TAPE #1: This is a custom Best of Ric Flair tape. Four hours long. Features matches, angles, and interviews. Flair fights Bruiser Brody, "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich, Barry Windham, Jerry Lawler, Scott Steiner, Vader, Steve Austin, and many more. Most stuff from his prime in the 80s! WHOOOO!!!!!

TAPE #2: This is a New Japan Classics tape featuring Sky Diving/J Junior Tournament. Over two hours. If you have never seen Japanses wrestling, you need to check out one of my tapes. Great stuff!! Features Eddy Guerrero, Jushin Liger, Lance Storm, TAKA, Koji Kanemoto, Ultimo Dragon, Great Sasuke, and more!!

TAPE #3: This is a custom tape of Chris Benoit. Four hours. Features his best bouts from Japan and ECW. Benoit takes on Sabu (indy handheld), Benoit vs. the late, great Owen Hart (Japan, late 80s, great match, the moves employed here were breath-taking/futuristic), Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (Japan, hell of a match), Benoit vs. Dean Malenko (Japan). He also takes on Jushin Liger, 2 Cold Scorpio, X-Pac (1-2-3 Kid), Al Snow, Black Cat (Eddy Guerrero), and teams up with Liger to take on the Steiner Brothers, plus him and Dean vs. Sabu & Taz, and tons more!!

TAPE #4: Best of Mitsuhara Misawa vs. Toshiaki Kawada Matches. Two hours. Features psychology, stiff, realistic, innovative matches, all ****+, all for the Triple Crown. Check it out. I guarantee you'll be blown away by this style of wrestling!!! Excellent tape!!! Japanese wrestling is awesome!

TAPE #5: This is a Best of Jushin Liger tape. Four hours. He takes on Owen Hart, Ultimo Dragon, Koji Kanemoto, Otani, Great Sasuke, and many more **** bouts. He is the originator of high flying acrobatics of the 90s. Now you get his best all on one tape! He is simply amazing. He invented the shooting star press!

TAPE #6: Japan Year in Review Volume 1. Four hours. Features the best matches from Japan from the year 1998 from all promotions. Contents: Kenta Kobashi vs. Jun Akiyama, Rickson Gracie vs. Nobuhiko Takada, BJW Ultimate Death Match, Manami Toyota vs. Shinobu Kandori, Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Hakushi, Kenta Kobashi vs. Akira Taue, CMLL Japanese Lucha Libre trios matches. Tape also has Liger, El Samurai, Great Sasuke,, many more. Also has some crazy "garbage" matches with blood, etc.

TAPE #7: Japan Year in Review Part 2. Four hours. Contains Kobashi vs. Misawa, Mr. Pogo vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga (crazy fire, barbed wire, baseball bat, casket, glass, butcher knife, death match, tons of blood, crazy!), Shinjiro Otani vs. Liger, Hayabusa vs. Masato Tanaka, Otani vs. Ultimo Dragon (****), Misawa vs. Sakiyama, Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai, Shinya Hashimoto vs. Genichiro Tenryu, another lucha trios match, also has Gladiator (Mike Awesome), Alexander Otsuka vs. Marco Ruas, Tanaka vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Liger vs. Kanemoto, Misawa vs. Kawada, more!

TAPE #8: Features ECW TV show from summer of '95. Four hours. Features Pitbulls vs. Raven & Richards, Dreamer piledriving Beulah, Cactus vs. Sandman, Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko (****), PE vs. Gangstas, also has two more ECW shows from late '93 with Jimmy Snuka, Eddie Gilbert, and tape also has Central States Wrestling from the mid 80s with Flair vs. Brody, Harley Race, Bulldog bob Brown, a young Marty Jannetty, and Tony Atlas, more.

TAPE #9: This is a Best of Shane Douglas Interview tape. Hear his best, most controversial interviews on one tape. Four hours. He comments on Vince McMahon, Dusty Rhodes, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, and of course Ric Flair. Also has matches, the hotel room brawl with Terry Funk, 30-minute shoot interview, plus more. See why he's one of the best interviews in the business. Also has music videos, and has Taz, Sabu, Benoit, Malenko, Cactus, Dreamer, etc. on it, plus it has the going-to-the-WWF angle on it. Also has Headliners and Legends with Vince McMahon's life story told.

TAPE #10: This is a Tammy Sytch tape. Two hours. Features her best stuff from Smokey Mountain Wrestling with her working out, bungee jumping at a fair, her getting manure poured on her head, etc. Also has Cactus, Chris Candido, Rock and Roll Express, Jim Cornette, Al Snow. Also has SMW Fan Fest where a mark's head is lit on fire by Jimmy Del Ray! (hilarious) Also has Ric Flair attacking someone with a bat, and an angle from 1981 featuring Macho Man, Crusher Blackwell, etc.

