TAPE #26: 1999 Royal Rumble. Rock vs. Mankind for belt in brutal bout (Foley gets hit in head with chair 10 times!) and more. Also has Chris Jericho's WWF debut!! Three hours.

TAPE #27: This is Cause Stone Cold Said So. Has Austin's best bouts from his first few years in the WWF and he narrates, plus music videos of him and more. One hour.

TAPE #28: This is Sable Unleashed, with her in very sexy outfits and more! One hour.

TAPE #29: Austin 3:16 Uncensored. All of Austin's mayhem. One hour.

TAPE #30: A&E Biography on Steve Austin, Sable on Howard Stern, Rock disses cops (hilarious), Sid says he only has half a brain, late '99 WWF and WCW TV, and more. Best of WCW-NWO Great American Bash-features Flair vs. Sting, Steamboat-Luger, Flair-Savage, Sting vs. Vader, more, also has the history of WrestleMania #1-9. Over four hours!!!

TAPE #31: This has Rock Botton PPV on it from December '98. Also has April Backlash In Your House PPV which has Rock vs. Austin, 'Taker-Shamrock, more. This tape has Debra in her bra and g-string. Six hours.

TAPE #32: This has Jesse Ventura Story, Wrestling Secrets Revealed, Nash tape, NWO 4-Life, DDP Feel the Bang, more. Six hours.

TAPE #33: This has Rampage '92 on it, has Shawn vs. Bret (****+), 'Taker vs. Razor, has Warrior, Flair, Bulldog, Savage, more. Over two hours.

TAPE #34: This has Capitol Carnage '98 from UK on it, with Austin vs. 'Taker vs. Foley vs. Kane, plus Rock vs. X-Pac for World Title in a great match, plus SABLE RIPS OFF JACQUELINE'S TOP, EXPOSING HER BARE BREASTS! This also has the other UK PPV No Mercy '99 which features Austin vs. 'Taker vs. Hunter. Six hours.

TAPE #35: This has Steve Austin's greatest hits from his rookie year, rare. Even then you could tell he was going to be a superstar. Also has Greatest Heroes From the 50s and 60s with Antonino Rocca, Bruno Sammartino, Vic Christy, Lou Thez, Edouard Carpentier, rare. Three hours.

TAPE #36: Unforgiven PPV features Austin vs. Dude Love, Sable vs. Luna evening gown match where both of them are striped down to bra and g-string, Kane-'Taker inferno fire match, also has Over the Edge '98 with Steve vs. Foley with McMahon as ref, Kane vs. Vader mask vs. mask, much more. Six hours.

TAPE #37: This has the July '98 In Your House PPV Fully Loaded featuring Steve & 'Taker vs. Mankind & Kane for tag title, also has a bikini contest, Jacqueline exposes her nipples and parades around in a thong, Sable does the same thing except her top is painted on! Also has Rock vs. Hunter in a very good best-of-three-falls match for the I-C Title. This tape also has Breakdown IYH September '98 PPV, has Austin vs. Kane vs. 'Taker for title, Rock vs. Shamrock vs. Mankind in a cage. Six hours.

TAPE #38: This has Starrcade '98 on it, has Goldberg vs. Nash for title, Juventud Guerrera vs. Billy Kidman vs. Rey Misterio Jr. for Cruiserweight Title (they fly!), Eddie Guerrero vs. Kidman for title, also Flair vs. Bischoff, and DDP vs. Giant in a good bout, also has great documentary, True Life Stories I'M A PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER, great look into the biz. Also has "Hell Yeah" with Austin, so it's five hours+!

TAPE #39: This has the St. Valentine's Day IYH PPV February '99, features Austin vs. Vince McMahon in a cage where Vince flys off the cage onto a table!!! VINCE ALSO BLADES!!! ROCK VS. FOLEY TITLE MATCH, VENIS VS. SHAMROCK FOR I-C TITLE, CHYNA PINS HUNTER, HARDCORE MATCH, plus the rest of the card, this tape also has the Heartbreak Xpress Tour with Shawn vs. Bret, Foley, etc., tape also has "Women of the WWF" with Jacqueline spanking Terri's ass, with Sable, etc. Six hours.

TAPE #40: This has '95 & '96 SummerSlam PPVs. Six hours. Features Shawn vs. Razor ladder match (*****), Shawn vs. Vader for World Belt, and more!

TAPE #41: This has the 1996 Survivor Series with Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (*****), Shawn vs. Sid for title, and The Rock's WWF debut! Tape also has the '99 King of the Ring PPV with Rock vs. 'Taker, plus Austin vs. The McMahons. Six hours.

