Michael's Sting Page *Your Sting Resource*
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Past Updates

5/10/01 ...Updates:News has been updated and I will be adding pictures to Sting's appearance on Walker Texas Ranger. I also am thinking of puting a Sting Fan Club on this site but I would like to see what you think.

5/08/01 ...Updates:More news will be added tomorrow, I have made a new subsite for Wrestling Supersearch called the Super Xchange. Voting begins tomorrow at The BattleZone Site Wars, Please vote for me.

4/20/01 ...Updates:Sorry about the lack of updates, I have been working on my new site Wrestling Supersearch, please add your site.

3/28/01 ...Updates:More News

3/05/01 ...Updates:More News

3/01/01 ...Updates:More News, go see it...

2/28/01 ...Updates:I added a News page, go check it out...

2/21/01 ...Updates:Sorry about the lack of updates I have been real busy, I added a new wolfpac gallery and I will be fixing all the broken links.

10/24/00 ...Updates:Have a all new Wallpaper Page with cool wallpapers. I also added a new message board called Sting Statements go check it out...

8/25/00 ...Updates:Made a New Award and a new store where you can buy stuff called The Sting Store

8/15/00 ...Updates:Career Histrory and Title History. go see it...

8/5/00...Updates:Nitro Pics. enjoy!!!

8/4/00 ...Updates:Nitro Pics, Thunder Pics, and a New Sting Chatroom. enjoy!!!

7/31/00 ...Updates:New Stings Greeting Cards, New address and a whole new design. enjoy!!!