TAPE #11: This is an ECW TV tape from the summer of '94. Six hours long. Features Douglas, Sabu vs. 2 Cold, Cactus vs. Sabu (clips), plus Taz, Tommy Dreamer, PE, Funk, more.

TAPE #12: This tape is four hours. This has BRET HART WRESTLING WITH SHADOWS DOCUMENTARY. IT'S FANTASTIC, THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE ABOUT WRESTLING, although that's not really saying much, although there are a couple of other good movies about wrestling. One hell of a film, not just because it was real, but also because it was edited and produced so well and it's emotional. A MUST SEE if you have never seen it before. You'll learn so much about the wrestling industry from this film. Also has ESPN's Outside the Lines show on wrestling, Steve Austin on Howard Stern's radio show, Bret on Later talk show, inside look at training to become a wrestler at camp, newscasts about wrestling, etc. Great inside tape!

TAPE #13: This is the DX Degeneration X tape, totally uncensored, interviews, behind the scenes and matches with Shawn Michaels, Hunter, and the gang.

TAPE #14: This is the ONE NIGHT ONLY WWF PPV from late 1997. Features Mankind vs. Hunter, Owen Hart vs. Vader (OWEN ACTUALLY BODYSLAMS VADER!!!) and SHAWN MICHAELS VS> THE BRITISH BULLDOG in a ****1/4 match. One of the best PPVs I have ever seen and hard to find, too! Two hours in length. Filmed in the UK.

TAPE #15: Six hours. Features a compilation of the best WWF bouts from the mid-'90s, actually has lots of ****+ matches such as Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (Scott "Hey Yo" Hall) ladder match, Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin from Kuwait, Shawn vs. Owen Hart, Undertaker vs. Vader, Bret Hart vs. Bulldog, Bret vs. Lawler, Shawn vs. Jeff Jarrett, Bret vs. Diesel in cage, Hall vs. X-Pac, has Hunter, Ahmed Johnson, more!

TAPE #16: This is the 1993 SummerSlam PPV with Mr. Perfect vs. Shawn Michaels for the IC Title, Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna for WWF Title, Razor vs. Million Dollar Man, Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzales, Bret vs. Jerry Lawler, Steiners, etc. Three hours.

TAPE #17: This is the Survivor Series '93 with Shawn and his team vs. the Hart Brothers. Three hours.

TAPE #18: WrestleMania 15, see Stone Cold beat the Rock for the title and more. Also has Shawn Michaels on Pacific Blue part 2, so it's over four hours.

TAPE #19: Best of Shawn Michaels Part One. Four hours. Features his Rockers days to his WWF Title reign, all **** matches against Bret, razor, Mankind, Undertaker, etc.

TAPE #20: Best of Shawn Michaels Part Two. Also four hours. Features bouts and interviews, both tapes are a must, see him take on Stone Cold, Bulldog, Jannetty, Sid, Diesel, Owen, Shamrock, Vader, etc. Any true fan will want these!

TAPE #21: Two hours. Has Exotic Adrian Street's "Shake, Wrestle, & Roll" featuring matches of him against Terry Taylor, Randy Savage, Austin Idol, more, plus it also has his music videos and his songs that he sings! Plus interviews, very rare and very funny! Also has E!'s "Inside Wrestling" and A&E's biography on Mick Foley. Two hours.

TAPE #22: This is the World Japan Pro Wrestling Volume Two tape. This features rare New Japan from the mid-late 80s, has Antonio Inoki, Keiji Muto (Great Muta), Jim Duggan, barbarian, Steve Williams (Dr. Death), Bad News Brown, Tenryu, and much more, voiceovers in English with Gordon solie as the announcer, so you can listen to it and understand moves, etc. This is professionally done so the quality is picture perfect. Two hours.

TAPE #23: 1998 King of the Ring PPV. Austin vs. Kane for teh belt, and the most talked about match in history as the Undertaker throws Mankind off the Hell in a Cell cage, plus all the sick bumps Foley takes and lives to tell about! Three hours.

TAPE #24: 1998 SummerSlam PPV. Austin vs. Undertaker for title, Rock vs. Triple H in great ladder match, plus Ted DiBiase on religious channel, plus Shawn on PaC Blue #1. Four hours.

TAPE #25: 1998 Survivor Series where the Rock wins the WWF Title for the first time in a tournament. Three hours.

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