voted by DWW's roster, see awards) C.E. dishes it out with all his corporate stroke, and then takes you down with the devastating Corporate Cutter. At the beggining of season 2, C.E. did not seem happy with just being the commishioner of the best backyard wrestling federation of all time. He became power hungry, and slowly started to engulf DWW and the entire Rotterdam backyard wrestling scene. He beat Nimrod for the DWW World Heavy-Weight Championship, and also captured the UCW and RCW World Titles. He formed a new version of the Coalition, and made a new title for himself, the DWW Triple Crown Championship which is a combination of his 3 world titles. He can do whatever he wants, because there is no one to stop him.

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