TAPE #42: This has the Best of Starrcade '83-'87, features the best bouts from Starrcade in their entirety, such as Harley Race vs. Flair for NWA World Title, Greg Valentine vs. Piper (Dog Collar Match), Tully Blanchard vs. Ricky Steamboat, Flair vs. Dusty with Joe Fraiser as ref, Blanchard vs. Magnum TA in an "I Quit!" Match, Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs. Road Warriors, Midnight Express vs. Road Warriors (Night of the Skywalkers Scaffold Bout!), Ole & Arn Anderson vs. Rock and Roll Express, Dusty vs. Lex, Flair vs. Garvin, also has Wham Bam Bodyslam with Bret & Bulldog vs. Owen & Anvil, Madusa vs. Bull Nakano, Bret vs. Owen, has Shawn, and more! Six hours.

TAPE #43: Six hours. Has matches from October & December '95 IYHs, with Bret vs. Bulldog, Diesel vs. Owen, Nash vs. Bulldog, Shawn hands belt to Douglas, Douglas vs. Razor, Smack 'em Whack 'em with Bret vs. Shawn in ladder bout, Bret vs. Flair (Bret wins WWF Title, *****), Cooking with Yoko, also has IYH Final Four PPV with Bret vs. Steve vs. 'Taker vs. Vader (*****) for belt, plus Rock vs. Hunter for I-C Title in one of their first meetings. Great PPV! From February of '97.

TAPE #44: Contains six hours. There are four complete Mid-South shows from 1984-85, good quality tape also has the movie "I Like to Hurt People," features stars such as Magnum TA, Killer Khan, Krusher Kruschev, Buddy Landell, Hacksaw Duggan, the Midnight Express, Jim Cornette, Mr. Wrestling II, Jay Youngblood, JYD, Butch Reed, Fantastics, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Hercules Hernandez, and many more, such as a young Terry Taylor!

TAPE #45: Has close to six hours on it, includes Magnum TA vs. Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase vs. Tony Falk, Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk (***** "I Quit!" Match). This also has a 1987 special entitled "Secrets of Wrestling" that shows how moves are put together, etc., this secrets is different than the one that was shown on NBC recently, rare! This also has the movie "The Bad Guys" which has Curt Hennig, Andre the Giant, Sgt. Slaughter, etc. on it about wrestling, made in '85. Also has Clash of Champions 10 which has Cactus Jack vs. Mil Mascaras, Sky Scrapers (one is the Undertaker) vs. The Road Warriors, Doom vs. Steiners (mask vs. belts match), plus Ole & Arn Anderson & Flair vs. Muta & Dragonmaster & Buzz Sawyer (Sawyer jumps off the cage), plus Horsemen kick Sting out of the Horsemen, great angle. Tape ends with Global Wrestling Federation matches such as Eddie vs. Doug Gilbert, Barry Horowitz vs. Danny Davis, Patriot, John Tatum, Chaz, Gary Young, Scott Putski, Steven Dane bouts, great tape, rare stuff.

TAPE #46: Contains Mid-South and World Class from 1983-84. Six hours. Features Flair vs. Kerry Von Erich for NWA Title (great match), Jim Garvin, Iceman, David Von Erich, Buddy Landell, Rock and Roll Express, Hercules, Magnum TA, Jim Duggan, Taylor, Dr. Death, The Freebirds, Chris Adams, Gino Hernandez, Midnight Express, Jim Cornette, Missing Link, and a young Jim Ross on commentary, a walk down Memory Lane.

TAPE #47: Has WWF matches from 1983-84, rare stuff, close to six hours. Features a young Vince McMahon interviewing Jimmy Snuka, Snuka & Rocky Johnson & Andre the Giant vs. The Three Samoans, Snuka vs. Magnificent Muraco, Jesse Ventura vs. Rocky Johnson, Tony Atlas & Rocky winning WWF Tag Titles, Ken Patera, Freebirds, Eddie Gilbert, The Masked Superstar, Pat Patterson, more on this tape!

TAPE #48: Six hours. Rare, hard-to-find stuff on it. Features small-time independents from different regions with indy wrestlers such as Mr. Cool, who's a good worker, behind-the-scenes interviews, indy talk shows, plus it has GAEA which is a Japanese women's promotion. Tape ends with Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett.

TAPE #49: Features more indys, old stuff from the 1970s, and Mexican Lucha Libre wrestling from the late '80s. Could be more recent, though. Features Abdullah the Butcher, Time Traveler, etc., also has a three-minute weird "fake" fetish match between a guy and a very good-looking woman in a bra and thong!!! Very strange, different tape, some indy matches are good, some are not. Also has WWF superstars Edge & Christian as rookies in rare independent matches, plus Dawn Marie Bytch and Lance Diamond, much more!! Six hours.

TAPE #50: Has over five hours of stuff on it. This tape has the movie "The Mad Bull" with Alex Karras from the '70s about wrestling, also has a movie entitled "Superargo" which was made in Italy in the mid '60s about a superhero who wrestles. It is in English. Also has the TV show called "Incredibly Strange Movies" which this time is about Mexican wrestling stars in the movies, such as Blue Demon and El Santo. The tape concludes with a biography/movie about the Vachon family. Includes interviews/matches with old-time stars such as Bill Watts, Danny Hodge, and other stars from the '70s. Tape is different, interesting.

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